U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

The claim was "Since 9/11 extremists affiliated with a variety of far-right wing ideologies...have killed more people in the United States than have extremists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology.".


In other words, the US government spent a decade, 4,805 American soldiers lives and billions of dollars fighting against an enemy that is demonstrably less dangerous to American citizens than the domestic right wing threat at home.
as long as you don't include 9-11
he just doesn't like it beacuase scary muslim man scary, and right wing racist extremist guy hero.

I just think it is quite meaningless to pick that point in time and mutter about before it or after it.

It's Jefferson's War and Jihad has been at us since then.

I just think it is quite meaningless to pick that point in time and mutter about before it or after it.

It's Jefferson's War and Jihad has been at us since then.


racist right wing extremists have been waging war since before islam was a thought in anyone's head.
Hmmm...... interesting.

authoritarians, slave holders, supremacists, racists and the like have been doing evil deeds since way before anyone ever dreamt up the violent book of fairy tales that you hate (or the violent book of fairy tales that you don't hate).

you want to play the time frame game, fine. come at me.
authoritarians, slave holders, supremacists, racists and the like have been doing evil deeds since way before anyone ever dreamt up the violent book of fairy tales that you hate (or the violent book of fairy tales that you don't hate).

you want to play the time frame game, fine. come at me.
I just think it is quite meaningless to pick that point in time and mutter about before it or after it.

It's Jefferson's War and Jihad has been at us since then.


How is the answer to the question of who is more dangerous to American citizens since 9/11 meaningless?

Christianity has centuries on Islam, do you really want to add up all the extremism since the beginning and start counting kills?
So you can find the origin of a random picture, yet you can't google the weather?

I didn't know Google was that far along.

Can I get like...a gentle shower...very local for about an hour? Or do I have to Google up an entire storm over my region.

How does it work?
How is the answer to the question of who is more dangerous to American citizens since 9/11 meaningless?

Christianity has centuries on Islam, do you really want to add up all the extremism since the beginning and start counting kills?

Because 9/11 was blamed on Jihad and I have no evidence to counter that.

But, you said it yourself. Counting killing is stupid,

There are more people ALIVE today that have ever been dead.
Unfortunately what is very hard to understand, is we can win against this war cult, by carefully fighting them into educating their women,

No pussy for crazy men. That is they only thing that has ever worked.
The larger point is the coverage. It's completely disproportionate when you look at the number of American citizens killed by Islamic extremists compared to right wing extremists, Islam gets well over 99% of the media coverage whereas I've seen literally one story covering right wing extremism in America and conservatives shit themselves over it and screamed bloody murder like a conservative could never possibly even think about committing violence
The larger point is the coverage. It's completely disproportionate when you look at the number of American citizens killed by Islamic extremists compared to right wing extremists, Islam gets well over 99% of the media coverage whereas I've seen literally one story covering right wing extremism in America and conservatives shit themselves over it and screamed bloody murder like a conservative could never possibly even think about committing violence
that's because islamic terrorists have killed thousands of more people in our country than right wingers have since 9-10
that's because islamic terrorists have killed thousands of more people in our country than right wingers have since 9-10

So why did we waste all those resources and American lives fighting against Islamic terrorism when right wing terrorism is more dangerous?

How much have we spent fighting right wing terrorism?
Right click on the picture "search google for this image"

some folk actually like using internet explorer some folk know no better .. each to their own

I use Firefox. I'll go open a new window with IE and check it out though. Thank you for the tip. I come here for the learning.