The alt right groups, Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer are at it again in Oregon, this time in Salem.

Well....skinny white kids all blacked out in Oregon throwing rocks at redneck trucks, it doesn't seem like a stretch. I don't usually care about biased inflammatory language because I'm mostly numb to it, but I think worse than "antifa-aligned" is the four words before it "as violence linked to", because it's placing all violence from the day on antifa, as if to imply that everything was fine and then antifa went around hurting everyone, when reality there was some proud boys trolling going on. I can't really take sides on this stuff, because it's just people going out looking for trouble and finding it.
Damaging property is nonviolent protest. I'm not saying it's OK but I know which side I'm on. If you aren't against fascism then you support it.

The violent ones don't look like this:


Gov. Kate Brown called lawmakers back to Salem days before Christmas to extend the state’s eviction moratorium, create a compensation fund for landlords and allocate more money for the state’s COVID-19 response and wildfire recovery work. Lawmakers are also considering proposals to shield schools from coronavirus lawsuits, allow restaurants and bars to sell to-go cocktails and cap the delivery fees they pay to third-party platforms.

It was a one-day emergency session to address funding gaps for measures in response to the epidemic.

Outside, right wing gangs gathered and showed everybody exactly what kind of thugs they are:

4 arrested, 1 suspect sought in protest at Oregon Capitol

Demonstrators clashed with law enforcement officers outside the building as the session got underway, according to reports from the scene. Some were able to enter the building, which is closed to the public because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but were contained to a vestibule.

Two people who remained in the vestibule despite warnings from law enforcement — Ronald Vanvlack, 75, and Jerry Dyerson, 53 — were arrested on suspicion of criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct, according to the Oregon State Police.

Another demonstrator, 41-year-old Ryan Lyles, was arrested on suspicion of unlawful use of mace and being a felon in possession of body armor, troopers said.

The crowd later tried to get into the Capitol through a door on the west side of the building, troopers said. A window on the door was broken, according to troopers, but demonstrators didn’t get inside. Jeremiah Pruitt, 35, was arrested on suspicion of criminal mischief and disorderly conduct.

Troopers were also trying to find 40-year-old Jeremy Roberts, who authorities said tried to access the Capitol through the west door and was involved in an attack on two reporters.

Something like 300 people assembled flash mob style and it got pretty intense. One of the demonstrators even bear sprayed a police officer. After that, the demonstrators who had broken into the building were given a steady diet of pepper balls to settle them down.

They claimed they were there to attend the session but we all know what's really going on here. Right wingers have gone violent. From now on, there will be blood every time they show up. They keep ratcheting up the violence, especially on reporters. As @Unclebaldrick says, "this isn't over".

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Oh yes, the lawmaker who let Proud Boys gain access into to the Oregon Capitol Building on Dec 22 and have a dress rehearsal for their attack on the nation's capital is being charged for his crimes.

Court documents filed by the Marion County District Attorneys Office spell out the charges.

Under the official misconduct charge, prosecutors stated that on Dec. 21, Nearman "being a public servant, did unlawfully and knowingly perform an act which constituted an unauthorize exercise of his official duties with intent to obtain a benefit or to harm another."

Prosecutors also stated under the trespassing charge that Nearman, "constituting part of a common scheme or plan," unlawfully aided and abetted "another to unlawfully and knowingly enter and remain in and upon the premises of the Oregon State Capitol."

Marion County prosecutors say they have enough credible evidence to charge Republican State Representative Nearman with "aiding and abetting" Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer to interfere with a legislative session.

The guy has long-standing ties to the white supremacists movements in Oregon. Will not be surprised if we learn that one of the organizers of this act of insurrection flipped and is cooperating with authorities to convict this a-hole.

One of the most conservative Republicans in the House, Nearman has been a lawmaker since 2015. In that time, he's been tied repeatedly to right-wing demonstrations. In 2017, his then-legislative aide gave a gun to a convicted felon, who then brought it to a pro-Trump demonstration at the Capitol, the Oregonian/OregonLive reported. Court records show the aide, Angela Roman, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor in the incident.

Nearman's dedication to right-wing causes has not flagged, despite his recent controversy. On Saturday, he's slated to appear at a Salem rally in support of gun rights alongside former congressional candidate and QAnon conspiracy theory supporter Jo Rae Perkins, according to a flyer for the event.
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If you’re breaking peoples shit and NOT replacing it, you are a fascist, no matter which side of tribal digital warfare you identify with. Calling it anything else is pissing in the wind. The uniparty duped you into fighting eachother, so they can step in take your rights and rob your grandchildren. Look at the big picture before we are all living in Idiocracy..
If you’re breaking peoples shit and NOT replacing it, you are a fascist, no matter which side of tribal digital warfare you identify with. Calling it anything else is pissing in the wind. The uniparty duped you into fighting eachother, so they can step in take your rights and rob your grandchildren. Look at the big picture before we are all living in Idiocracy..
Im not buying it. Yes there is a conspiracy to dumb people down and then take advantage of them while alienating 'the other', but to pretend like everyone is in on it is not paying attention to the last 60 years of our political leaders.

It sounds good and all, but I can't think of any right I have lost. And have no idea what you are saying our grandchildren are being robbed of. Outside of maybe the environment/nonpolluted areas.
Im not buying it. Yes there is a conspiracy to dumb people down and then take advantage of them while alienating 'the other', but to pretend like everyone is in on it is not paying attention to the last 60 years of our political leaders.

It sounds good and all, but I can't think of any right I have lost. And have no idea what you are saying our grandchildren are being robbed of. Outside of maybe the environment/nonpolluted areas.
Lmao! Its called the UNIPARTY and it crosses BOTH lines D/R Pelosi/Mcconnel same thing.
Also inflation.. how much was a tank of gas last time you filled up? Yesterday I spent 60$, last time about a month and a half prior it was just over 30$ if you dont see the theft you’re pretending. My state still has a ton of covid restrictions, my rights I fought for are being violated daily.
Also inflation.. how much was a tank of gas last time you filled up? Yesterday I spent 60$, last time about a month and a half prior it was just over 30$ if you dont see the theft you’re pretending. My state still has a ton of covid restrictions, my rights I fought for are being violated daily.

Well yeah fuel prices always fluctuate

I wonder why your state still has Covid restrictions? Do you think because the shit is not under control yet?

What rights of yours are being violated? Daily?
Lmao! Its called the UNIPARTY and it crosses BOTH lines D/R Pelosi/Mcconnel same thing.
Because you said so?

Also inflation.. how much was a tank of gas last time you filled up? Yesterday I spent 60$, last time about a month and a half prior it was just over 30$ if you dont see the theft you’re pretending.
You are pretending like MBS/Putin playing around with the price of gas proves anything?

Inflation at about 2-3% overall is about the expected generally set by the fed right?

My state still has a ton of covid restrictions, my rights I fought for are being violated daily.
Yeah because there is a pandemic occurring.

And restrictions like what, name one violation of your rights that has happened to you? And before you say the mask bullshit, you also have to wear a shirt, so you are not missing out on shit with that one.

Ok, I’m sure you picked the correct tribe then!
If you’re breaking peoples shit and NOT replacing it, you are a fascist, no matter which side of tribal digital warfare you identify with. Calling it anything else is pissing in the wind. The uniparty duped you into fighting eachother, so they can step in take your rights and rob your grandchildren. Look at the big picture before we are all living in Idiocracy..
The word, fascist, does not have the same meaning as vandal.
MANY Small businesses still cant open, yet however EVERY big box is.. Churches still arent allowed to open, but you probably see that as a good thing.
Keep drinking the koolaid kids, only time will tell, all the speculation in the world does us no good anyhow. It doesnt matter what I say, you lot will argue it, seems thats what this forum has devolved into over the last decade. Once we talked about growing weed and the opressive laws preventing us from doing so.. now we have willingly allowed the country to be put on house arrest while the rich and elected do as they please. Its clear most of you have no problem with that, and its pretty sad.
MANY Small businesses still cant open, yet however EVERY big box is.. Churches still arent allowed to open, but you probably see that as a good thing.
Why can't they open, are they unsafe?

Do you not see how a large chain store might have the funds/ability to borrow that churches and mom and pop shops don't?
Keep drinking the koolaid kids, only time will tell, all the speculation in the world does us no good anyhow. It doesnt matter what I say, you lot will argue it, seems thats what this forum has devolved into over the last decade. Once we talked about growing weed and the opressive laws preventing us from doing so.. now we have willingly allowed the country to be put on house arrest while the rich and elected do as they please. Its clear most of you have no problem with that, and its pretty sad.
Do you have any idea that a foreign military has been attacking our democracy using forums like this?

That is what I am trying to actually wake you up to. Assuming you are a real person and not another in the endless line of resurrected troll accounts.
Do you have any idea that a foreign military has been attacking our democracy using forums like this?

That is what I am trying to actually wake you up to.
Yes, I actually think a lot of whats been going on has been outside attacks from china and russia. None of this shit is new, we were warned in the 80’s by defecting KGB members, no one listened, just like today they laughed arrogantly assuming they could never be wrong. Im out, this convo is pointless and offers nothing positive to my life.
Yes, I actually think a lot of whats been going on has been outside attacks from china and russia.
'But China'.

None of this shit is new, we were warned in the 80’s by defecting KGB members, no one listened, just like today they laughed arrogantly assuming they could never be wrong. Im out, this convo is pointless and offers nothing positive to my life.

Pretending like that is not the entirety of the internet is why I think you are full of shit.