Lol when i read that you are blind and all the insults right at the bottom of the last page, its like a cliffhanger... while the new page was loading i was like:
"will i be the first to point out it was a mod who added the i the only one that thinks its ironic the dumbass told UB to open his eyes, when it says at the bottom of the original post in this thread "Reason for editing: Added original authors credits"?
Stay tuned and we will bring you the answers shortly...

seriously though its like everything else on here...people dont use their SEEMS like a bad warning label so it MUST be horrendous. Its like when toys come in plastic bags, and the bag says "do not leave child unattended with bag, bag is not a toy, suffocation hazard" you don't avoid the toy for your child, just because the bag is just be careful to throw the bag away.
Also SpinOut is for "woody ornamental and herbaceous plant species and non-bearing fruit and nut crops." Herbaceous indeed. Think about the crap they spray on commercial tobacco, and they TELL people what it does to them and they are still fine with smoking cigarettes. I find it hard to believe this at it worst would be any worse than some of the stuff contained in there.
Its like putting copper down to stop snails in your garden right? The snails mucous reacts with the copper and the snail backs off...the plants roots react with the copper and stop growing in that direction.
Heres my newest one for you all to think about:
When we inhale weed smoke our lungs absorb thc within SECONDS.
When making honey oil with butane, the thc is absorbed by the time the cans empty. (about 15 - 20 MINUTES if you do it REALLY slowly and carefully)
When making iso oil with alcohol, people say to let it sit for hours.
When making cannabutter, the same deal...hours.
This is feeling over fact also. You "feel" like you are wasting weed so you REALLY soak it to get every fact you are just adding bitter tasting nitrogen, chlorophyll etc to your recipe. Its throw away what looks like everything you put in, and to do that within 10 minutes of putting it in there feels downright is just a feeling though. thc doesnt need to be broken down to absorb into oils or alcohol as it is oil based. It would need to be broken down to absorb into water, in fact.
10 minutes is probably overkill but that gives the butter time to take some of the (hopefully) good taste of your bud too.
Also adding a pound of weed to one stick of butter wont make really strong butter...(well it will but not pound of weed strong, only saturated stick of butter strong).
If you have 1tbsp of water, you cannot dissolve a pound of sugar into it. No matter how long you have. There is a point at which the butter is fully saturated with thc. At that point you are only DEGRADING the quality of your product the longer you leave it in there.
seems like root maintenance is fairly important!