U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

You're aware of my game and you continue to play along. For that I thank you.

How about this? "No, I was not insinuating that you don't pay taxes.I was making a comment directed towards Uncle Buck. I am sorry I wasn't clear about that in the beginning. I hope any stress this has brought upon you has passed. In the future I'll try not to be such a chickenshit."

We good now?

I don't know why you're having so much trouble just admitting that you were too much of a chicken shit to just accuse me of tax evasion.
I don't know why you're having so much trouble just admitting that you were too much of a chicken shit to just accuse me of tax evasion.

Because I wasn't.

As if I'd have a hard time admitting I was. I admitted to sucking old man cock. You really think I have any scruples? It was never about you.
Because I wasn't.

As if I'd have a hard time admitting I was. I admitted to sucking old man cock. You really think I have any scruples? It was never about you.

Well you might suck old man cock but that doesn't mean that you're not proud of it. You're clearly having a hard time admitting that you're too chicken shit to accuse me of tax evasion.
this is me in june of 2013.

The Jihad body count goes back almost 1400 years.

You are not counting those, I am very sure,

The claim was "Since 9/11 extremists affiliated with a variety of far-right wing ideologies...have killed more people in the United States than have extremists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology.".


In other words, the US government spent a decade, 4,805 American soldiers lives and billions of dollars fighting against an enemy that is demonstrably less dangerous to American citizens than the domestic right wing threat at home.
How is that BS?

More people have been killed because of right wing extremism than Islamic extremism in America since 9/11, that's a fact, there's no wordplay involved at all

he just doesn't like it beacuase scary muslim man scary, and right wing racist extremist guy hero.