Strawberry Dream grow


Well-Known Member
Scrawny now, I hoping she fills out over the next few weeks. I like bug buds, and I cannot lie.


LOL so funny, hey I got a quick question. Would slower growth represent the start of flowering? My girl seems to be creeping along right now and I'm not sure what it is. I am watering her once a week. This week I only did a half gallon of water cuz it rained but should I water more? I'm also starting to see white roots near come out of the bottom holes so maybe I am just impatient?


Well-Known Member
I don't grow outside, when I flip to flowering there is usually an extensive amount of growth. There are times though when growth tends to just grind to a halt. Just keep an eye on the leaves, they should tell you if you need to do anything.


Well-Known Member
My fan on the veg box took a crap on me last night and it got over 100 in there. I think I caught it soon since I see no evidence of stress on the clones but I need to keep the door open until I can get a replacement. Shifting so my night cycle is during the night so I can keep the door open.


Well-Known Member
My fan on the veg box took a crap on me last night and it got over 100 in there. I think I caught it soon since I see no evidence of stress on the clones but I need to keep the door open until I can get a replacement. Shifting so my night cycle is during the night so I can keep the door open.


Did some lst today on the four main tops by drilling holes in the lip of the bucket and using some string, pic tomorrow since its night time and I don't feel like going outside anymore tonight lol.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. I transplanted one of my clones this weekend from her solo cup to 1g smart pot. I need to run and grab another pot(cannot find my others) so I can get the other transferred. Also waiting for the inline fan I ordered for the veg cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Holy-You got a Salvation Army or thrift store near you?
Buy an old computer tower for like 5-10 bux at a thrift store. pull the fan and wire it to a cell phone charger.. if you plug it in and it don't work, your wires are backwards. flip them and plug back it. I have one i used to use for my 150w HPS bulb.


Well-Known Member
I had a computer fan, it just doesn't pull enough heat out of the cab. I am just getting a cheap duct booster for this though since it is only for either 2x 42W CFL (currently) probably moving to a 90W LED I have sitting around. It is not great, but I don't really want a lot of growth yet since I may not have anywhere to put these girls for up to 5 weeks (when my current girl is ready for harvest.

That said, the clone I transplanted is really looking good considering I was a day or 2 from chucking her and I had a fan flow out and temps got up just over 40C.



Well-Known Member
Buy an old computer tower for like 5-10 bux at a thrift store. pull the fan and wire it to a cell phone charger..
Hi, do have a bunch of old PC fans laying around, but I am using a 600 HPS so I've had to stick with inline ducts fans, but I tried to get the quietest ones I could lay my hands on.


Well-Known Member
When i started growing with the 400w HPS i got i was in a 2'x5' closet. had a clip fan and computer fan for the intake and exhaust of the air cooled hood. seemed to work well.. Can't do that anymore but that's simply because of the lights and space i have.

HB- was planning on getting 4" however......... those are 6" 160CFM x2 for $44.95...... instead of 4" 90CFM x1 for $23.95. which would come out to $48 dollars or so.... seemed a smarter choice for my 8x4 tent... :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, better deal. but the cabinet I have is prevented for the 4", should be more than enough. I actually misspoke(typed) before. The CPU fan worked, but the AC adapter I had it hooked up took a shit on me.


Well-Known Member
I cannot get this N problem under control. I did a top feeding(5-8-4) and also gave some FF Grow big but it is just getting worse.

Any suggestions? I did get my pH meter in yesterday and it looks like things are ok actually.