Stickstones first grow ever - outdoors


Well-Known Member
I think I am down to one left. Reacher has lost its nodes and has about four leaves left on its little cola.

Greenjeans had gotten totally brown and folded over, so I topped it my way...cut it down to just a stem.

I replanted them in a new garden area. I tilled the soil and mixed it with all the time-release soil I had bought when I knew nothing. So they are both in a new home, with only one really having a chance to make it. I'll let nature take that one over as I germ two or three more.

The good news is these two got way past the dying point of all the others I did. I'm confident I can get the other seeds further along than before, and I will be using much better seeds this time. I really was using very visibly runt seeds for these last plants, and they had stopped growing for a few weeks.

I'll put a pic of the plot up later.



Well-Known Member case anyone is still following my memoirs of misery.

Greenjeans closed shop shortly after my last post. Reacher is coming back strong in terms of leaf growth...took about three weeks to see real improvement. I am still convinced it is a runt, but I will let it occupy its plot to see if it gives me anything back.

About two weeks ago I started over with three good seeds and one bagseed from some good regs I got recently. This time I am doing it better. I started with a good potting soil with NO ferts! I also went straight from the paper towel to the final bigger pots they will stay more little pots for me.

One of these seeds germed like a madman. This one is still with us. The other three fell over and died like all the others. I have named this new one Hope, for obvious reasons. It is by far the strongest and fastest growing plant I have had yet.

I am fertilizing these two plants every week with the same MG KP is using in her competition grow (I forget the numbers). I also rotate the potted plant 180 degrees every day to keep it from leaning and possibly falling. I've noticed that after a few weeks of this they seem to get out of the danger zone. Hope has been outside in the sun from the get hardening.

We'll see if it croaks, too, now that I have started updating this thread again. So far I am 2 for 15...that average will never get me to the majors!



Well-Known Member
also you should update your avatar. Hope looks like she(hopefully) will be doing well this grow. What kind of soil did you get?


Well-Known Member
Thanks recvryjsy42...whatever that is. I just updated my avatar...thanks for noticing I am a little further along now! I am using 'Fafard 3B Mix' potting soil. It has no ferts in it. I am using a MG fert every saturday mixed at 1/4 strength.

Here's the latest pics. Reacher has really taken off in the last week...for Reacher, that is. It was a runt seed and has spent much of its 2-3 month life recovering from various disasters. But it seems to finally be growing. I may have to give it some love after all.

Hope is the mangled one on a stick. You can see the leaves my dog enjoyed. I just took the supports off and it is not quite readdy to support itself. But I still can't believe how much it has recovered from that and how quickly. You can see the holes I have punched in the rim of the pot so I can LST it. I will do that probably in a needs to be about an inch or two longer.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the interest, 42day.

Reacher is doing about 3 nodes. Funny, all the leaves have only three points. I wonder if that will change. These two plants were from the same bagseed, yet they are quite different. This plant is in the ground and gets nutes from me every week. I don't know if it needs it since it is in the ground, but what the heck.

Hope is crankin' along. I wish I had started this one in April like all the dead ones! I have moved her to a new place that doesn't get as much sun, but is VERY well hidden. I am still goint to LST her, but differently now, I think. I was going to make a bush out of her and LST around the pot she's in, but with the new camo, I think I will train her to grow laterally to keep the stealth factor up. Here's the pics...the first two are of Hope and the last three are of Reacher. You can see Hope's bottom leaves are shrivelled. This happens to all my plants...whether they survive or not. Reacher has a few holes in some of its leaves...maybe bugs?



Well-Known Member
well after so many try's lol your finally getting something out there :) good job also im doing my first grow to but im not keeping a journal on it yet my plants about a week old from seed i 2 of them bag seed dont kno wat strain hopefully some fire thou but im new just like you so if you need any help i might be of some so just PM me when ever ChemSMkr