"The best way to avoid this problem is not to get there."

Are you willing to admit that a planned gang rape is a form of democracy though and that at least sometimes a majority choice can deliver unintended consequences to peaceful or disinterested individuals ?

The consequences of ignoring this are dire.

The Insurrection sure as hell was..Oathkeeper on trial wishes they brought guns..be there..it'll be wild!
The Insurrection sure as hell was..Oathkeeper on trial wishes they brought guns..be there..it'll be wild!

Most oathkeepers are the flip side idiots to the other party, a giant distraction to keep people on the tastes great / less filling tread mill."

Many oathkeepers are cops who believe following orders to arrest people for victimless crimes is just doing their job and until the law changes they escape culpability . Nearly as dumb as democrats who want to "take away scary guns while using oath keepers with scary guns to do it".
I completely blame modern Republicanism for their clear-cut "party before people" politics. On that note, I wholly blame Trump for altering the course of modern Republicanism; they used to be all about money & jobs, now their only true purpose is to "own the Libs" which cycles back to their "party before people" antics.
I completely blame modern Republicanism for their clear-cut "party before people" politics. On that note, I wholly blame Trump for altering the course of modern Republicanism; they used to be all about money & jobs, now their only true purpose is to "own the Libs" which cycles back to their "party before people" antics.

Which is why, calculating his death in, it'll take one generation to rid..so 20 years..unless you get one on steroids like DeSantis. Rick Scott got away with Medicaid fraud when Governor and look where he is now. He's one evil motherfucker -exFloridian
Most oathkeepers are the flip side idiots to the other party, a giant distraction to keep people on the tastes great / less filling tread mill."

Many oathkeepers are cops who believe following orders to arrest people for victimless crimes is just doing their job and until the law changes they escape culpability . Nearly as dumb as democrats who want to "take away scary guns while using oath keepers with scary guns to do it".
You probably think Dems eat children, huh.

Literally your entire post is the opposite of what's true.
So I have never looked at the totals of kids/graduates before.

View attachment 5207452View attachment 5207453View attachment 5207598

Vs the number of Americans retiring per year looks to be about 1 million (normally) and 3.5 million in the pandemic years.


I forgot where I was going when I started this post.

View attachment 5207603

Even funnier typing the post but forgetting to hit 'reply'..you don't know how many times:lol:
as a very not so subtle reminder
I imagine some could, but most are just ignorant, like Republicans.

Literally Democrats for the most part, support covering up, via word smithing, how government schools are funded while pretending those schools teach kids bullying is wrong.

Not to mention the whole using guns to force people to pay for their ideas thing they get all moist over, but like to deny as their primary tactic.

I'm guessing you are a hypocrite and will not respond to my properly placed allegations with a weak rationalization, which I will easily deflate and then you will cry or call me a name ?
Please do tell how Democrats are using guns to force anyone to do anything. I thought Republi-cunts thought Democrats wanted to take away guns?? Now they're using them as political pressure?? Do you spin a bottle to come up with your ideas? Because you're definitely spinning this
I completely blame modern Republicanism for their clear-cut "party before people" politics. On that note, I wholly blame Trump for altering the course of modern Republicanism; they used to be all about money & jobs, now their only true purpose is to "own the Libs" which cycles back to their "party before people" antics.
It is important to consider that That Man is an effect and not a cause. With him marginalized, the GOP continues to implement a drive toward fascist takeover. His clumsy savageries removed a mask; the face under it was and remains fully formed.
as a very not so subtle reminder
You were going to say, "you know Rob Roy, I never realized some of my ideas begin with forcing them on other people and I will reexamine the things I do to get what I want. Thank you for pointing out my lust for violence, I hadn't realized it and hope you can forgive me".
i was going to say using a rape analogy to illustrate a problem with the educational system is stupid and inapplicable...there is no analogy, there is no comparison.
the only threat of violence in American schools comes from psychotic republicans and libertarians who snowflake the fuck out and take innocent people with them when they go.
the system is what it is, no one is forcing anyone to participate that doesn't want to, you're allowed to home school children if that is your wish, to have socially maladjusted children taught by people who don't know how to teach, what to teach, or even why they're teaching it..
you're the one with lusts...why do you keep talking about school kids and rape in the same context?
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