The BubbleHead Gang


New Member
Notice folks how he can still make more sense than most of us when he's high then when we are straight! LOL!

OH shit, now he's got me ripping! Honey, Where's the Vape!


Active Member
wow!! I think Dystopia totally just schooled me on why I've had so much trouble through this grow. I had no Idea about DO, or how water temps affect the amount of oxygen inteake... I knew my res temps were a lil high ( about 72 ) but now I know y, and how to help prevent problems with proper h2o2 use!! Great info Dystopia!! + rep
We should call you Dystopia-The Library lol, maybe not..
Thanks, man!

Most of the stuff I think I know about water comes from my reef tank days. You have to keep perfectly balanced water to keep coral alive and happy!

And I think I've nearly perfected growing in high heat. It's still hits 100* where I live even now, consistently in the 100's during summer. And I keep my thermostat at 84* - difference between a $150 - $200 monthly bill or a $400+ one if I overuse my A/C.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, man!

Most of the stuff I think I know about water comes from my reef tank days. You have to keep perfectly balanced water to keep coral alive and happy!

And I think I've nearly perfected growing in high heat. It's still hits 100* where I live even now, consistently in the 100's during summer. And I keep my thermostat at 84* - difference between a $150 - $200 monthly bill or a $400+ one if I overuse my A/C.
yah those a/c bills can be killer, i know its worth it though.


Active Member
Thanks, man!

Most of the stuff I think I know about water comes from my reef tank days. You have to keep perfectly balanced water to keep coral alive and happy!

And I think I've nearly perfected growing in high heat. It's still hits 100* where I live even now, consistently in the 100's during summer. And I keep my thermostat at 84* - difference between a $150 - $200 monthly bill or a $400+ one if I overuse my A/C.
that's too funny, I had a reef tank for two years, but that setup had a chiller and a calcium reactor that pretty much took care of most of the tanks needs. (that and a U.V. sterilizer, protein skimmer, etc...) what a pain in the ass now that I think of it!! I was considering slapping my chiller on my res to control temps, waddaya think? It can easily do 18gal of water ... Where I live its also very hot!! Heat has been My number one enemy, I recently ran an ac duct right into my grow closet, and that's helped tremendously..


Well-Known Member
Really nice plant. Remind me again. What strain? MH bulb on top?

i have 2 white skunk the bigest one is a month and 2 weeks. i just started another white skunk and a northren lightxskunk that are 3 days old. yeah it a 400w mh i'll be buying a hps bulb soon though.


Active Member
that's too funny, I had a reef tank for two years, but that setup had a chiller and a calcium reactor that pretty much took care of most of the tanks needs. (that and a U.V. sterilizer, protein skimmer, etc...) what a pain in the ass now that I think of it!! I was considering slapping my chiller on my res to control temps, waddaya think? It can easily do 18gal of water ... Where I live its also very hot!! Heat has been My number one enemy, I recently ran an ac duct right into my grow closet, and that's helped tremendously..
Yep, you know what I'm talking about! I sold off most of my high-dollar reef equipment, wish I had kept the chiller, though. I would definitely use a chiller if I had one, I'll probably invest in one before next summer.

You might be amazed how hot you can let the top of a girl get if you keep her toes cool, especially if you're growing a hardy strain like AK 48. I beat the shit out of those plants and they kept growing merrily away. It's much easier and and cost effective for me to cool a small reservoir then a big house.

And I only grow for personal MMJ use and keep it legal (at least at the state level) so I'm not too worried about how "presentable" my buds are...I grow three crops a year and my summer grows are always the worst (but plenty good for me and my family)...if I was growing for profit I would certainly approach cooling a little differently, but for me the most important thing is cost control...


Well-Known Member
Whoa, I'm ripped :eyesmoke: I just vaped some AK 48 in honor of your grow :clap:

I had the same problem with my AK 48 grow, and I had them in a screen. I nearly ran out of room.

It's an f'ing awesome plant. Bushy as hell, lots of bud sites, especially if you train it well. Nice, big, crystally buds.

I included a picture of a few cured ones from my grow. Bear in mind, these were grown under a 250W HPS in high heat conditions over the summer so the buds aren't as dense as I would like. But the high is exquisite!

I'm sure your buds will be much more presentable. Be patient, though, even though it's advertised as a 48-day flowerer, mine took much longer to finish (again partly due to high heat - lower 90's during flower).

Time for another rip...fucking Maynard and A Perfect Circle...I'm zoning...:hump:

Man I only hope I get 9" buds like that. Im using a Hortilux 250 HPS, and a 105w dual spec CFL in an air cooled hood.

Temps stay around 72...only because I bought a portable air conditioner, and I'm in the basement. Humidity is still high though, even with a dehumidifier.

Maynard is the man. When I got out from "vacation" a few years ago, Thirteenth Step was the first album I bought.


Elite Rolling Society
Hey, I am covering Problems, remedies, bugs and algae today in my Tutorial.
Any suggestions or ideas to add to it? look and see what I need to add or correct, please. looking for common problems and remedies or solutions.


Well-Known Member
things leading to algae:

Containers holding nutes that are not light tight
Keeping rockwool overly wet
Not cleaning out setup between grows
Not cleaning hydroton between grows
Low DO


Clean your shit out
Use Light tight containers
Soak rockwool from the bottom
Get some nice bubble disks and a good air pump.

I don't have many bug probs anymore.


Well-Known Member
are the bubble disk better than the 10 air stones if so i will pick 2 up insted of the stones.
I have used both of them a lot. It all depends on your needs. The sticks are nive, especially if you use a lot of them. But the discs are nice for the very short hight and being able to place them directly under the plant to directly oxygenate the whole root ball.


Active Member
As of today I am officially growing using bubbleponics! Wish me luck guys, I have a feeling it may be a bumpy ride.


New Member
Drabstab! Welcome to your new obesssion! Please Join the Bubbleheads. We will help you so you can help others.

If you'd liike to join please grab the badge!

Alright guys I should probably remove my bubblehead signature b/c I am a disgrace to the bubblehead gang. I transplanted my two plants two these 2.5 gallon bubble buckets I built to find out that hydro growing is not as simple as soil is. Luckily i had some soil plants growing still so I managed to keep my growing moving along. After a week of battling res temps and problems with ph I decided to scrap my bucket grow. I managed to save the two plants, but they had some pretty bad root rot. I bought a water pump and I am planning on hooking these buckets up to a cooler that recirculates the nutrients. I couldn't keep the water cold enough, and the nutrients I was using did not work out. I was trying an organic grow, but I guess with bat guano you have to keep the water circulating with a pump instead of just a bubbler. I am not discouraged, I just am learning ! Later yall