"The best way to avoid this problem is not to get there."

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For real that is a dumb question, you are trying way to hard to sell this nonsense.

If the police are breaking into your shit because you are not paying taxes, that doesn't mean that those specific funds that they wouldn't get anyways from the arrest (since it is a arrest, otherwise you bitched out and paid the money you owed to get out of trouble) are going to the local schools.

More crybaby agro/edgy garbage statements.

It was also stupid. You place way too much value on how much you contribute to your local schools as a percentage. And what you gain from all the hard work that is being done for the local kids more than makes up for it over your lifetime. Which is why people are almost always willing to fund their local schools.

But I don't expect you to suddenly become intellectually honest about this so I get it man. Ill let you get back at it.


is it just me, or has his ideology lately become more cartoonish and ossified?
“Complacent” is a poor word choice:

I was speaking of a false sense of the urgency of the situation. I’m not calling for violence in the streets, nor am I against protest, or standing one’s metaphorical ground.

Those aren’t the only forms of action available to us. Being active in the ‘larger conversation’ is important, whether it’s supporting positions or candidates or policies, being a candidate, helping others get to the polls for the election, having conversations like we have here, pushing back against the bullshit - ALL of it matters: it will be taken in by whoever reads it, whether they want to or not - they’ll absorb some, reject some, but the conversation changes us, and that change is extremely important - especially now. ‘Mindshare’ is a dated term, but we’re all digging for truths we can understand, but humans all have the same stuff go on in them, it’s just, ‘how it dances’ is different for everybody.

Not letting that conversation be dominated by the wormtongues & screamers from ‘the right’ is not as simple as it was when we still had public spaces to physically gather in - it takes more creativity and imagination (and *legitimate* research) than reading the shitstream & reacting to it. It’s a different level of struggle, but it’s NOT optional: one of the ways we got here *was* by complacency - thinking that the forces against the nation were just ‘crazy people, ignorant, uninformed, behind the times’. We *could* have seen through the bullshit, but we kept extending the benefit of the doubt, ignoring the deep-rooted brainwashing that was happening right under our noses, figuring they’d all die off, unable to turn the most traditional aspects of our society against because they were dumb, crazy, morons….

Worked great, huh? Maybe, time for a different plan? Like calling them out, not letting them soak undisturbed in THEIR induced brain-rot, not permitting THEIR true-American, Christian-soldier complacence to allow the overthrow gang to pick up this kind of speed, pushing back whenever and wherever we can.
Speaking from my own consciousness of guilt, the one major activist step we (as in me) can take is to read up on and vote in the local bottom-of-the-pile elections. That sets up who gets into the high-visibility elections of the next generation.
The threat to democracy isn't alarmist. I've never worried like this in the past 69 years. The predictable progression has been steady and and is now accelerating. America as I know it has already changed and signaled a terminal phase for democracy with open violence and racism.

The consequences of ignoring this threat are dire.
I’m watching very closely. Not just because I have friends and family living in the U.S., but because the Conservative Party has just elected a populist for their new leader.

That makes me nervous.
If an education is a pursuit to understand things and discover things that are true, would you say how government schools are funded, while also claiming to teach kids bullying is bad should be examined to see where the truth is and isn't ?

Or is that kind of reasoning something you'd prefer kids are kept in the dark on?
that's what we're fighting against right now...you don't even pay attention to current reality...
republicans and libertarians want to teach revisionist history, and the rest of us are fighting them about it...we're doing what you complain that we don't do. we've been doing it for a while. republicans, and libertarians, want to be able to control everything that is taught to kids, so they can keeps their lies alive, so they can keep their mythical American heroes alive, so they can keep manifest destiny alive...and the rest of us are trying to stop it.
join the fight, and quit trying to flank democracy, you got fuck all better to offer.
Lysander Spooner was a fucking moron. get the fuck over it. you do nothing to help, and spend all your effort condemning.
if you put half the effort into helping the situation, helping other people, that you put into trying to tear everything down that doesn't result in you getting what you want with no effort at all, you could probably solve at least a few of the worlds problems...
Was it Brandeis who said, “our taxes pay the cost of civilization”?

Whatever…the general effect on society of an increasingly smarter, better-educated - and therefore more capable - population is incalculable, but the effect is seen everywhere. Having more minds engaged shifts the conversation as more points of view come online.

It’s in part how we’ve managed to keep production & profits up so high, for so long, in spite of constant downsizing, increasing workloads & stagnant pay in a world where prices mostly just go up.

I don’t think it will be long before the one-two punch of a severely crippled public education system on the one hand, and the abysmal performance of “home-schooling” (pseudo-biblical ‘patriotic’ indoctrination is what it is, and by any name would be just as foul) to seriously degrade the ability of businesses to run efficiently - or even acceptably. We have a real problem with our secret goal of turning out barely-capable commodity workers instead of functional citizens, and I expect to feel the bite any time now (if we aren’t already)
Was it Brandeis who said, “our taxes pay the cost of civilization”?

Whatever…the general effect on society of an increasingly smarter, better-educated - and therefore more capable - population is incalculable, but the effect is seen everywhere. Having more minds engaged shifts the conversation as more points of view come online.

It’s in part how we’ve managed to keep production & profits up so high, for so long, in spite of constant downsizing, increasing workloads & stagnant pay in a world where prices mostly just go up.

I don’t think it will be long before the one-two punch of a severely crippled public education system on the one hand, and the abysmal performance of “home-schooling” (pseudo-biblical ‘patriotic’ indoctrination is what it is, and by any name would be just as foul) to seriously degrade the ability of businesses to run efficiently - or even acceptably. We have a real problem with our secret goal of turning out barely-capable commodity workers instead of functional citizens, and I expect to feel the bite any time now (if we aren’t already)

Taxes pay to bomb children.

To imprison people for victimless crimes.

To pay people to spy on you.

For Hunter Biden to buy crack. No wait, that was his "job" as a consultant.
Caring about Hunter Biden is like caring about what someone posted in a youtube comment.

Yeah, it's not like his antics are worthy of being held out of the news just before an election or anything like that right!?
It's actually a rural-urban divide, […]" said Deva Woodly, an associate professor of politics at The New School for Social Research in New York.

Professor-speak for the cunt farmers issue.

Cunt farmers? Sounds like a hillbilly Larry Flynt publication with a sheep centerfold.
Chosing to not understand the massive benefit we have as a society with our public school system is on you.

What you are saying is you believe positive benefits can come as a result of a violent threat against those who aren't interested but willing to leave you alone.

That is the evidence of either your brainwashing (by those same schools) or the evidence of your thuggery.

Which is it ?

You are using a gang rapist argument, since a positive outcome for the rapists overrides the consent of the person being raped. If you could deny that you would, but you can't. Choosing to not understand or see the gun in your hand is on you!
What you are saying is you believe positive benefits can come as a result of a violent threat against those who aren't interested but willing to leave you alone.

That is the evidence of either your brainwashing (by those same schools) or the evidence of your thuggery.

Which is it ?

You are using a gang rapist argument, since a positive outcome for the rapists overrides the consent of the person being raped. If you could deny that you would, but you can't. Choosing to not understand or see the gun in your hand is on you!
What’s funny about this post is that you think it’s clever and you’re proud of yourself for posting it.

It’s stupid, not clever and you shouldn’t be proud of yourself.
What’s funny about this post is that you think it’s clever and you’re proud of yourself for posting it.

It’s stupid, not clever and you shouldn’t be proud of yourself.

That's not a rebuttal of my analogy, you shouldn't be proud of yourself.
Was it Brandeis who said, “our taxes pay the cost of civilization”?

Whatever…the general effect on society of an increasingly smarter, better-educated - and therefore more capable - population is incalculable, but the effect is seen everywhere. Having more minds engaged shifts the conversation as more points of view come online.

It’s in part how we’ve managed to keep production & profits up so high, for so long, in spite of constant downsizing, increasing workloads & stagnant pay in a world where prices mostly just go up.

I don’t think it will be long before the one-two punch of a severely crippled public education system on the one hand, and the abysmal performance of “home-schooling” (pseudo-biblical ‘patriotic’ indoctrination is what it is, and by any name would be just as foul) to seriously degrade the ability of businesses to run efficiently - or even acceptably. We have a real problem with our secret goal of turning out barely-capable commodity workers instead of functional citizens, and I expect to feel the bite any time now (if we aren’t already)
So I have never looked at the totals of kids/graduates before.

Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.07.48 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-10-03 at 8.08.06 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-10-04 at 9.07.59 AM.png

Vs the number of Americans retiring per year looks to be about 1 million (normally) and 3.5 million in the pandemic years.

Between 2008 and 2019, the retired population ages 55 and older grew by about 1 million retirees per year. In the past two years, the ranks of retirees 55 and older have grown by 3.5 million.

I forgot where I was going when I started this post.

What you are saying is you believe positive benefits can come as a result of a violent threat against those who aren't interested but willing to leave you alone.

That is the evidence of either your brainwashing (by those same schools) or the evidence of your thuggery.

Which is it ?

You are using a gang rapist argument, since a positive outcome for the rapists overrides the consent of the person being raped. If you could deny that you would, but you can't. Choosing to not understand or see the gun in your hand is on you!
Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 9.21.48 AM.png
I forgot where I was going when I started this post.

You were going to say, "you know Rob Roy, I never realized some of my ideas begin with forcing them on other people and I will reexamine the things I do to get what I want. Thank you for pointing out my lust for violence, I hadn't realized it and hope you can forgive me".