Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

This person gave you credit ... it is in the first 3 lines of their post ... people open your fucking eyes and read... it says "Originally written by Uncle Ben" ... Miss Molie did give you credit ... you were just too blind to see it.

It is you who is blind. If you had read all of the first page, especially a post by PotRoast, you would know that it was the Mod(PR) who edited the post to give credit to UB.
This person gave you credit ... it is in the first 3 lines of their post ... people open your fucking eyes and read... it says "Originally written by Uncle Ben" ... Miss Molie did give you credit ... you were just too blind to see it.

Hey shit-fer-brains, get your facts straight before you shoot off your mouth. Like other cannabis forums that have stolen my work, stripped off my name and tried to take credit, she did not and would have not coughed it up. I raised hell in post #10 at which time Potroast posted the credit statement and responded in the next post, #11. Now who's blind?

Here's another group of dipshits sucking up to their "pot god", nothing more than a common thief and poser: http://forum.grasscity.com/general-...ding-abuse-phosphorous-enhance-flowering.html

I also caught him posing that one of my photos he lifted was his. There's more than that too.

Lol when i read that you are blind and all the insults right at the bottom of the last page, its like a cliffhanger... while the new page was loading i was like:

"will i be the first to point out it was a mod who added the credits....am i the only one that thinks its ironic the dumbass told UB to open his eyes, when it says at the bottom of the original post in this thread "Reason for editing: Added original authors credits"?

Stay tuned and we will bring you the answers shortly...

:P seriously though its like everything else on here...people dont use their brains...it SEEMS like a bad warning label so it MUST be horrendous. Its like when toys come in plastic bags, and the bag says "do not leave child unattended with bag, bag is not a toy, suffocation hazard" you don't avoid the toy for your child, just because the bag is dangerous....you just be careful to throw the bag away.

Also SpinOut is for "woody ornamental and herbaceous plant species and non-bearing fruit and nut crops." Herbaceous indeed. Think about the crap they spray on commercial tobacco, and they TELL people what it does to them and they are still fine with smoking cigarettes. I find it hard to believe this at it worst would be any worse than some of the stuff contained in there.

Its like putting copper down to stop snails in your garden right? The snails mucous reacts with the copper and the snail backs off...the plants roots react with the copper and stop growing in that direction.

Heres my newest one for you all to think about:
When we inhale weed smoke our lungs absorb thc within SECONDS.
When making honey oil with butane, the thc is absorbed by the time the cans empty. (about 15 - 20 MINUTES if you do it REALLY slowly and carefully)
When making iso oil with alcohol, people say to let it sit for hours.
When making cannabutter, the same deal...hours.

This is feeling over fact also. You "feel" like you are wasting weed so you REALLY soak it to get every bit...in fact you are just adding bitter tasting nitrogen, chlorophyll etc to your recipe. Its understandable...you throw away what looks like everything you put in, and to do that within 10 minutes of putting it in there feels downright WRONG...it is just a feeling though. thc doesnt need to be broken down to absorb into oils or alcohol as it is oil based. It would need to be broken down to absorb into water, in fact.

10 minutes is probably overkill but that gives the butter time to take some of the (hopefully) good taste of your bud too.

Also adding a pound of weed to one stick of butter wont make really strong butter...(well it will but not pound of weed strong, only saturated stick of butter strong).

If you have 1tbsp of water, you cannot dissolve a pound of sugar into it. No matter how long you have. There is a point at which the butter is fully saturated with thc. At that point you are only DEGRADING the quality of your product the longer you leave it in there.

seems like root maintenance is fairly important!

If something isnt good for you to eat, smoking it is an even worse idea.

How is smokig something worse than eating? Both go into your body. In fact I would rather smoke chemicals than eat them...smoking it...most gets exhaled back out anyway...eating it goes into your body and to your cells to use for energy and survival...you are such an IDIOT..lol..
Some of you almost sound like people from a few centuries ago..who thought the world was flat...take a chance..try something new. I think the Spin Out idea is wonderful.
You just have to ignore some people. They don't know what they're talking about...... posting from an emotional reference not factual.

my local guy was amazed i knew what this stuff was-
my grandma has been using it for 30+ years, so does he, and just happened to have a bunch
I've been thinking about this and air-pruning(airpots/smartpots) and I see a perfect combination of the two by using the texas agroliner grow bags avail;able from the same source as the spinout). They are grow bags (nonwoven) that have the spinout on the outside so that invasive tree roots will not enter. They are water and air permeable with a layer of spinout llaminated to one side, so have the benefit of allowing more oxygen to the root system, so I was wondering if you turn them inside out(well, technically speaking they say to turn them inside out so the spinout faces outward so you would just use them as they come?) so the spinout faces in and support them with a frame made of the vinyl coated wire mesh/fencing you would have excellent root pruning and more oxygen. how does that sound? I did make a pot out of a small laundry basket liined with landscape fabric, to utilize the sir pruning and so far my iced grapefruit seems to really be doing well.
Bob, I was reading the description of those Agroliner bags with spinout, and It says they can be used either way. They can be used to prevent invasive roots entering the rootball, or to keep the roots within the bag from growing into surrounding soil(if placed in ground).

I think that I will purchase 10 of the 3 gallon bags, and give it a try with them. Ill compare how they do to regular 3 gallon fabric bags with clones. Ill update here in a few months and let you know how it goes.
Bob, I was reading the description of those Agroliner bags with spinout, and It says they can be used either way. They can be used to prevent invasive roots entering the rootball, or to keep the roots within the bag from growing into surrounding soil(if placed in ground).

I think that I will purchase 10 of the 3 gallon bags, and give it a try with them. Ill compare how they do to regular 3 gallon fabric bags with clones. Ill update here in a few months and let you know how it goes.

cool, I saw the 5 gal ones were like < 3$ each if you buy 10, I would make a frame with a bottom for them if you have to move them around at all, that wouold be my main concern that (any) moving the bags to water them wold disturb the root system, def post how it goes, I really think the combo of more air to the root system plus the root pruning would be dynamite! Hobbes has a post here where he drilled large holes in 5 gal buckets and lined them with landscape fabric and he said the results were def better than plain homer buckets
Moving the bags wont disturb or damage the root system in any way. Ive pulled some really dense rootballs out of my fabric bags, and if I wanted to disturb them, I would have to beat it with a hammer.
Moving the bags wont disturb or damage the root system in any way. Ive pulled some really dense rootballs out of my fabric bags, and if I wanted to disturb them, I would have to beat it with a hammer.
really? good to know, that was my main concern with them, now the agroliner bags sound just about perfect, roo tip pruning with added oxygen to the roots and at 3$ as cheap as anything except maybe walmart shopping bags :)
100_1184.jpg100_1186.jpgoh noooo...newbie all the way.... sorry it took so long to find my way back here... found riddleme and been reading reading reading, also been lurking around on your links and post.... got six seeds dark brown in color with a black eye or some with a zig zag black stripe in the center.... just showed lil tail on five.... did paper towel (about 4 folded in half and half etc) put on saucer watered and put in dark cabinet.. this was saturday fourth.. was inspired to start now,while still reading everything you two post, because i saw a beer pong cup grow challenge.... i figured start when they do and learn as my babies grow... so here i am 45 pgs into noob advice after completed calling all noob saw your spin out art and what you stated made sense to me... was very thrilled that someone with your knowledge answered..... just trying to grow my own tuhmaters thats all... if that makes sense to you... p.s have pics of cute lil tails ~;-}

trying to keep em green and keeping it simple
How is smokig something worse than eating? Both go into your body. In fact I would rather smoke chemicals than eat them...smoking it...most gets exhaled back out anyway...eating it goes into your body and to your cells to use for energy and survival...you are such an IDIOT..lol..

As Uncle Ben would say.."Get your facts straight before you shoot your mouth off." See Post #82 this thread.

Inhaling chemicals is a far more effective way of introducing them into the blood stream than through the digestive system because the gaseous exchange at the alveoli is so much more expeditious than through the Gastro Intestinal tract. Inhalation is second only to Intra-venous.
Once it enters the circulatory system (blood stream) it has access to all your organs/cells, and if the chemical composition is right it may cross the blood-brain barrier and have it's effect there also, see Air/Oxygen/CO2 exchange.
But you are correct about one thing and that is that "most of it gets exhaled back out anyway", whereby we inhale 21% of oxygen that is in the air (21 %oxygen, 78% Nitorgen and 1% Other elements) we exhale 16-17% back out, which means that the body metabolises about 4% - 5%. This is why when we give mouth to mouth resusitation/rescue breathing , the recipient is receiving enough O2 to sustain life even though it is not optimal.

Don't go calling people names, it's not nice. try and remember this...KARMA dude.

One Love.

Big Ups to Uncle Ben. I've spent hours reading your's and Riddleme's contribution to this herb.
this goes to the people who are worried about what goes into there body...Is it the unknown part that scares you? Because I bet your part of the same group of people who ingest beef and chickens stuffed with growth hormones?...Or how about simply drinking our flouridated water? the list is repeating...

UB seems to be fine. His plants seems even finer haha. I think its something i might have to dabble in ;)