10 New Anesia Seeds Strains At Chosen Seeds - Get 'Em While They're Still Here!


Well-Known Member
Arriving from Spain is Anesia Seeds' elusive, much sought-after batch of latest creations. We have ten of their newest selection, and they’re all as magnificent as the last.

Considering we’ve been on the Anesia train hard since their inception, we couldn’t be happier. We’ve had a lot of inquiries as to when we will be stocking their latest, and up until recently, haven’t had much to offer other than ‘whenever we can.’ Thankfully, that day has now come.

We are officially in receipt of the following strains: Auto Imperium X, Auto Sleepy Joe, Rainbow Donut Auto, Future Island, Frozen Black Cherry, Dankberry, Cash Cow, Calypso Sunrocks, Foster, and Apricot Oreoz. Each of these seeds offer something totally unique, but they all share a few select qualities: eye-watering THC levels, and a ridiculously high standard. You can find their entire range here: https://chosenseeds.com/product-category/seed-banks/anesia-seeds/.

If you haven’t sampled their wares yet, now’s a great time - they are consistently our most popular seeds on the site, and customers are consistently happy with them. We will be running a giveaway on Friday so keep your eyes out for that.

This latest batch are extremely hard to get hold of, and so we’re ecstatic to be able to give RollItUp the heads up on their availability. Any questions, please ask - regardless, we hope you have a wonderful, positivity-filled week, and also that you stop by Chosen Seeds at some point to say hello.

Chosen Seeds