Looking dialed in Sativied.... I'm digging your light position, the canopy and plant health.
Thanks! Like during my previous run switching to the 600watt made them really happy. Obviously way more lumen (88K instead of 40K), but it also brings up the temp high enough I
can finally fully utilize my exhaust, intake and fans. With the 400watt it all got too cold.
How are your temps holding in there without the air cooled reflector?
I have a 290CFM/355m3h Ruck 125L, basically the best (German engineering, the rest here are clones of theirs) which has a thermostat. Temp during light on is roughly 82-83 because I put that exhaust on 82-83

I.o.w. it works like a charm, it automatically goes faster when needed and dims when it's cool enough. It'll work less well in the summer when it's 80-ish degrees outside as well.
At the same time I need to keep my reservoir temp low, roughly 68 degrees. The funny thing is that since the canopy is so dense and I'm on 12/12 I no longer have to cool the res with bottles of ice. I have an air pump in my intake box (a box outside and against the grow closet to block light and hold large Zalman PC fan for active intake and one passive intake) which keeps the rez cool as well.
In that picture above is a small clip fan at the right in the back, that one is now upside down blowing between the canopy and the lamp because the lamp is actually too close right now (16 instead of 20 inch at least so they can get used to it). So far they seem to be able to handle it well. I can't really raise my light much further because the carbon filter is in the way, so, I just bought a new one. Phresh filter 500m3., which is thicker but shorter than my current filter and will give me some extra space to raise the light about 8 inches more. Going to be a close call - if all else fails I will raise the ceiling of the grow closet but that's obviously something I rather avoid.
When I took this pic for another thread the lamp and hood was still still much lower, now it is touching the filter (I put a piece of wood between it so the cloth doesn't catch fire...). I'm going to replace the old filter with ducting and hang the new filter 90 degrees turned and all the way at the left.