Steve scalise shot at baseball practice

steve scalise boasted that he was "david duke without the baggage".

i hope he dies slowly and painfully.

i hope a black, jewish doctor sabotages his recovery and kills him if the shooter doesn't.

I hope the black jewish doctor injects him with feces (by accident, of course).

Nothing is too good for this guy. I hope its REALLY painful, too.
like us, this guy put it together. the republican purge is coming. I wonder how many diaper loads donny did yesterday? it was a banner day and all about him. pinch me..will you?

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Your fiction:

The reality:
You morons tried to turn the Pulse Memorial into a dumb-ass partisan gun control rally as well. I would say its way beyond time to have a real conversation about the hysterical propaganda pushed by the DNC in collusion with the media which is literally now fueling domestic terrorism. We all hate collusion amirite?
I like it when working class people get together and collude to improve their status.
Gotta love those military style rifles, that the Republicans refuse to regulate.
The funny thing is that if they were used for hunting, which they aren't really, there would probably be an uproar by animal rights activists claiming that they were an inhumane way to kill an animal, and demand they be banned for hunting
Not so much fuss, if they are used on a human being it seems.
Actually, 5.56/.223 is a good varmint cartridge, and the AR-15 rifle is a decent choice for hunting antelope, javalina, coyotes, and other small game. (By definition, it is *not* an assault rifle.)
I've even seen them used on alligator. Not so good for deer, but it is legal to hunt with them in most states (usually with a magazine restriction).
7.62X39 is a different story. Not good for varmints & barely adequate for deer.
Works great on humans...
It's perverse to see folks encourage, gloat, relish in the harm caused today because they feel it's justified. Worse there's no condemnation for supporting and condoning it.
If it goes to far the strong understand might makes right and the weak fear it.

Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day
That's not exactly true :roll: but Hillary's choice for VP is one of the things that fucked her in the end.
You don't piss on superman's cape -- and you don't declare war on the NRA.
Political suicide...
Your fiction:

The reality:
View attachment 3961392
So what does your chart mean?
How about disparity in income, and it keeps getting worse.
Why that?
The insanely wealthy have been taking the average worker, to the bank, literally, and bleeding the poor and the middle class dry.
Go back to the time when the wealthy contributed a FAIR share of their income, like when the poor and the middle class had a chance to earn a living wage, go on vacations, pay for their child's college without taking a second mortgage to pay for it. How was the economy doing then?
Pretty good right? Now how are you doing?
I grow to make ends meet, because I HAVE to do it because I haven't made a nickel more, while my boss buy's a new car every fucking year.
Something is wrong, right there.
Ever since Reagan, with his trickle down economic plan (voodoo economics?) the VAST majority of Americans have been fucked.
Do you disagree?
So what does your chart mean?
How about disparity in income, and it keeps getting worse.
Why that?
The insanely wealthy have been taking the average worker, to the bank, literally, and bleeding the poor and the middle class dry.
Go back to the time when the wealthy contributed a FAIR share of their income, like when the poor and the middle class had a chance to earn a living wage, go on vacations, pay for their child's college without taking a second mortgage to pay for it. How was the economy doing then?
Pretty good right? Now how are you doing?
I grow to make ends meet, because I HAVE to do it because I haven't made a nickel more, while my boss buy's a new car every fucking year.
Something is wrong, right there.
Ever since Reagan, with his trickle down economic plan (voodoo economics?) the VAST majority of Americans have been fucked.
Do you disagree?
More people spending means a more successful economy and more profit, it's common sense.