"The Compassionate Tea Party State of Utah AKA What Sick Fucks"..


Well-Known Member
I dont call people who disagree with me racist. I reserve that for people who spout off racist comments. Like you Hey Doer Have I ever accused you of being a racist?
Care to cite a racist comments I've made? Or is just disagreeing with you proof of racism?


Well-Known Member
I said, "it." Knew it, I did not say looks, did I?
Well, it couldn't be the personality, that's offensive. It couldn't be the money, she's on food stamps. It couldn't be the parenting skills, that's just obvious. What else is there? Can she cook?


Well-Known Member
Well, it couldn't be the personality, that's offensive. It couldn't be the money, she's on food stamps. It couldn't be the parenting skills, that's just obvious. What else is there? Can she cook?
I was very intrigued by the personality when it was just a weird icon and funny spelling name.

Can she cook? I can cook? Can you?

Is that what you need from a women, a servant?


Well-Known Member
See Red? Looks like your allegations of me calling everyone who disagrees with me a racist is bullshit. I disagree with so many of Doers posts I have him on Ignore. Which i am taking him off of now Yet I never heard him saying bigoted or racist things, Why is that? Becuase maybe he isnt a racist or a bigot? Ya think?
I think you're a liar. Once again cite a racist comment I have made. Quit pretending.