

Hi I am new to growing weed and I just germinated 2 bag seeds using the wet paper towel method and planted them in cups I do not have any grow lights and I can't buy any cause of everything going on but my room is on rooftop which gets a lot of sunlight. My question is can I leave the cups in direct sunlight if so then for how long and what should I do at night.
Note: i have just germinated them and placed them in a cup with the taproot facing down and covered it with some soil.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Sunlight might be to bright for those seedlings right off the bat but I am sure some people will chime in .

If it were me I would put them under a small light for 2 weeks before introducing them the the scorcher (sun) if you have a tube light (t5.t8) etc. That would be perfect for the first few weeks


Sunlight might be to bright for those seedlings right off the bat but I am sure some people will chime in .

If it were me I would put them under a small light for 2 weeks before introducing them the the scorcher (sun) if you have a tube light (t5.t8) etc. That would be perfect for the first few weeks
Thank you for your answer I already put them in sunlight for couple of hours but have brought them inside now is that going to hurt the seed and its growth?


Well-Known Member
Hard to say if they havent sprouted yet prob not ...even if you have a small cfl lightbulb that would do to or if not you can buy them dirt cheap like 2 to3 dollars and that would get you by for now to.

And someone may chime in and say the sun is fine but from my exp I wouldnt until a few weeks old .


Well-Known Member
If you are in the US, or the same area of the planet, then the days are still too short to plant outside. If your seeds are still germinating, then they don't need any light, and actually germinate better in the dark. Once they pop out of the soil then you don't need a ton of light on them. I start all my plants under a 65 watt quantum board but even inexpensive LED lights are fine for them when they are seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can put your seedlings in the sun. I do it all the time on sunny days. If your days are short you can use just any light to keep them under longer daylight hours at 18 - 24 hours so they stay vegging and don't start flowering early.


Well-Known Member
You could always defuse/filter the sunlight with a plastic or a shade cloth so that the plants don't receive the full energy from the sun. I've read many farmers in areas where they are afraid of being spotted from aircraft that they grow in and around groves of trees and still achieve hansom harvests. Good luck!