stupid fuckin slang term getting on my nerves.

Exactly how I feel. If you can't be bothered to even TRY to communicate in an intelligent manner why should I bother to try to decipher your gibberish?

I think text chatting is ruining the younger generation. My pet peeve is "wat" instead of "what." I just want to smack a bitch when I see that. Of course in 100 years we'll all be spelling "what" as "wat" because of text-chat-speak.
maybe its not ruining..maybe its changing..language is a living phenomenon..
Quit being such a hater. When you see people on the street call another person "dawg" i doubt you go and say "Wow why would you say that, he is obviously not a dog"....
Bra, bro, dog.... your just a hater. Oh wait is hater slang too?
Sho rite, Dog. Bro's be puttin' down da rap! Riddin' til da wheels fall off. Hoe's on da hood, punks in da trunk, got a foot on the neck.
Fourth grade, food stamp, aids packing lingo. It's all fucking bullshit. A serious waste of Grown Folk's time.
Quit being such a hater. When you see people on the street call another person "dawg" i doubt you go and say "Wow why would you say that, he is obviously not a dog"....
Bra, bro, dog.... your just a hater. Oh wait is hater slang too?

The difference is oral versus written. Dawg and Dog sound the same orally, the same as Bra and Brah sound the same orally.

Bottom line.... when it's written:

What's up bra? = What's up brassiere?

What's up brah? = What's up brother?

Yes I'm well aware of the ins and outs of texting shortcuts, especially on cell phones, however this is not texting, this is a forum where you have all the time and space you need to type out a word correctly to the best of your ability. Clearly the "ability" is what's gone out the window....(translated to generation ghetto speak: "clrly da abilty iz wat gon owt da winda") ;)
Correct me if I am wrong, but the last time I checked, this is not a job site or a resume site! What does "Proffessionalism" have to do with what happens at!! This is not school either! It is not nice to look down ones nose at others!

Your missing the point. Its not a job interview, its not a school(although fdd made a good point). I say what I say in generalization and to paint a picture, but whatever example I use I do it only to show that the principal of it is shared no matter what or where you are or what ever the situation, it can be applied across the board.
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Um, don't you mean "you're missing the point"? You're as in the contraction, you are, rather than your, the possessive? And, wouldn't it also be "it's" as in the contraction of "it is", rather than, again, the possessive of the thing?
:lol: Zing zing! Sorry, I could NOT resist. :-P
woah I think your talking about Mane2008 in which case he can type however the fuck he wants. I haven't really seen anyone else type like that in every post. Mane is toooo triiilll! (j/p):peace: I can stand any slang people usually type how they talk so what you get pissed when you go through the "hood"? lol as long as I can read it idk how they type/spell.
My problem is that I'm CLEARLY out of the loop and don't understand what's being said. It makes me feel inferior. :lol: ;)
Hand signs are a gang thing. Shaking your hand like a surfer is one thing that everyone knows isn't gang related ;) Wayyy more gang signs then the one surfer thing. Lol as far as I know gang signs aren't for "talking" they're for showing what you claim.
Hey! I bet EVERYONE knows this one ---> :finger: That's not a gang sign, is it?
Some people spell it like dat here but you never really know.

Yea i use it, to the person who started this thread. It's like dude or any other term for that matter. Do we criticize dude? No I don't speak on any one who talks different.
I get in trouble for calling my husband dude. I do it anyway, cuz that's how I roll. :lol:

Oh yeah, the sign that you put up in one of those threads, totally reminds me of when we're little kids and our uncles go, "GOT YOUR NOSE!" I made my nephew cry when I did that, he thought I really got his nose. :( Poor Fefe.
I didn't know what dank bud was. Well I did but i could've said speak ebonics or regular English. Or I could've said don't speak dude!
I still don't know what nukka is, or where it came from. Is it a noun? Is it a verb, adjective, adverb? WHAT IS NUKKA???
It was just an example. I dont know, maybe its just me but I pay attention to how people speak and carry themselves. Just like a handshake. I cant stand when a man shakes my hand and it feels like I am grabbing a babies hand, I like a good strong firm handshake. A weak handshake tells me that they have a high probability of being a meek and timid person, and is easily intimidated. A strong handshake tells me they are confident and secure. This has just been my observation over the years.
I'm looking for work, can spell (even did some work as a book editor), and also detest the limp handshake, from men OR women.

You forgot about other contractions and possessive misuses. Your versus you're, for instance. :)
if i have trouble reading a post because of grammar i immediately back out. if you don't have the time to learn to spell properly i don't have the time to help. sorry, it just shows how willing one is to put forth effort. if you can't take the time to spell how can you take the time to grow? :)
I used to do a lot of work with this site Wetwebmedia, Aquarium, Pond, Marine and Freshwater Fish, reef tanks, and Aquatics Information (Daily FAQs).
It is often a Googlewhack, and Bob's resources aren't used just by hobbyists, but by scientists and professionals around the world. He feels, and I happen to agree, that because of this, it is of utmost importance that the language be used properly or people will have an extremely difficult time using the information contained on site, which would then seriously infringe on its usefulness.
Um, don't you mean "you're missing the point"? You're as in the contraction, you are, rather than your, the possessive? And, wouldn't it also be "it's" as in the contraction of "it is", rather than, again, the possessive of the thing?
:lol: Zing zing! Sorry, I could NOT resist. :-P
It is all good :). I am a little weak on my contractions as I normally refrain from using them. I guess here is a place I let things slip a little as well.
It is all good :). I am a little weak on my contractions as I normally refrain from using them. I guess here is a place I let things slip a little as well.
And I, being what I am, which is also a perfectionist and a good speller, can't resist when the door is opened for me. Otherwise, I let it all go because I am mathematically declined. :lol:

In other words, we all have our own kind of smarts. :hump:
lol you know what annoys me? people in the US who cant speak english, but ya dont see me bitchin about it on here. get over it doggie.


ay bra jus chill...
And I, being what I am, which is also a perfectionist and a good speller, can't resist when the door is opened for me. Otherwise, I let it all go because I am mathematically declined. :lol:

In other words, we all have our own kind of smarts. :hump:

Agreed. Maybe it is the generation we grew up in where first impressions made a difference and that was taught from the time we were very young, and educators were not afraid to let you have it if you fucked up. Oh, the good old days.
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I use that term... but I spell it differently because I agree with you about it being intended to hold breasts in place. I spell it like "bruh".

This the same way I do it. I don't use it on this site just wit a few of my close friends wen we text message. Didnt think folks would know what "bruh" meant. lol.
you got most of that right except for the last part. Some adults really talk like that and I don't think they care if they're "cool" or not.:peace: saying "bra" doesn't seem uneducated either its like saying "dude" IMO. I hear dude all the time but I don't think whoever said it is uneducated/young or trying to be cool. just my 2 cents:mrgreen: Although some kids/posers do try and use slang to look cool that isn't always the case.

Very well put. I guess it's more of a way of spelling it so the annunciation is understood. I don't use it like "bra", so I wouldn't spell it that way since it won't sound that way. I would spell it "bruh" simply because that's the way it would sound if spoken. That's just me though. Different strokes for different folks. Ya dig. lol.
oh when sumone texts you in da A, just about all my contacts and everyone else i know and don't know says was good bra?
Shit wats poppin bra?
Where da smoke at bra?
Roll up bra? No need to give any more examples

Shawty is real big here too also Patna. People proly dont type like they speak because of people like you it's forum who doesn't speak in shorter words. If you want to have pure english conversations to to a debate club or suthin.
Bra is just like dude so before you criticize it think about it. Don't hate on different shit. I type da way i talk hate or love it.

I dig it, and feel where you coming from, cuz me and da patnas use it in do same context wit da same annunciation, but we always spelled it "bruh" and it ain't no different just spelled differently. It's whateva tho, ya heard me, dude shouldn't have even tripped off some lame ish like dat yanno. Slang and educated speaking in da same post. Hahaha. It's all good bruh. Peace:joint::hump:
Naw dat shit pissed me off cause of one fuckin word i use. I aint p-d up just i knew he was talkin about me and others who do use it. I haven't see many others use it that much. Like 3 other ones that use it legitimately. I def haven't seen good look bra many times except for by me.

I dont feel I'm aggressive. I responded to this post in the way he typed it. Sounds like he didn't want anyone who uses it to pop off on his ass.

I like to use those terms to my ninja, I just don't use them here, for this reason alone. I mean don't get me wrong, I use slang and abbreviated terms on here all the time. But I stick to the known terms, so I don't ever have to explain or justify my use or lack there of the english language. I'm a nigga, and we speak how we speak, it is what it is. But just to keep it simpleton, I stick to da script ya feel me.

On another note, I had posted a few times in a thread and got into a lil debate over dis and dat or whateva, and when I stood my ground and spoke my piece, folks got all butt hurt and felt like I was all aggressive too, even left bad rep on my page. But it's whatever, I just spoke my mind and defended my stance and folks thought I was gettin aggressive. So, I feel where you coming from MANE, and I'm wit you on this one. Fuck what they talking bout. Water under the bridge. Peace.:joint::hump: