Steve scalise shot at baseball practice

So what does your chart mean?
How about disparity in income, and it keeps getting worse.
Why that?
The insanely wealthy have been taking the average worker, to the bank, literally, and bleeding the poor and the middle class dry.
Go back to the time when the wealthy contributed a FAIR share of their income, like when the poor and the middle class had a chance to earn a living wage, go on vacations, pay for their child's college without taking a second mortgage to pay for it. How was the economy doing then?
Pretty good right? Now how are you doing?
I grow to make ends meet, because I HAVE to do it because I haven't made a nickel more, while my boss buy's a new car every fucking year.
Something is wrong, right there.
Ever since Reagan, with his trickle down economic plan (voodoo economics?) the VAST majority of Americans have been fucked.
Do you disagree?
the chart shows tax receipts collected back when you say the wealthy paid their "fair share" were about the same as today.

it shows youre not going to collect more by taxing them more, clearly. that means we were doing better then for some other reason.

consider this: youre saying back then, when the economy ran on silver. if the min wage right now were one dollar an hour as it was in 1950, that's 16.70 federal reserve notes right now.

per hour, min wage; in 1950. that's why we were doing better.

so we made more back then. seen the price of bitcoin lately? only 21 million can ever be mined.

I agree with you people aren't doing that great. look to your own example of what is working for you, your growing. that's the free market. let's have a lot more of that. it's a pot forum and that should really be self evident.

problem is that a lot of people think that free market is what we've been doing all this time, and its simply not accurate. too big to fail is not free market capitalism, no matter how many mansions Michael Moore purchases by claiming otherwise in his movies.

capitalism is the punching bag scapegoat excuse of the day to eat your boss, but who has capital? how is capitism to blame when there's no capital savings?

the reality is that government prints money out of thin air for itself and all its corporate friends without answering to you. they print it for their interests first, then print us a little here and there for healthcare and welfare, a school or a bridge maybe. it's simply a mechanism to manipulate the economy.

there's the source of the desparity.

the economy works best with money in your pocket and it has to be something that can't be manipulated. everyone thinks that if they had the power of the printing press, they can do it right this always fails because it always corrupts.

so what's more realistic, making someone with a printing press listen to you, or pull the plug on the printing press?

seems to me that by your example you have chosen the latter, which is awesome; the circumstances suck though and I totally agree with you on that 1000%
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View attachment 3961586

yes special one, those are wonderful examples of free speech in the form of art.
the chart shows tax receipts collected back when you say the wealthy paid their "fair share" were about the same as today.

it shows youre not going to collect more by taxing them more, clearly. that means we were doing better then for some other reason.

consider this: youre saying back then, when the economy ran on silver. if the min wage right now were one dollar an hour as it was in 1950, that's 16.70 federal reserve notes right now.

per hour, min wage; in 1950. that's why we were doing better.

so we made more back then. seen the price of bitcoin lately? only 21 million can ever be mined.

I agree with you people aren't doing that great. look to your own example of what is working for you, your growing. that's the free market. let's have a lot more of that. it's a pot forum and that should really be self evident.

problem is that a lot of people think that free market is what we've been doing all this time, and its simply not accurate. too big to fail is not free market capitalism, no matter how many mansions Michael Moore purchases by claiming otherwise in his movies.

capitalism is the punching bag scapegoat excuse of the day to eat your boss, but who has capital? how is capitism to blame when there's no capital savings?

the reality is that government prints money out of thin air for itself and all its corporate friends without answering to you. they print it for their interests first, then print us a little here and there for healthcare and welfare, a school or a bridge maybe. it's simply a mechanism to manipulate the economy.

there's the source of the desparity.

the economy works best with money in your pocket and it has to be something that can't be manipulated. everyone thinks that if they had the power of the printing press, they can do it right this always fails because it always corrupts.

so what's more realistic, making someone with a printing press listen to you, or pull the plug on the printing press?

seems to me that by your example you have chosen the latter, which is awesome; the circumstances suck though and I totally agree with you on that 1000%
I think you're talking about an entirely separate issue. The federal reserve is not the reason for income and wealth disparity in this country, at this time. There has been a steady influx of 'trickle-down' economic policy supported by neo-liberals since Reagan was president. The top 1% earned something like a staggering 18% increase in economic gains in 2016 compared to less than 1% going to the bottom 90% of income earners.. American CEO's of major companies, on average, earn between 300-400 x's more than their average employees, contrasted with the 1970s when the number was closer to 20-30 x's...

We have to face the facts; American politicians, who are predominantly members of the upper class, if not the '1%' themselves, have steadily increased their amount of power over the financial system in order to enrich themselves and the people/corporations that support them by providing finances for their political campaigns at the expense of poor and working-class Americans. Both left and right.

We must address this if we want to have any hope of moving forward, uncorrupted.
I think you're talking about an entirely separate issue. The federal reserve is not the reason for income and wealth disparity in this country, at this time. There has been a steady influx of 'trickle-down' economic policy supported by neo-liberals since Reagan was president. The top 1% earned something like a staggering 18% increase in economic gains in 2016 compared to less than 1% going to the bottom 90% of income earners.. American CEO's of major companies, on average, earn between 300-400 x's more than their average employees, contrasted with the 1970s when the number was closer to 20-30 x's...

We have to face the facts; American politicians, who are predominantly members of the upper class, if not the '1%' themselves, have steadily increased their amount of power over the financial system in order to enrich themselves and the people/corporations that support them by providing finances for their political campaigns at the expense of poor and working-class Americans. Both left and right.

We must address this if we want to have any hope of moving forward, uncorrupted.

But you can't address it effectively when the right controls everything. Even though they don't get their own agenda pushed through very well, they sure aren't looking out for mine.

No real change till Nov. '18 and '20 unless the investigators come through.

And it's going to be a night and day difference exchanging Trump for anyfuckingbody.
I think you're talking about an entirely separate issue. The federal reserve is not the reason for income and wealth disparity in this country, at this time. There has been a steady influx of 'trickle-down' economic policy supported by neo-liberals since Reagan was president. The top 1% earned something like a staggering 18% increase in economic gains in 2016 compared to less than 1% going to the bottom 90% of income earners.. American CEO's of major companies, on average, earn between 300-400 x's more than their average employees, contrasted with the 1970s when the number was closer to 20-30 x's...

We have to face the facts; American politicians, who are predominantly members of the upper class, if not the '1%' themselves, have steadily increased their amount of power over the financial system in order to enrich themselves and the people/corporations that support them by providing finances for their political campaigns at the expense of poor and working-class Americans. Both left and right.

We must address this if we want to have any hope of moving forward, uncorrupted.

the fed and these aristocrat politicians are one in the same. especially congress....who enacted the federal reserve act yet still retain the obligation to affix the value thereof.

that ties it in with the corps donating to the cronies. the benefits are obvious and account for desparity.

which is the tool (s) of the other (s)? we are the kibble food in all this, I agree. but the only mechanism that enables it is expansion of credit without sufficient capital.

so I'm not saying trickle anything down. if the common person controls the money, it would be a trickle up scene.
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So what does your chart mean?
How about disparity in income, and it keeps getting worse.
Why that?
The insanely wealthy have been taking the average worker, to the bank, literally, and bleeding the poor and the middle class dry.
Go back to the time when the wealthy contributed a FAIR share of their income, like when the poor and the middle class had a chance to earn a living wage, go on vacations, pay for their child's college without taking a second mortgage to pay for it. How was the economy doing then?
Pretty good right? Now how are you doing?
I grow to make ends meet, because I HAVE to do it because I haven't made a nickel more, while my boss buy's a new car every fucking year.
Something is wrong, right there.
Ever since Reagan, with his trickle down economic plan (voodoo economics?) the VAST majority of Americans have been fucked.
Do you disagree?
I think you're talking about an entirely separate issue. The federal reserve is not the reason for income and wealth disparity in this country, at this time. There has been a steady influx of 'trickle-down' economic policy supported by neo-liberals since Reagan was president. The top 1% earned something like a staggering 18% increase in economic gains in 2016 compared to less than 1% going to the bottom 90% of income earners.. American CEO's of major companies, on average, earn between 300-400 x's more than their average employees, contrasted with the 1970s when the number was closer to 20-30 x's...

We have to face the facts; American politicians, who are predominantly members of the upper class, if not the '1%' themselves, have steadily increased their amount of power over the financial system in order to enrich themselves and the people/corporations that support them by providing finances for their political campaigns at the expense of poor and working-class Americans. Both left and right.

We must address this if we want to have any hope of moving forward, uncorrupted.
They say one of the police who shot back and got wounded, so saving his life is a black lesbian. How ironic.