Stoner Boot Camp - Who's in?

I did! Finally got back in, and feeling it for sure. I've done my chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/tris, and i have my leg day tomorrow :spew:Weight has gone down for sure, but something to work towards! Getting my meals back in check, trying to start 1 week meal prep every Sunday, and pretty much just trying to watch motivating lifting videos at least some point during the day.(always makes me feel guilty for not going). If you haven't already, check out some of CT Fletcher's videos! Guy is a boss, and he tells it like it is. Thanks for the motivation people!
Ive lost 30lbs, really all i can afford, this past month or so. i naturally have a high metabolism and stay pretty thin.
Havent been lifting as much but a ton of walking hiking just being outside. I feel pretty great healthy but definitely need to work out more.
Im happy, ive doubled what i could lift since February.and its summer now....
Man 30lbs damn! Thats awesome! Gotta start the bulk now! I'm pretty lean as is as well, just need to get back the muscle mass i had before!
I get fat super fast but I get muscle crazy fast too its a double edged sword. I just have to keep my food choices lean (besides movie day on sunday is a junk food free for all AKA carb cycle) You have to understand your body and its glycemic response and how it reacts to various foods. I keep my macros in check for the most part but sunday I give zero fucks and get wasted and pound french toast, toaster strudels and whatever else me and my girl want. Next day its back to tuna, water, chicken, greens etc
Just moved and the Gawds are cock-blocking me. I can only find ONE of my running shoes.

Going to the gym in old skate shoes if I have to. I NEED to get back there and gain some of these muscles I lost.

It's Onnnnnnnnn.
Faked up my legs HARD in the move though. I think I bruise easily...

..and move HARD.


Oh many bruises. Think they would think I was super hardcore if I wore shorts at the gym?
Theyre doing Weed Olympics at my weed club. Theres stoner baking fucking darts russian billiard comps. I even think a dab comp is taking place. Id personally be up for who can burn an ounce the quickest type deal too tbh.
For the love of Jebus - swimming laps is difficult if you’ve never done it before.

I know its great exercise, and I’m getting into it for sure. But the breathing part has been a bit of a challenge.

Anyone here a great swimmer and have any tips?

I’m sore as hell from the gym, but feeling more energized already! YAY!
@ Yessica... Keep the work out. Fitness is healthy. I go gym daily and on the days off i go swimming.
You are also pretty cute but I believe you should change the shape of glasses you ware. These just don't fit you. :)

ya know, i disagree. i assume your still wearing those dark purple? squared glasses. from most of your pics (dont make that weird ;) ) i do think they are a little large for your face, just super picky

oh and i havent swam in a very long time. even for someone not on the coast
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So many question.
ask away...

If you think I may have been iron deficient at the time, you're likely correct. My diet was terrible.

breakup + move + new job + bad drug reaction = not eating enough.

Been better for the last week - woo hoo

ya know, i disagree. i assume your still wearing those dark purple? squared glasses. from most of your pics (dont make that weird ;) ) i do think they are a little large for your face, just super picky

oh and i havent swam in a very long time. even for someone not on the coast
They are a little. They're my B-roll, but I got a little too busy this summer to get my favourite ones fixed. I kept falling asleep with them on my face and 2 pairs got all the screws fallen out.

I'm hard on my shit.

Contacts is what I need to get back into. Can't break those.

When I get busy though, personal upkeep things get thrown to the wind.

Anywho - back on track now!

My legs are FUCKING SORE from the gym yesterday.

Just walked today - and gym again tomorrow.

I'll do some yoga tonight. Love the yoga.