"The best way to avoid this problem is not to get there."

We will know America's short-term fate in 40 days, it looks like the senate is democratic, hopefully by enough to make a difference. The house is a tossup IMHO with the women's vote being the wild card and one the republicans obviously fear. Then there's Donald who is doing his bit to help by fucking up the republican messaging with Rove and Mitch's game plan. The positive events in Ukraine might be a factor as will the upcoming J6 hearings. In short, there might be a lot of history made between now and election day, with Joe fighting the "good war" as in popular, while Vlad threatens America with nukes and the Magats cheerlead him on.

I think the house is up for grabs in November, nobody really knows what will happen or who will turn out, between less than honest pollster answers to controversial questions and shifting likely voters.
It's not a matter of putting head in sand.

We are undergoing a generationally driven social shift away from the status quo of white rural power that controlled much of this nation since its inception. It's so big and moving so slow, it hardly matters to our daily lives. We are going to vote in November. It's quite likely that Democrats will lose the House. What happens next? We will see.
I’m reminded of a Hemingway character who, when asked how he became bankrupt, said “at first, little by little - then, all at once”.

Two major components of how we came to the “all at once” phase of things are the Powell memo:
- Bill Moyers’ warning introduction to the memo

- Archived text of the memo:

- Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse discussing the impact & role of the memo in the aftermath of Jan6:

…and the Southern white revolt against school desegregation:
…as a consequence of which, the smoldering ‘lost-cause’ resentment of the Jim Crow patriarchy joined hands with the corporatist/billionaire/banking activists such as Fred, Charles, & David Koch (as well as the “Chicago school” of libertarian ‘economists’) in response to the civil-rights movement & the free-speech & anti-war movements.

The point of dragging all this in is simple: it’s *not* moving slowly anymore - and if we keep acting as if it’ll all shake out in the next few generations, we could lose - very badly, and for a VERY LONG TIME
I’m reminded of a Hemingway character who, when asked how he became bankrupt, said “at first, little by little - then, all at once”.

Two major components of how we came to the “all at once” phase of things are the Powell memo:
- Bill Moyers’ warning introduction to the memo

- Archived text of the memo:

- Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse discussing the impact & role of the memo in the aftermath of Jan6:

…and the Southern white revolt against school desegregation:
…as a consequence of which, the smoldering ‘lost-cause’ resentment of the Jim Crow patriarchy joined hands with the corporatist/billionaire/banking activists such as Fred, Charles, & David Koch (as well as the “Chicago school” of libertarian ‘economists’) in response to the civil-rights movement & the free-speech & anti-war movements.

The point of dragging all this in is simple: it’s *not* moving slowly anymore - and if we keep acting as if it’ll all shake out in the next few generations, we could lose - very badly, and for a VERY LONG TIME
The people of Portland Oregon aren't complacent


The people in most communities know what's going on:


When its time to act, we know it.

Now is not the time. We know that too. It feels to some as if people are complacent. Well, right now, be complacent. Because now is not the time for unrest.
The people of Portland Oregon aren't complacent

View attachment 5206880

The people in most communities know what's going on:

View attachment 5206881

When its time to act, we know it.

Now is not the time. We know that too. It feels to some as if people are complacent. Well, right now, be complacent. Because now is not the time for unrest.
Complacent has a negative connotation of deliberate unawareness. Tranquil, maybe. Or (adjective) chill.
The people of Portland Oregon aren't complacent

View attachment 5206880

The people in most communities know what's going on:

View attachment 5206881

When its time to act, we know it.

Now is not the time. We know that too. It feels to some as if people are complacent. Well, right now, be complacent. Because now is not the time for unrest.
When you sit at the table of power you don't need to be in the streets, clipboards in neighborhoods will get that seat faster than picket signs, though they have their place too. It's who organizes and how, with what objective. Demographics changes may happen, but people make history and change attitudes by their words and actions, or lack of them. Organization and ground games have worked for the GOP, all politics is local as they say and voting for the people who count the votes is now part of the game too.
Never had the capitol invaded by lunatics and idiots, or a traitor and certified psychopathic moron as president though. Some prefer real reality TV to the game or at least switch channels between periods.
Yeah it was “invaded” by the puerto rican nationalist party in 1954 after they failed to kill Truman. Five congressman were shot from the gallery. Weathermen, among others, exploded bombs in the capitol several times. It’s always a target.
Yeah it was “invaded” by the puerto rican nationalist party in 1954 after they failed to kill Truman. Five congressman were shot from the gallery. Weathermen, among others, exploded bombs in the capitol several times. It’s always a target.
Everybody went to jail, and it wasn't a conspiracy involving high government officials and republican politicians to install a fucking king. Fist time there was no peaceful transfer of power, it was no "tourist visit", it was a coordinated attack and they bused in idiots. There are assholes on trial now for seditious conspiracy and a thousand of the morons will end up busted.
When you sit at the table of power you don't need to be in the streets, clipboards in neighborhoods will get that seat faster than picket signs, though they have their place too. It's who organizes and how, with what objective. Demographics changes may happen, but people make history and change attitudes by their words and actions, or lack of them. Organization and ground games have worked for the GOP, all politics is local as they say and voting for the people who count the votes is now part of the game too.
Thank you for your advice. :roll:
It could have happened if Biden hadn't started a proxy war with Russia driving up the price of everything and is threatening military action to another nuclear power (China over Taiwan), record inflation, market crash and housing bubble bursting in some metropolitan areas. Although not all his fault, he's gonna wear it like a cheap suit.

People have lost their TikTok attention span with Ukraine, and when they see 60 billion going to another country to play enemy for the US military industrial complex, their eyes glaze over and push the red button because the blue one depresses them.
Putin decided to invade,.
I’m reminded of a Hemingway character who, when asked how he became bankrupt, said “at first, little by little - then, all at once”.

Two major components of how we came to the “all at once” phase of things are the Powell memo:
- Bill Moyers’ warning introduction to the memo

- Archived text of the memo:

- Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse discussing the impact & role of the memo in the aftermath of Jan6:

…and the Southern white revolt against school desegregation:
…as a consequence of which, the smoldering ‘lost-cause’ resentment of the Jim Crow patriarchy joined hands with the corporatist/billionaire/banking activists such as Fred, Charles, & David Koch (as well as the “Chicago school” of libertarian ‘economists’) in response to the civil-rights movement & the free-speech & anti-war movements.

The point of dragging all this in is simple: it’s *not* moving slowly anymore - and if we keep acting as if it’ll all shake out in the next few generations, we could lose - very badly, and for a VERY LONG TIME
The attack on our education system is something I have worried about for a long time. Not only Uni of Chicago, but a handful of Minnesota ones too, also post 2010-ish Rich right wing donors like the Koch's funding Econ departments (like down in Florida and basically everywhere else) to be sure to be able to hire their propagandists with degrees into those departments, a just the straight up creation of right wing institutions like Hillsdale college here in Michigan.

The attack on our public education is very scary, they have been at it for a while whittling away the funds from public schools into their for profit schools. Now adding into it the pandemic, the trolling attacks on school boards (CRT & sexuality projection), deranged people running for office to use their power to further the trolling attacks, etc, it is making it very hard to teach at such a low salary for the investment they made in their education.

And now with the governor's like DeSantis using their political power to scare educators, I have no clue how much ground they made in destroying our public schools over the last 50 years.

The semi-Fascist Republicans really are kicking out every single pillar to our society that they can.
The attack on our education system is something I have worried about for a long time.

When a person is forced to pay for something whether they want it or not, and they will be attacked or have their property stolen for noncompliance...would you also be against THAT kind of attack ?

How would you educate children to discern what is a real attack and what is government word smithing wrapped up in flowery platitudes marinaded in violent contradiction ? (That means your concerns are misplaced...doh!!)
When a person is forced to pay for something whether they want it or not, and they will be attacked or have their property stolen for noncompliance...would you also be against THAT kind of attack ?

How would you educate children to discern what is a real attack and what is government word smithing wrapped up in flowery platitudes marinaded in violent contradiction ? (That means your concerns are misplaced...doh!!)
You mean like paying school taxes for your spawn all my life while I have no kids of my own?
I guess I’m just not a big enough whiner to support your positions
Educated young people is the only hope for this country
View attachment 5207004

If an education is a pursuit to understand things and discover things that are true, would you say how government schools are funded, while also claiming to teach kids bullying is bad should be examined to see where the truth is and isn't ?

Or is that kind of reasoning something you'd prefer kids are kept in the dark on?
It's not a matter of putting head in sand.

We are undergoing a generationally driven social shift away from the status quo of white rural power that controlled much of this nation since its inception. It's so big and moving so slow, it hardly matters to our daily lives. We are going to vote in November. It's quite likely that Democrats will lose the House. What happens next? We will see.

Hope springs eternal. No one knows the future. We've had worse but weren't all connected- it's a shock to the system of the 6PM daily news and newspapers..any crazy can say anything be read/heard now.
If an education is a pursuit to understand things and discover things that are true, would you say how government schools are funded, while also claiming to teach kids bullying is bad should be examined to see where the truth is and isn't ?

Or is that kind of reasoning something you'd prefer kids are kept in the dark on?
Some peoples kids are homeschooled by idiots and should be left in the dark
I’m not of the Guberment bad crowd
I still love America
Unlike E7C01461-8969-41D2-BFE3-CB8B37F3198B.jpeg
Some peoples kids are homeschooled by idiots and should be left in the dark
I’m not of the Guberment bad crowd
I still love America
Unlike View attachment 5207005

My grandson was pulled from government schools during the scamdemic (Hooray). Stayed at home in a loosely structured home school set up and then returned to school in a private school. He's reading far above the other kids.

He will NEVER go back to a government school, yet his parents will be forced to subsidize the obedient brainwashed children of mask wearing lockdown and government school loving adult slaves and all you can say is, "let's not teach kids government schools are funded by threats of violence" ?

I am disappointed in you and your gun lust.