"The Compassionate Tea Party State of Utah AKA What Sick Fucks"..


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Elementary school takes lunches away from students owing account balances[/h]
A group of up to 40 students at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City had their lunches taken away and then thrown in the trash due to outstanding balances on their accounts, as reported by the Salt Lake Tribune.

Erica Lukes, a parent of one of the students, told the newspaper, "It's despicable. These are young children that shouldn't be punished or humiliated for something the parents obviously need to clear up."

Lukes' daughter, fifth-grader Sophia Isom, told KSL-TV that a district employee took her lunch away and said, "Go get a milk." Sophia recalled, "I came back and asked, 'What's going on?' Then she handed me an orange. She said, 'You don't have any money in your account, so you can't get lunch.’”

So, what happened? The Salt Lake City district posted an apology and an explanation on Facebook.

A "child nutrition manager" had been sent to the school on Monday to investigate the "large number of students who had zero or negative balances in their school lunch accounts." Officials said they then began calling parents.

From Facebook:

On Tuesday, the calls to parents continued. When lunch time came, students who still had negative balances were told they could not have a full meal but were given a piece of fruit and a milk for lunch. The district does this so children who don’t have money for lunch can at least have some food and not go without.

Unfortunately, children are served lunch before they get to the computer for payment. The children who didn’t have enough money in their accounts had their normal food trays taken from them and were given the fruit and milk.

This situation could have and should have been handled in a different manner. We apologize.

The post on Facebook also goes on to acknowledge that the incident was "an embarrassing and humiliating situation."

The district, according to KSL-TV, contends it did try to warn parents about the outstanding balances. However, Lukes said she was not notified.

"Even if they did try to send the word out, you still don't do that to a child," she told KSL-TV. "You don't take a lunch out of their hands."
UPDATE: The Salt Lake Tribune reports that two Utah lawmakers, Sens. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City, and Todd Weiler, R-Woods Cross, held a news conference at the school on Thursday.

Weiler called the school's actions "bullying" and "an abuse of power," adding, "This person came into a school and used her power to humiliate and embarrass children and I think we ought to draw a line and say that’s not acceptable behavior."

The school district issued another apology, at the news conference. Spokesman Jason Olsen said, "This was a mistake. This was handled wrong." And he added that food shouldn't have been taken from the students "once they went through that line."


yeah, that's the ticket..send those deadbeat kids to reform school because their parents can't afford to feed them..

‘Your child may be taken from your home’: School warns parents over unpaid lunch bills


The Wyoming Valley West School District in Pennsylvania warned parents that their children could be taken from them and placed in foster care if they fail to pay their outstanding lunch debt.
The letter, sent to about 1,000 parents with unpaid lunch bills, warned that failure to pay for their children’s food could lead to dependency hearings and the removal of their children from their home. The bills reportedly range from $75 to $450, and total over $20,000.

“You can be sent to dependency court for neglecting your child's right to food. The result may be your child being taken from your home and placed in foster care,” the letter read.

such good christian people willing to turn the clock back to the MAGA times of child imprisonment..good times ahead, men! good times..!
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Well-Known Member
Scary stuff, don't know how many of you have had to deal with CPS and family courts, but it is a living nightmare.

That is definitely another broken system in our country that needs addressed to ASAP

I feel bad for any child that has to be put through that
It is a nightmare. Once they latch on to someone they don’t let go easily. Unscheduled visits, searching every room of the house and under the beds and in the closets. Showing up at the kid’s school and more. Asking neighbors if the parents are scum.


Well-Known Member
It is a nightmare. Once they latch on to someone they don’t let go easily. Unscheduled visits, searching every room of the house and under the beds and in the closets. Showing up at the kid’s school and more. Asking neighbors if the parents are scum.
Everything you say is true 100%.

My brother was married to and had 3 kids with a real piece of shit, they got divorced and she ended up with full custody, then had those kids taken from her by CPS.

There's more to why she had full custody and I can explain later, I don't have a lot of time right now

Once taken by CPS the kids were placed with a foster agency, all CPS does is remove kids from homes and bad situations. The foster agency my brothers kids were placed with was Bethany "Christian" Services, you may have heard of that organization

I helped my brother financially to get custody of his kids back and it was a nightmare. To see what those foster organization put kids through is nothing short of torture.

It cost me my life savings ($40K) at the time paying for an attorney to fight the family court and Bethany, so my brother could have his kids back. They want nothing more than to to rip families apart and make them go broke fighting them for parental rights. The process took about 18 months fighting to get the kids back

It's absolutely heartbreaking to have to try and explain to 4, 6 and 9 year old children why they have to do what the strangers want.

I'll never ever forget bringing my 9 year old nephew balling his eyes out asking me why I'm taking him to see people he doesn't like and doesn't want to talk to, they put these kids through absolute hell

It's been over ten years ago and I'm not bitter over the money as I'm back on my feet and in really good financial shape again and my brother has custody of his kids


Well-Known Member
Everything you say is true 100%.

My brother was married to and had 3 kids with a real piece of shit, they got divorced and she ended up with full custody, then had those kids taken from her by CPS.

There's more to why she had full custody and I can explain later, I don't have a lot of time right now

Once taken by CPS the kids were placed with a foster agency, all CPS does is remove kids from homes and bad situations. The foster agency my brothers kids were placed with was Bethany "Christian" Services, you may have heard of that organization

I helped my brother financially to get custody of his kids back and it was a nightmare. To see what those foster organization put kids through is nothing short of torture.

It cost me my life savings ($40K) at the time paying for an attorney to fight the family court and Bethany, so my brother could have his kids back. They want nothing more than to to rip families apart and make them go broke fighting them for parental rights. The process took about 18 months fighting to get the kids back

It's absolutely heartbreaking to have to try and explain to 4, 6 and 9 year old children why they have to do what the strangers want.

I'll never ever forget bringing my 9 year old nephew balling his eyes out asking me why I'm taking him to see people he doesn't like and doesn't want to talk to, they put these kids through absolute hell

It's been over ten years ago and I'm not bitter over the money as I'm back on my feet and in really good financial shape again and my brother has custody of his kids

and all for a lunch that costs $1..this sadly, sets a bad precedence..what's next? Go Fund Me for the school?

fix the root cause..people HAVE NO MONEY!!! RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE:wall:



Well-Known Member
and all for a lunch that costs $1..this sadly, sets a bad precedence..what's next? Go Fund Me for the school?

fix the root cause..people HAVE NO MONEY!!! RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE:wall:

This story was in the WAPO, NYT, CNN, FOX, MSNBC ABC CBS, NBC, AP, REUTERS, Mother Earth News, Time, Christian Science Monitor and many more.

But the ORW quotes RT.com.

You will vote for Trump, again.


Well-Known Member
This story was in the WAPO, NYT, CNN, FOX, MSNBC ABC CBS, NBC, AP, REUTERS, Mother Earth News, Time, Christian Science Monitor and many more.

But the ORW quotes RT.com.

You will vote for Trump, again.
I hadn't been aware of this outrage until seeing the thread. BUT, rt? and Schy? I was immediately skeptical. Just goes to show how the cult of Sanders has become the left side's equivalent of Trumpkins. Fortunately they are few in numbers.


Well-Known Member
You know what the worst thing is though? You know she didn't check any other sources about this. On top of that, RT knows this too. Through the magic of cookies, they know she is a Bernie supporter and they know she did not go to another news site to check their story.

They know what the fuck they are doing.


Well-Known Member
I hadn't been aware of this outrage until seeing the thread. BUT, rt? and Schy? I was immediately skeptical. Just goes to show how the cult of Sanders has become the left side's equivalent of Trumpkins. Fortunately they are few in numbers.
You know what the worst thing is though? You know she didn't check any other sources about this. On top of that, RT knows this too. Through the magic of cookies, they know she is a Bernie supporter and they know she did not go to another news site to check their story.

They know what the fuck they are doing.
are you ladies done..?:lol:


Well-Known Member
I hadn't been aware of this outrage until seeing the thread. BUT, rt? and Schy? I was immediately skeptical. Just goes to show how the cult of Sanders has become the left side's equivalent of Trumpkins. Fortunately they are few in numbers.
were you aware of the outrage when it was a thread long ago..?:lol: