stupid fuckin slang term getting on my nerves.

Nail on the head.. The gangsta's think all those hand signs are a gang thing...they're not... No wonder they're all shooting at each other...they don't even know what the F*** people are saying to them..

Hand signs are a gang thing. Shaking your hand like a surfer is one thing that everyone knows isn't gang related ;) Wayyy more gang signs then the one surfer thing. Lol as far as I know gang signs aren't for "talking" they're for showing what you claim.
you got most of that right except for the last part. Some adults really talk like that and I don't think they care if they're "cool" or not.:peace: saying "bra" doesn't seem uneducated either its like saying "dude" IMO. I hear dude all the time but I don't think whoever said it is uneducated/young or trying to be cool. just my 2 cents:mrgreen: Although some kids/posers do try and use slang to look cool that isn't always the case.
You don't get her point, brah. She said it makes a person seem uneducated if they don't use the correct spelling.
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Yes.... but this isn't a "verbal" board.... it's a written word forum. I'm not criticizing the use of the word.... just the spelling of it. I realize a lot of people use the term 'brah' in their speech, just like the term 'dude'. I see nothing wrong with it.

I just laugh when I see the slang spelled incorrectly. Come on ....can they really not be bothered with that one extra key stroke to get it correct? Talk about lazy! For the record.... I think the same thing about typing the word dude as dood. ;)

yeah 100% agreed:mrgreen: I'm getting tired so I'm probably reading things wrong...
I use that term... but I spell it differently because I agree with you about it being intended to hold breasts in place. I spell it like "bruh".

Some people spell it like dat here but you never really know.

Yea i use it, to the person who started this thread. It's like dude or any other term for that matter. Do we criticize dude? No I don't speak on any one who talks different.

Yea some people on here are trying to use bra since I got on here, but only in a argument with me when they say speak English even though they understand me completely and if not they get the idea of what I type. So I do pop off when they do say speak English or go get and education.

Trust me I can use my brain .

I didn't know what dank bud was. Well I did but i could've said speak ebonics or regular English. Or I could've said don't speak dude!

I know you were talking about me, I'm the only person on here who uses good look bra!

Have you ever been to a hood? I think not as you act like you've never heard a different term before. I don't shit on you don't try and shit on me and do it in a hoeish way cause you only wanted people who hated the term to post.

Live in Atlanta not Buckhead tho, and I bet you would use at least one slang term. Well you already do just not int he fashion I do.

I used some real English on your ass take it to your dome bra! Dis is me and if you don't like it speak on it to me not everyone else bra! Show's what kinda balls you got!

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You just can't fuck with Mane...I think I'm jock riding a little too hard...I'm just gonna slowly back out of this thread now. PEACE

edit:...I mixed up d riding with on your I'm gonna stop posting now...
Some people spell it like dat here but you never really know.

Yea i use it, to the person who started this thread. It's like dude or any other term for that matter. Do we criticize dude? No I don't speak on any one who talks different.

Yea some people on here are trying to use bra since I got on here, but only in a argument with me when they say speak English even though they understand me completely and if not they get the idea of what I type. So I do pop off when they do say speak English or go get and education.

Trust me I can use my brain .

I didn't know what dank bud was. Well I did but i could've said speak ebonics or regular English. Or I could've said don't speak dude!

I know you were talking about me, I'm the only person on here who uses good look bra!

Have you ever been to a hood? I think not as you act like you've never heard a different term before. I don't shit on you don't try and shit on me and do it in a hoeish way cause you only wanted people who hated the term to post.

Live in Atlanta not Buckhead tho, and I bet you would use at least one slang term. Well you already do just not int he fashion I do.

I used some real English on your ass take it to your dome bra! Dis is me and if you don't like it speak on it to me not everyone else bra! Show's what kinda balls you got!

A little parinoid mane!?? And agressive too.

No need to whip someones ass bubba.

I've read many others using 'bra' too...
oh when sumone texts you in da A, just about all my contacts and everyone else i know and don't know says was good bra?
Shit wats poppin bra?
Where da smoke at bra?
Roll up bra? No need to give any more examples

Shawty is real big here too also Patna. People proly dont type like they speak because of people like you it's forum who doesn't speak in shorter words. If you want to have pure english conversations to to a debate club or suthin.
Bra is just like dude so before you criticize it think about it. Don't hate on different shit. I type da way i talk hate or love it.
What gets me is the improper use of English. For the ones that are not English I can understand mistakes, but the for the ones that grew up around it and I find it to be discouraging, whether it be the schools that should be teaching the correct usage or just peoples flat out laziness. Some prime examples are:

their & there & they're
where & were
affect & effect
than & then
affect & effect
to & too & two

Now even as conscience as I am about my grammar, I make mistakes too as does anyone else. I just do not understand how people can consistently make the same mistake over and over. Do the schools not teach this anymore or were people just stoned that day in class. Or is it just flat out laziness?
what an interesting thread this has turned out to be. Mane, I was simply pointing out a slang term that gets on my nerves, i dont like the word, the pronunciation, it most definetely was not a personal attack on you or anyone who uses the term. I am sure there are words and sayings that you dont particularly like. If you refer to the beginning of the thread i asked others if they had words, terms, slang that they did not like and to post them here. I diddnt realise this would turn into such a heated debate. I use slang quite often when i am speaking, I'm irish and god i've heard some funny slang.

get a wheeze o that ye wide merchie or ill slap the chevvy chase off ye.
A little parinoid mane!?? And agressive too.

No need to whip someones ass bubba.

I've read many others using 'bra' too...

Naw dat shit pissed me off cause of one fuckin word i use. I aint p-d up just i knew he was talkin about me and others who do use it. I haven't see many others use it that much. Like 3 other ones that use it legitimately. I def haven't seen good look bra many times except for by me.

I dont feel I'm aggressive. I responded to this post in the way he typed it. Sounds like he didn't want anyone who uses it to pop off on his ass.
What gets me is the improper use of English. For the ones that are not English I can understand mistakes, but the for the ones that grew up around it and I find it to be discouraging, whether it be the schools that should be teaching the correct usage or just peoples flat out laziness. Some prime examples are:

their & there & they're
where & were
affect & effect
than & then
affect & effect
to & too & two

Now even as conscience as I am about my grammar, I make mistakes too as does anyone else. I just do not understand how people can consistently make the same mistake over and over. Do the schools not teach this anymore or were people just stoned that day in class. Or is it just flat out laziness?

Naw it's not laziness. People type how dey speak. if you used to sayin bra on a daily basis you gon get on a forum and take all day to type your post, when you can type how you speak?

It's not a mistake. Oh believe my high school taught me well. Went to a great high school. It's like a code to us people change terms by the week here just to keep pple like you guessing.

Who's gonna talk in perfect English wit their friend on da phone, texting.
Naw it's not laziness. People type how dey speak. if you used to sayin bra on a daily basis you gon get on a forum and take all day to type your post, when you can type how you speak?

It's not a mistake. Oh believe my high school taught me well. Went to a great high school. It's like a code to us people change terms by the week here just to keep pple like you guessing.

Who's gonna talk in perfect English wit their friend on da phone, texting.

I can completely understand that, but in most cases when using 'there & their', as an example, it takes no more or less time to get it right. I know in my world when I review resumes if I see just one mistake like I mentioned I take them out of the running, regardless of their experience.
lets put it this way..some people know how to write, some dont and some dont give a toss..nothing to muse about, really..
I can completely understand that, but in most cases when using 'there & their', as an example, it takes no more or less time to get it right. I know in my world when I review resumes if I see just one mistake like I mentioned I take them out of the running, regardless of their experience.

Okay i can see that and understand it. I wouldn't do it on a resume tho. I might speak diff but not stupid. I would take extra time to make sure I'd got it right so the employer like you would take mines into consideration over al other candidates.

I can speak really well but it's forum and it would take longer than me typing like i text or speak.

Be easy bra
Florida girl knows whats up. All different types off people and all different types of slang. That is why english is so hard for foreigners to learn. We have so many different accents and mini-slang dialects. just my 2cents
Florida girl knows whats up. All different types off people and all different types of slang. That is why english is so hard for foreigners to learn. We have so many different accents and mini-slang dialects. just my 2cents
english difficult for foreigners..?..please..try lithuanian or finnish...youll see what difficult means..or hungarian...english hard to learn..thats a good one..
english difficult for foreigners..?..please..try lithuanian or finnish...youll see what difficult means..or hungarian...english hard to learn..thats a good one..

Yeah bro the other guy is right I'm pretty sure its ranked as the #1 hardest language to learn...Maybe in doing the research they only used common languages but idk. I think it's cause their aren't really any concrete rules people fuck it up sooo bad and change shit all the time if you weren't raised speaking it it's probably really confusing. Like learning math as 1+1=2, unless you're from the south then 1+1=4, in the north 1+1=2.5, etc. English is like 5 languages in itself.
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Yeah bro the other guy is right I'm pretty sure its ranked as the #1 hardest language to learn...Maybe in doing the research they only used common languages but idk. I think it's cause their aren't really any concrete rules people fuck it up sooo bad and change shit all the time if you weren't raised speaking it it's probably really confusing. Like learning math as 1+1=2, unless you're from the south then 1+1=4, in the north 1+1=2.5, etc. English is like 5 languages in itself.
this site will tell u how difficult english is: The hardest language to learn
Life is too short to worry about how people talk, what they say, what they do an so forth. Learn to enjoy every minute on earth like it is your last. Keep the negative feelings under control. Try to be happy. If you do not like the way people talk, just laugh at it and move on. Chill out!!!!