Well-Known Member
what the hell kind of soil is that? how often do you water, daily? full sun?
Thanks, James.hey ss,
i think you should leave them in an area where they recieve full sunlight for half the day but put them in a spot where they do not recieve rain and have to resist the weather. put them in a covered spot (perhaps a window sill) and water them yourself so you can control how much water they receive instead of the rain drowning them. Also, i used a spray bottle to water my young plants instead of pouring water directly so i didnt drown them myself.
Nice! Keep those shots comin'...I can take it!and i thought i sucked at growing
keep goin man i have 4 baby plants like urs but they look kinda healthier!
Thanks man...I was just reading your thread on your bubble grow. I have been wanting this for a month now ever since I saw Roseman's thread. Anyhow, I'm ordering one soon so I hope to get better results!Hey man, i don't mean to be one of those people who say you NEED this or that to grow... but it would be a really good idea to NOT use prefertilized soil.
If you really have to, get outside dirt and sterilize it, or non fertilized soil and use a fertilizer like miracle-gro (bad for plant too, but really easy to find)
BUT, I have grown two successful soil grows, failed on one, and am now doing a bubbleponics grow and i can say w/e the final outcome, its fun...
Keep on trying!