Stoner Boot Camp - Who's in?

Did my second class of TRX (total body resistance) training at the gym today.

FAK - that shit is intense. After the first class, had a hard time walking up stairs for 3 days after the 30 mins of squats and lunges.

Tomorrow I think I’ll have barbie arms again and may not be able to lift anything over my head.

It’s painful - but it works. I need to train for TRX.

Those TRX things are super legit.

If you're a beginner, you can regress and do "easy" versions of moves.
If you're super advanced, you can use them to make calisthenics really challenging.

So if you're into lifting weights, you can do some great bodyweight stuff for warm ups, and to practice controlling and moving your body.

If you're more into moving your body, you can still do hard, "heavy" stuff.

I used to think they were just for girls or whatever. But this year I've been using them at least once or twice every week.
It's good if you're taking three group classes a week..those burn a shitload of calories. For abs you should download P90x Ab Ripper X if you have a torrent. I've been doing it for years, it will get you shredded as fuk but it's not easy. If you do it, just start slow and I suggest doing 10-15 reps for each set and work your way up.

Looks like you're doing good..
It’s 5am. I can’t get back to sleep.

This will be my very first early morning, pre work gym workout.

Maybe it’ll be a thing? hahah
Mondays - hot yoga
Tuesdays - belly dancing
Wednesday - weights at the gym (outdoor hike when weather permits)
Thursday - weights at the gym (outdoor hike when weather permits)
Friday - off
Saturday - cardio and swimming
Sunday - FUNDAY

I have a routine! Starting with the first belly dancing class EVER tonight. I’m excited…
I was restless this morning when I woke up at 5:00. Got on the treadmill. Great stress reliever. Now that road construction is over I have no excuse not to go to the gym. I'm a creature of habit and when I start going I go often. If something interrupts my routine and I stop going I'm won't be back for a bit. I should see if my roommate is interested in going.

When I do work out it does great things for my appetite. I don't crave carbs/sweets as much and am less hungry.
I was restless this morning when I woke up at 5:00. Got on the treadmill. Great stress reliever. Now that road construction is over I have no excuse not to go to the gym. I'm a creature of habit and when I start going I go often. If something interrupts my routine and I stop going I'm won't be back for a bit. I should see if my roommate is interested in going.

When I do work out it does great things for my appetite. I don't crave carbs/sweets as much and am less hungry.
Cool, so you’re into stoner boot camp?

You can post your “results”.

No dick pics though…hahah
I am trying to be more active and the dog does like to jog on our walks. So, put me down as in training. With winter coming on it may be a bit of a challenge down the road.
ive been on a "down" the past couple months.
ive been told an object at rest stays at rest unless.....

once i start working out i love it, once i stop i cant start. like getting a youngin to take a bath, then trying to get him out the bath

i hate to say but smoking weed doesn't help me. in my mind im like alright lets go, a toke to get my mind in the zone and start going. but ive been switching up strains and i just get stuck.

my 6 pack is drifting away just from the past few months of no activity.
but im starting a new project at work (basically rx r&d) so im hoping i get some motivation back.

anyway im just talking.. keep it up y'all
Haven't been on for a while! Gym has beein going great over the last while. Snows starting to fall so time to get the cardio up for snowboard season. Three weeks away!!!!! Then I will fade out of the gym becuase 5 days of riding for ~4-6 hours gives me plenty of cardio and a killer leg workout. Excited for the snowwww!!!!!
If you're at the gym and you need a spotter for the bench, ask the best bench presser in the gym. They'll help you, and maybe offer some advice.

If you're alone, do a bunch of sets(like 4 or 5) of 5 or 6 reps, with a weight you could do like 8 times. Move the bar fast! Practice the skill of benching. Then go hard on dumbbell presses, or dips or pushups. You can can go till failure and not kill yourself with those.

Workout partners are awesome. But they can be hard to find, and hard to keep.
2 months back at the gym results:

I’ve lost 8 lbs, and gone down I don’t know how many sizes. Gained muscle as well.

My cardio endurance is waaaaaaaay up

I have so much more energy

I crave healthier food

Sex drive is back!

Fucking BOOM! I love the gym!
roommate is going to go to yoga with me several times per week. A workout buddy helps with motivation. He is a stoner too.
That’s awesome!

Had stoner bootcamp this eve with a girlfriend. Smoked several bowls of Pink Kush and had a gay-ol time!

I like the swimming, hot tub, and stretching the best in the stoner boot camp.

What kind of yoga is it?
ive been on a "down" the past couple months.
ive been told an object at rest stays at rest unless.....

once i start working out i love it, once i stop i cant start. like getting a youngin to take a bath, then trying to get him out the bath

i hate to say but smoking weed doesn't help me. in my mind im like alright lets go, a toke to get my mind in the zone and start going. but ive been switching up strains and i just get stuck.

my 6 pack is drifting away just from the past few months of no activity.
but im starting a new project at work (basically rx r&d) so im hoping i get some motivation back.

anyway im just talking.. keep it up y'all
Well what I can say is I've had times where I've been super active on weed and times where I didn't do shit and hadn't smoked in months. So at this point I don't blame the weed anymore..I think we just look for a reason to explain our laziness and weed is an easy one. One thing I do notice though is that when I quit I get excited about clearing it from my system so I start hitting the gym but that usually drops off after 1-3 months.

Here's some things that are working for me this time around:
Doing less sets and exercises when I'm not looking forward to hitting them gym
Doing the machines when I'm lazy instead of compound barbell exercises
Changing my focus to combating depression instead of looking good. If you're on a down it will boost you up
Remembering how good it feels to be there with all the cute energetic girls with good vibes
Going a 3-4 times a week instead of 6, or even once or twice
Going at random times, not worrying about a fixed schedule
Going with someone and letting them pick the exercises

Basically if you ain't working out right now, then go in and don't worry about diet, program, schedule, progress, etc.. you can even make it a one time, here and there thing
2 months back at the gym results:

I’ve lost 8 lbs, and gone down I don’t know how many sizes. Gained muscle as well.

My cardio endurance is waaaaaaaay up

I have so much more energy

I crave healthier food

Sex drive is back!

Fucking BOOM! I love the gym!
Fuck yeah, I love the gym too! So glad you're going again! Congrats on losing 8 lbs & going down in size!
Got a wee bit Sick starting Friday, the flu. Haven’t been to the gym since…Thursday?

I’ve been too sore to go, pulled a cak-load of muscles in the ‘ol back from the wretching. But today - I will go.

5 days away from gym time and I REALLY missed it! Yay! Starting to actually be part of the lifestyle and not a chore to go!!!

I fucking. Love. Stoner. Boot Camp!!!!

Let’s roll!

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