Then why middle class people vote for ultra rich 1% Trump in 3 key states?
I support the most liberal candidate who has an actual chance to win. There's a fine line between your idea of an 'actual progressive' and an 'establishment Democrat'.
Virtually any Democrat will work harder for the middle class and the poor. Until you can accept that, you're helping the other side. You can't tell me that Clinton wouldn't have helped the progressive cause more than Trump. You simply can't have everything you want. Count the house and senate seats. Review the sitting SCOTUS. If you really want to move in a progressive direction, you sometimes have to compromise.
And that's from someone who has been studying elections since 1964, and has 5-7 lifetime record voting in presidential elections. 7 times out of 12 the less progressive candidate (Republican) won. And there's also the very strong shift to the right since 1980 to deal with, and the current severe political polarization.
You can cherry pick your best selection for a progressive candidate. After that, they have to win. After that, they have to pass their agenda through the house and senate.
Tell the truth, if Bernie had just won the presidential election, how much of his agenda would get through congress in your opinion? I supported Sanders in the primary on fundamental liberal principle. But I knew he would get nothing but obstruction if he won.
Realistically speaking, some of your ideas are likely 20 years into the future, and then only if they are informed voters in the future who don't buy into fake news. I certainly wish you luck, but the right is pretty fucking sneaky. Expect a lifelong struggle with political set backs. That's what I've experienced. A 5-7 presidential voting record sucks. (It was 7-5 in direct popular vote which sucks even more.)