Flying High w . Hawk - 2024 Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Fed them GeoFlora BLOOM like I’m supposed to instead of the Veg! Still shaking my head at that error!




Well-Known Member
When I checked on the 4 Kingdoms, I noticed a lot of leaves w. issues. Any ideas what’s going on here? What should I feed them? At this point, I’ve only been watering and adding GeoFlora Veg (or Bloom) every couple weeks.



Well-Known Member
Trimmed off all the problem leaves from the 4 Kingdoms, CBD Critical Mass and its clone. Added a couple more ties to the tomato cage to make sure it holds upright. Trying to figure out how to place the 8” support posts / netting. The tree is really in the way. Might have to cut off some tree branches to make room for the posts…



Well-Known Member
More rain.

Lots more leaves have turned yellow. Fed them GeoFlora Bloom and watered them. Hopefully, the leaves will improve again.

Should I prune off all the yellow leaves? I cut them off five days ago, but lots more now.

Huge storm rolls in at night. Really hope it doesn’t do any damage!



Well-Known Member
Rainy again today, but not anything like last night. Checked on the plants – still yellow leaves, but no storm damage! MUST set up the stakes / netting for support. Need to cut tree branches and bring out a small ladder to do this properly…

More rain yet again. Really hope this weather doesn’t lead to bud rot like last year. Hell, I started nearly 1.5 months earlier this year than last year to try to avoid those issues!



Well-Known Member
Rain and More rain. Leaves still look bad. Fed them some GeoFlora Veg to give them some Nitrogen. Really hope this helps them out!!

More rain. Tried to shake excess water off the branches once the rains stopped. Looks to me like the 4 Kingdoms plant is nowhere as thick / bushy as it was a couple weeks ago. Think its lost a LOT of leaves! Not good…



Well-Known Member
More rain.

More rain.
WTF? Maybe I should start building an ark…

Amazing, this is the first time my grow journal has been up to date in Ages!!



Well-Known Member
Finally a sunny day. Set up the support stakes and netting.

Found batches of mushrooms growing at the base of both plants. Removed the shrooms. Very surprised to see them grow so quickly. Will the shrooms cause issues / problems for the plants?



Well-Known Member
Nice one! Mushrooms are usually a good thing in gardens, improving soil health being a part of the soil food web. They look nice and healthy, love mushrooms..

How's it been with the weather.. staking and supporting branches? Hope all's well~


Well-Known Member
Rain again and looks like it’s supposed to rain the next couple days. Guess we’re getting remnants of the monstrous hurricane? Hopefully, no insane winds as well as the rain!

These are the products I have. Which should I be adding at this point to help these plants cross the Finish line?
  • GeoFlora Veg (5-3-4)
  • GeoFlora Bloom (3-5-5)
  • Sweet Candy (0-17-28)
  • Mega Crop Plant Food (9-7-14)
  • Sea-K Kelp Extract (0-0-18)
  • CalMag (1-0-0)
  • Bud Explosion – PK Booster (0-21-40)
  • Mega Crop 1-Part (11-5-14)
  • Mega Crop 2-Part A (8-12-28)
  • Mega Crop 2-Part B (15.5-0-0)
  • Earthworm Castings (5-0-0)
  • Mycorrhizal Fungi
  • Hygroben – Beneficial Microbes

More rain. Looks like the 4 Kingdoms is about 8-9 foot tall. I am beyond shocked!! But despite how tall they are, I'm pretty sure the buds aren't anywhere close to as big as the Granddaddy Purple and THC Bomb plants were last year in their 7-gallon grow pots. Hopefully, they'll fatten up before harvest.



Well-Known Member
Nice one! Mushrooms are usually a good thing in gardens, improving soil health being a part of the soil food web. They look nice and healthy, love mushrooms..
How's it been with the weather.. staking and supporting branches? Hope all's well~
Thanks @k0rps ! The weather has been rainy. Very very very rainy. Just set up stakes / netting to help support the plants. Really hope that I can harvest without getting hit by bud rot...

The more I think about it, the more I wish I'd just left them alone and let them fall apart into the soil. But who knows, with the current rainy weather, I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch more shrooms...

Anyone know what kind of mushrooms they are? Looked at a bunch of sites showing shrooms in VA, but didn't find them in any of the pics.



Well-Known Member
10/3/24 (Part 1)
Today is the first sunny day since 9/28. Checked on the buds and I’m pretty sure I have some bud rot going on here. Am I correct? If so, I’ll cut the diseased areas out immediately and start praying that it doesn't spread...



Well-Known Member
10/3/24 (Part 2)
When I went to check again, I saw a LOT more bud rot than I initially thought. Cut off a lot of buds. Far more than I wanted to cut, but lots of bud rot. Hit predominantly on the 4 Kingdoms plant. Just lost…maybe 20% of a possible harvest? Maybe more? Just hoping I don’t lose any more!! Forecast calls for very little rain during the next month, so I’m hoping to bring this to Harvest.




Well-Known Member
10/3/24 (Part 3)
Took some pics of the trichomes w. the digital microscope. I’m seeing clear, cloudy AND amber-colored trichomes! Looks like they need at least another couple weeks before I can harvest.



Well-Known Member
When I went to check again, I saw a LOT more bud rot than I initially thought.
Took some pics of the trichomes w. the digital microscope. I’m seeing clear, cloudy AND amber-colored trichomes! Looks like they need at least another couple weeks before I can harvest.
If you have cloudy and some amber id be chopping them if you are getting mould.
It can sweep through a crop very quickly