The alt right groups, Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer are at it again in Oregon, this time in Salem.

Keep drinking the koolaid kids, only time will tell, all the speculation in the world does us no good anyhow. It doesnt matter what I say, you lot will argue it, seems thats what this forum has devolved into over the last decade. Once we talked about growing weed and the opressive laws preventing us from doing so.. now we have willingly allowed the country to be put on house arrest while the rich and elected do as they please. Its clear most of you have no problem with that, and its pretty sad.
You MUST be home schooled, right?
This time the FBI is taking names and making lists, perhaps many will end up on a terrorist watch list. It appears their leaders are rolling over on everybody they know about and every crime too. They are really just getting going on the capital hill insurrection and Joe's people are just beginning to warm up the chairs in the DOJ after being slow walked by the republican senators. I figure the insurrection will be the gift that keeps on giving within 48 hours of the insurrection the proud boys were on a terrorist watch list in Canada.

This shit is gonna go on for awhile and life is gonna get progressively harder for these assholes. I hope the feds charge that moron who let the insurrectionist into the Oregon state house with conspiracy, along with the rioters he was conspiring with.

I think from what I've been seeing in the news that the republicans have reached a tipping point for crazy and it's costing them the support of independents. Joe's competence and good government will make inroads into their soft supporters. It's plain he is keeping an eye on 2022 and is planning on taking full advantage as the GOP crashes and burns. He's got a very talented, big bench of very motivated intelligent people planning the demise of the GOP. The fun has yet to begin in earnest and congress will be investigating many things along with the FBI who are now unleashed on them too.

I think before they are done Rudy will be handing the feds Donald's head for insurrection and making PSA's confessing the big lie as part of his plea agreement. There are others involved in Rudy's crimes who must be very nervous by now and there should be a rush to the SDNY prosecutors office.
Also inflation.. how much was a tank of gas last time you filled up? Yesterday I spent 60$, last time about a month and a half prior it was just over 30$ if you dont see the theft you’re pretending. My state still has a ton of covid restrictions, my rights I fought for are being violated daily.
Your rights are cheap gas and to not wear a mask? You sound like a bitch
Well yeah fuel prices always fluctuate

I wonder why your state still has Covid restrictions? Do you think because the shit is not under control yet?

What rights of yours are being violated? Daily?
I like my electric vehicle. Fuel costs are around 25% of gas, plus no oil changes required.
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The presentation begins as an innocuous primer on keeping up with state politics. Speaking in front of a projected computer screen, Oregon state Rep. Mike Nearman encourages his audience to get engaged and says you can “take as big a bite or as small a bite as you want.”

The Oregon Capitol is closed amid the coronavirus pandemic, “so you can’t come in,” the Republican legislator from rural Polk County acknowledges in a newly publicized video of a meeting that apparently took place mid-December. But then he drops hints about something called “Operation Hall Pass.”

“Which I don’t know anything about, and if you accuse me of knowing something about it, I’ll deny it,” he says in the video.

He gives a phone number — “just random numbers that I spewed out” — and says that if people were to text it with their location, somebody might exit through the right door at the right moment. On Dec. 21, according to previously released surveillance video, Nearman did just that.

Nearman was charged in that incident with “knowingly” letting far-right rioters breach the Oregon Capitol as lawmakers met to consider coronavirus legislation — weeks before Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol and after armed protests outside statehouses across the country had raised concerns about lawmaker safety. Some capitols became sites of violent conflictand targets for extremists as alarm grew over threats and highly personal attacks on public officials because of coronavirus restrictions and the results of the November presidential election.

The meeting video, which Oregon Public Broadcasting surfaced this week and that apparently was recorded the week before the Dec. 21 breach, sheds new light on Nearman’s earlier discussions before he walked out of a special session and opened the door for maskless demonstrators who rushed inside and clashed with police.

Dozens eventually entered the building that day, some attacking officers and damaging property, video shows. Police arrested at least five people on charges including trespassing and assault.

Nearman, 57, is charged with misdemeanor counts of first-degree official misconduct and second-degree criminal trespass. Online court records do not show a plea, and he and his lawyer did not immediately respond to requests for comment Saturday.

Early this year, in a statement reported by the Oregonian, Nearman said he was subjected to “mob justice,” does not condone violence and said the Capitol building is constitutionally required to remain open to the public.
GOP lawmaker charged with ‘knowingly’ letting rioters breach the Oregon Capitol

The GOP legislator’s role in the December security breach led to the loss of his committee assignments and to restrictions on his access to the Capitol building. After Nearman’s filmed explanation of “Operation Hall Pass” drew attention this week, Oregon House Speaker Tina Kotek (D) renewed her calls for Nearman to resign.

“Today’s revelation that Rep. Nearman’s actions last December were premeditated is incredibly disturbing,” she tweeted Friday evening, adding that Nearman should “face expulsion from the Legislature” if he does not immediately step down. Kotek has said Nearman “put every person in the Capitol in serious danger.”

The Oregon GOP House leader, Rep. Christine Drazan (R), did not respond to requests for comment Saturday.
After surveillance footage of Nearman exiting the Capitol was published by the Oregonian and Oregon Public Broadcasting, Drazan told The Washington Post that state legislators are “not above the law” and said she backed a criminal investigation.

Many leaders have faced scrutiny for sympathetic statements toward participants in sometimes-violent gatherings at government buildings — particularly the mob that paused congressional certification of Joe Biden’s election victory at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Some Republicans have pushed revisionist histories of that day, which left several people dead and more than 100 police officers injured.

Some GOP officials are accused of more direct involvement in the riots or support for people later accused of criminal behavior. Democrats said an unnamed House Republican took groups on“reconnaissance” building tours before the Jan. 6 insurrection. A New York Times reportdescribed a Michigan GOP lawmaker’s communications and appearances with leaders of armed protests, including with someone eventually charged with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D).

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“The political environment belongs to those who show up and make themselves heard,” his website states.

The video of Nearman discussing “Operation Hall Pass” was posted to YouTube by a user with the handle “The Black Conservative Preacher.” It shows Nearman referring to an upcoming Monday special session, seemingly the one on Dec. 21. The lawmaker says in the more than hour-long video that he is at offices of the Freedom Foundation, a national group with a presence in Oregon that says it seeks to “reverse the stranglehold government unions have on our state and local policymaking.”

The Freedom Foundation did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The footage begins with Nearman giving his out-of-view audience an introduction to looking up legislative information online. A woman asks him to pull up “the illegal alien bill.” Nearman searches for a bill on what he calls “forced vaccination.”

Later, a woman mentions the coronavirus restrictions that closed the Oregon Capitol to the public starting in spring 2020. Nearman then launches into his apparent couched instructions on how to enter the building, along with disavowals.

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One video shows a man attacking journalists outdoors, and some rioters cracked glass in their attempts to break in, according to authorities. Police, who declared an unlawful assembly, said protesters struggled with officials and also used “chemical irritants” and a smoke-emitting device against officers.