The facts that say otherwise.
Federal officials who monitor and study domestic terrorism and violence say that the right wing extremists are the source of most of the violence that occurred this summer. Don't take my word for it, listen to people who study the matter:
White Supremacists Top Terrorist Threats Within U.S., Wolf Says
White Supremacists Top Terrorist Threats Within U.S., Wolf Says
President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the agency in charge of curbing domestic terrorism told senators that White supremacists have become the “most persistent and lethal threat” to the U.S. from within the
President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the agency in charge of curbing domestic terrorism told senators that White supremacists have become the “most persistent and lethal threat” to the U.S. from within the country.
“White supremacist extremists, from a lethality standpoint over the last two years, particularly when you look at 2018 and 2019, are certainly the most persistent and lethal threat when we talk about domestic violent extremists,” said Chad Wolf, who has been heading the Department of Homeland Security in an acting capacity since late last year.
Win the senate and others might have other ideas about how to deal with these assholes. There are gonna be a variety of approaches taken by a variety of people and some won't be pleasant. There are whiners and conmen on one side and lot's very pissed off patriots on the other who are just beginning to fight the long hard fight.I don't think we are going to win both seats in Georgia. I think it's going to be difficult to get anything done for the next couple of years at least. The main objective is to keep Republicans from flipping the house in 2022. Most people in this country are more conservative than you or I would like them to be. Most don't want an activist authoritarian government at all, which is what I keep seeing you advocate.
Biden correctly says that we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. There will be investigations into misdeeds by many who participated in Trump's administration, including Trump. Those will take several years to complete. So, don't expect anything before the 2022 elections in that regard. I think they will go on, hopefully in the background. While that is going on, Biden needs to do what most of us want regardless of partisan leanings: grow the economy and expand the number of good paying jobs. That's how Democrats will succeed, not what you laid out in your post.
There are plenty of other things to do and I think Biden will be good but not great on those fronts but bread and butter politics will be most important to just about everybody, post pandemic.
Just to jump onto the house thing, the gerrymandering makes it really hard for the Democrats to keep total control of the house too.I don't think we are going to win both seats in Georgia. I think it's going to be difficult to get anything done for the next couple of years at least. The main objective is to keep Republicans from flipping the house in 2022. Most people in this country are more conservative than you or I would like them to be. Most don't want an activist authoritarian government at all, which is what I keep seeing you advocate.
Biden correctly says that we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. There will be investigations into misdeeds by many who participated in Trump's administration, including Trump. Those will take several years to complete. So, don't expect anything before the 2022 elections in that regard. I think they will go on, hopefully in the background. While that is going on, Biden needs to do what most of us want regardless of partisan leanings: grow the economy and expand the number of good paying jobs. That's how Democrats will succeed, not what you laid out in your post.
There are plenty of other things to do and I think Biden will be good but not great on those fronts but bread and butter politics will be most important to just about everybody, post pandemic.
If you haven't yet, you should look at Fogdogs post right above this comment.I'm not disagreeing with this so I don't understand what that has to do with anything. It's been Antifa causing all the mayhem and damage in Portland. I haven't seen the KKK looting businesses, barricading streets, and running wild vandalizing everything sight in Portland recently. That's a fact not an ideology.
As for Antifa, well I know all about them as they started right here in my home city. I've seen them up close over the years and there is one thing that they always bring with them and that's violence. Anyone that lives in Portland and isn't part of the group knows exactly what I'm talking about and is sick of their crap.
Antifa Background
"Antifa members view themselves as part of a protest tradition that arcs back to opposition groups in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy prior to World War II. U.S. antifa activism traces its roots back to antiracists who mobilized in the 1980s while opposing the activities of racist skinheads, members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), and neoNazis. Founded in 2007, The Rose City Antifa in Portland, OR, is the oldest U.S. group to use “antifa” in its moniker. Antifa groups in the United States gained prominence following violent clashes between white supremacists and their opponents, including antifa supporters, in Charlottesville, VA, on August 12, 2017."
I only seem to see them respond to right wing violence, it's not hard to see who is motivated by hate and bullshit in this situation. The police are also clearly corrupt and not just in Portland, I've seen enough video and if the democrats win the senate they will see hundreds of hours of video evidence of police rightwing bias.I'm not disagreeing with this so I don't understand what that has to do with anything. It's been Antifa causing all the mayhem and damage in Portland. I haven't seen the KKK looting businesses, barricading streets, and running wild vandalizing everything sight in Portland recently. That's a fact not an ideology.
As for Antifa, well I know all about them as they started right here in my home city. I've seen them up close over the years and there is one thing that they always bring with them and that's violence. Anyone that lives in Portland and isn't part of the group knows exactly what I'm talking about and is sick of their crap.
Antifa Background
"Antifa members view themselves as part of a protest tradition that arcs back to opposition groups in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy prior to World War II. U.S. antifa activism traces its roots back to antiracists who mobilized in the 1980s while opposing the activities of racist skinheads, members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), and neoNazis. Founded in 2007, The Rose City Antifa in Portland, OR, is the oldest U.S. group to use “antifa” in its moniker. Antifa groups in the United States gained prominence following violent clashes between white supremacists and their opponents, including antifa supporters, in Charlottesville, VA, on August 12, 2017."
@xtsho : There were no antia present in Salem on Monday. It was all Proud Boys and Patriots' Prayer. All of the violence is on their heads.
This post is about what happened in Salem. There were no Antifa there. There were no BLM there. It was all Proud Boys and Patriots prayer.I'm not disagreeing with this so I don't understand what that has to do with anything. It's been Antifa causing all the mayhem and damage in Portland. I haven't seen the KKK looting businesses, barricading streets, and running wild vandalizing everything sight in Portland recently. That's a fact not an ideology.
As for Antifa, well I know all about them as they started right here in my home city. I've seen them up close over the years and there is one thing that they always bring with them and that's violence. Anyone that lives in Portland and isn't part of the group knows exactly what I'm talking about and is sick of their crap.
Antifa Background
"Antifa members view themselves as part of a protest tradition that arcs back to opposition groups in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy prior to World War II. U.S. antifa activism traces its roots back to antiracists who mobilized in the 1980s while opposing the activities of racist skinheads, members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), and neoNazis. Founded in 2007, The Rose City Antifa in Portland, OR, is the oldest U.S. group to use “antifa” in its moniker. Antifa groups in the United States gained prominence following violent clashes between white supremacists and their opponents, including antifa supporters, in Charlottesville, VA, on August 12, 2017."
You are confused and your confusion is derailing this thread. If you want to talk about Portland do so on threads that cover that topic.I'm not condoning that but put it in perspective. One day in Salem and a couple broken windows vs 8 months, hundreds of looted buildings, thousands of broken windows, hundreds of cars vandalized, and the list goes on.
You keep trying to use some other group causing violence as if that in some way justifies what Antifa has been doing. It doesn't.
And I can lump them together and it's nothing like trump refusing to admonish white supremacy. I admonish both white supremacy and people that cause violence like Antifa.
You still haven't answered my question. Do you live in Portland?
You are confused and your confusion is derailing this thread. If you want to talk about Portland do so on threads that cover that topic.
Fixed it for you.I'm not confused at all about the 2 groups. But I do see I'm in the Salem thread. I thought I was in a different thread. Shit Oh well.Someone had to shake things up a little. I was confused.
Fixed it for you.
lol not to be 'that guy', but man, if you would defend Antifa the same way you just did this protest that turned into a riot. I think you would be on to something.You fixed nothing. But if it helps with your self esteem then we'll just pretend that you did.
You seem to think because a hundred people showed up in Salem Oregon to protest the lockdown it means that the violence is going to just keep getting worse. I don't agree. I think things will start calming down faster than many think. And there really weren't that many proud boys at that demonstration. You can tell just by the amount of women that were there. joey gibson was present but not with his usual entourage. I don't see any of the typical proud girls black attire with the yellow trim and emblem. Looked more like a bunch of local yocals, some old people, etc... One of the guys arrested was 75 years old. More like gibson crashed the party instead of organizing it.
It was a pretty varied crowd that was protesting the lockdown. Probably quite a few small business owners that weren't even there for anything political but merely because they are losing their livelihood and want the lockdown to end. Think businesses like restaurants and bars which are being decimated by the lockdown. It was nothing like you seem to think it was. Yes some people got violent but as for some big gathering of the proud boys and patriot prayer, it wasn't. joey gibson was there but that's about it. And he's really not much of anything. He just showed up to try and stay relevant but he's not. The sky isn't falling, There is no right wing insurrection that's going to happen, there will be no civil war, things will settle down.
There were only 31 retweets to his post on twitter which shows that he doesn't have the influence many like you seem to think he does. He's an amatuer that stumbled into the spotlight and that spotlight is burning out. You're worrying too much about a fading movement.
Patriot Prayer USA Joey Gibson:
"Some groups are going to the Oregon State Capitol on Monday morning. I will try to be there. Please share all over social media!"
"Some groups" and "I will try to be there" does not sound anything like a rally organized by the proud boys or patriot prayer. But makes for a good headline.
There are also a lot of people that are not handling the lockdown as well as others and want it to end. Many people that showed up in Salem likely fall into that category. They just wanted an excuse to get out and do something. If you watch videos of the demonstration you see many people just standing around with their cameras taking photos and smiling for selfies as if they were just there to get a shot to post on facebook. So you can calm down about armageddon. It's all going to be okay. The event in Salem was basically a big nothing.
What I want to know is if this black guy is actually a trump supporter or a journalist in disguise.
^^^You fixed nothing. But if it helps with your self esteem then we'll just pretend that you did.
You seem to think because a hundred people showed up in Salem Oregon to protest the lockdown it means that the violence is going to just keep getting worse. I don't agree. I think things will start calming down faster than many think. And there really weren't that many proud boys at that demonstration. You can tell just by the amount of women that were there. joey gibson was present but not with his usual entourage. I don't see any of the typical proud girls black attire with the yellow trim and emblem. Looked more like a bunch of local yocals, some old people, etc... One of the guys arrested was 75 years old. More like gibson crashed the party instead of organizing it.
It was a pretty varied crowd that was protesting the lockdown. Probably quite a few small business owners that weren't even there for anything political but merely because they are losing their livelihood and want the lockdown to end. Think businesses like restaurants and bars which are being decimated by the lockdown. It was nothing like you seem to think it was. Yes some people got violent but as for some big gathering of the proud boys and patriot prayer, it wasn't. joey gibson was there but that's about it. And he's really not much of anything. He just showed up to try and stay relevant but he's not. The sky isn't falling, There is no right wing insurrection that's going to happen, there will be no civil war, things will settle down.
There were only 31 retweets to his post on twitter which shows that he doesn't have the influence many like you seem to think he does. He's an amatuer that stumbled into the spotlight and that spotlight is burning out. You're worrying too much about a fading movement.
Patriot Prayer USA Joey Gibson:
"Some groups are going to the Oregon State Capitol on Monday morning. I will try to be there. Please share all over social media!"
"Some groups" and "I will try to be there" does not sound anything like a rally organized by the proud boys or patriot prayer. But makes for a good headline.
There are also a lot of people that are not handling the lockdown as well as others and want it to end. Many people that showed up in Salem likely fall into that category. They just wanted an excuse to get out and do something. If you watch videos of the demonstration you see many people just standing around with their cameras taking photos and smiling for selfies as if they were just there to get a shot to post on facebook. So you can calm down about armageddon. It's all going to be okay. The event in Salem was basically a big nothing.
What I want to know is if this black guy is actually a trump supporter or a journalist in disguise.
'Antifa-aligned' Fucking Fox News pushing more propaganda selling their big lies for the Republican cultists.More clashes. One dude about a 20ft braking distance away from being killed.
Antifa 'armed' rioters descend on Oregon State Capitol in Salem
Police received reports of vehicles driving past the Capitol being struck with balloons filled with paint as well as green lasers being pointed at
Why should the left do anything on the streets? They are sitting at the table of power and the right is in the streets, I have a feeling that there were violent rightwing elements involved. I think the FBI and DOJ should investigate this cause I don't trust the local cops and it smells of proud boys of involvement. I think they setup the original demonstration and infiltrated the counter protest, green lasers at cops, etc. Like I said, the left has a seat at the table of power and have little cause to hit the streets right now with police and other reform in the offing and the DOJ going after the Trumpers and proud boys full steam.'Antifa-aligned' Fucking Fox News pushing more propaganda selling their big lies for the Republican cultists.
Im going with brainwashed folks are the ones involved, trying to brand crazy is tough.Why should the left do anything on the streets? They are sitting at the table of power and the right is in the streets, I have a feeling that there were violent rightwing elements involved. I think the FBI and DOJ should investigate this cause I don't trust the local cops and it smells of proud boys of involvement. I think they setup the original demonstration and infiltrated the counter protest, green lasers at cops, etc. Like I said, the left has a seat at the table of power and have little cause to hit the streets right now with police and other reform in the offing and the DOJ going after the Trumpers and proud boys full steam.
Forget what Fox says.'Antifa-aligned' Fucking Fox News pushing more propaganda selling their big lies for the Republican cultists.