Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

Or course I am. Too old to quit now.

I have to admit that since using it my yields increased at the expense of my sperm count. At my age, the hell with sperm....

I am actually a member on another forum and signed up to ask you this Uncle Ben... So you do use spinout during flower? I am thinking about trying some microkote pretreated pots and wanted to make sure it was safe to use during the flowering cycle.

I am actually a member on another forum and signed up to ask you this Uncle Ben... So you do use spinout during flower? I am thinking about trying some microkote pretreated pots and wanted to make sure it was safe to use during the flowering cycle.


You can use a treated pot from start to finish.

Welcome to RIU!
You can use a treated pot from start to finish.

Welcome to RIU!

Thanks! I've read through a bunch of post and i gotta say this forum is much more professional than the forum i am currently in. The growers here seem to be much more experienced.

I will also be using your 4 cola method for the microkote grow.
Thanks! I've read through a bunch of post and i gotta say this forum is much more professional than the forum i am currently in. The growers here seem to be much more experienced.

I will also be using your 4 cola method for the microkote grow.

I'd do a search here on Microkote. There was a grower using it.
I'd do a search here on Microkote. There was a grower using it.

I have. it seems to be about the same product as spinout, maybe an upgrade. I actually found the guy that developed spinout, he grows Camellias in georgia and now uses microkote, so i think it will be a good alternative. I beleive it is loch laurel nursery.

Another question: i'll be growing 4 plants in a 4x4 tent. If i use the 4 cola method will the tent be large enough (2 indicas and 2 sativas)?
I have. it seems to be about the same product as spinout, maybe an upgrade. I actually found the guy that developed spinout, he grows Camellias in georgia and now uses microkote, so i think it will be a good alternative. I beleive it is loch laurel nursery.

Another question: i'll be growing 4 plants in a 4x4 tent. If i use the 4 cola method will the tent be large enough (2 indicas and 2 sativas)?

Maybe, maybe not. Gardens are dynamic, they don't belong confined to tents or cabinets. Using a setup with moveable side reflecting panels is best to conform to the expanding and contracting garden footprint.

Good luck,
Interesting technique. However, I must put my 2cents in and take this idea back to earth. I have heard of sepro before. They make aquatic herbicides for aquatic invasive species management. They make all kinds of chemicals.. great company no doubt. One thing important to look at when using a chemical is the label. The label is the legal/health document each chemical is regulated by in every state. The label for this product states a few interesting things:
"SpinOut is a plant growth regulator for use on plastic or
cellulose nursery containers and treated sheets for use as
inserts in container-grown woody ornamental and herbaceous
plant species and non-bearing fruit and nut crops.

If I get that right, it says specifically TO USE ON NON-BEARING FRUIT AND NUT CROPS.

Did you smoke that weed?

Cannabis grows perfectly fine in regular pots with easy transplanting procedures. I am not a 100% organic grower.. but I would NEVER put those kinds of chemicals in plants I would use. Maybe for ornamentals/ferns or something.. but not for stuff going in me.

That aside, great experiment and nice work.
Interesting technique. However, I must put my 2cents in and take this idea back to earth. I have heard of sepro before. They make aquatic herbicides for aquatic invasive species management. They make all kinds of chemicals.. great company no doubt. One thing important to look at when using a chemical is the label. The label is the legal/health document each chemical is regulated by in every state. The label for this product states a few interesting things:
"SpinOut is a plant growth regulator for use on plastic or
cellulose nursery containers and treated sheets for use as
inserts in container-grown woody ornamental and herbaceous
plant species and non-bearing fruit and nut crops.

If I get that right, it says specifically TO USE ON NON-BEARING FRUIT AND NUT CROPS.

Did you smoke that weed?

Cannabis grows perfectly fine in regular pots with easy transplanting procedures. I am not a 100% organic grower.. but I would NEVER put those kinds of chemicals in plants I would use. Maybe for ornamentals/ferns or something.. but not for stuff going in me.

That aside, great experiment and nice work.

You're not putting anything "in plants". Get the facts on labeling, plant processes, etc. before you post such feelings. Being that I've explained the use of this product a million times in other forums, I will not bother to expound on it here, YOU do your own homework, not that you'll find the stuff anyway.

I'll say it one more time - copper ions are not translocated into the plant. If they were the plant would die of copper toxicity.

I respect your shit uncle Ben so dont get me wrong but when a company says not to use it on fruiting plants that gets me wondering. Maybe there is a chemical reason not to use it on fruiting plants.. but the main difference I see applicable to this is that humans eat fruits, we rarely eat flowers.

From the sheet:
Active Ingredient
Copper Hydroxide† (CAS# 20427-59-2) ..............................7.1%
Other Ingredients...........................................................92.9%
†Metallic Copper Equivalent 4.6%.

So, 92.9% of what you put into your plants are other ingredients. Sure, most of that isnt biologically active but are they sure? Have they tested every cell in the human body? Especially after through the absorption process in the plant. The label also warns not to use near water because it is toxic to most aquatic microrganisms. Last time I checked.. humans are in the 90% water range. And yes I do mean "in plants". Sure, there are plenty of processes that break compounds down into parts the plant can use. But are you telling me that if I pour a cup of diesel fuel on a plant some of that diesel fuel does not end up inside the plant? When shit is made in a lab like that there are always unintended impacts. Maybe thats why it hints that it should not be used for human consumption ie: "fruit bearing trees".

Again, no disrespect meant Ben I just like to question new chemicals coming out.

You're not putting anything "in plants". Get the facts on labeling, plant processes, etc. before you post such feelings. Being that I've explained the use of this product a million times in other forums, I will not bother to expound on it here, YOU do your own homework, not that you'll find the stuff anyway.

I'll say it one more time - copper ions are not translocated into the plant. If they were the plant would die of copper toxicity.

if it works so well, and is soo safe to use, then why is it that nobody carries it and every expert ive every asked said it wasnt safe to use?

.... Ben, it seems like u could just use a "smart pot" and get the same results without the ball cancer.
May your nuts prosper this holiday season, mine do. ;)

thanks ben, happy holiday harvesting.... and i was just pushin your buttons, i dont really think your getting ball cancer from your spin out... keep up all your research and hard work bud. :joint: :peace:
thanks ben, happy holiday harvesting.... and i was just pushin your buttons, i dont really think your getting ball cancer from your spin out... keep up all your research and hard work bud. :joint: :peace:

Happy holidays to you and yours! May your family ornaments never outgrow your places to conceal them.
I respect your shit uncle Ben so dont get me wrong but when a company says not to use it on fruiting plants that gets me wondering. Maybe there is a chemical reason not to use it on fruiting plants.. but the main difference I see applicable to this is that humans eat fruits, we rarely eat flowers.

From the sheet:
Active Ingredient
Copper Hydroxide† (CAS# 20427-59-2) ..............................7.1%
Other Ingredients...........................................................92.9%
†Metallic Copper Equivalent 4.6%.

So, 92.9% of what you put into your plants are other ingredients. Sure, most of that isnt biologically active but are they sure? Have they tested every cell in the human body? Especially after through the absorption process in the plant. The label also warns not to use near water because it is toxic to most aquatic microrganisms. Last time I checked.. humans are in the 90% water range. And yes I do mean "in plants". Sure, there are plenty of processes that break compounds down into parts the plant can use. But are you telling me that if I pour a cup of diesel fuel on a plant some of that diesel fuel does not end up inside the plant? When shit is made in a lab like that there are always unintended impacts. Maybe thats why it hints that it should not be used for human consumption ie: "fruit bearing trees".

Again, no disrespect meant Ben I just like to question new chemicals coming out.

Why is it disrespect if you disagree with him? Dude, what you wrote was dead on and factual. I agree, my health is very important. I grow as close to organic and dont take chances. Maybe it is safe, but when a label says dont use it on food bearing plants, uh hello!. If something isnt good for you to eat, smoking it is an even worse idea.

Forums are about sharing knowledge and letting people decide for themselves. I wouldnt risk it If something says dont do it, well dont do it. For me, the potential gain in yield is not worth the pereceived risk.

Truly it is an excellent point. What is the other 92.?% and has anyone stopped to think maybe it isnt safe? or at the best, it cant be good for you.

100% Natural Pot. It is 100% good for you. Works for me. May you find what works for you.
Why is it disrespect if you disagree with him? Dude, what you wrote was dead on and factual.

In what regard, the content of the product, what it does, or the law regarding labeling plant products? If you don't know how the product works or understand the laws, then you have no room for comment one way or the other as your opinion is driven by emotion. This is not a spray or intended to be taken into the plant's tissues. It is a device whereby root tips are terminated leaving no other means for ion uptake. The roots are not in the proximity of the copper ions, if they were, the plant would die of copper toxicity. I'd say my plants look pretty damn healthy. :D

Facts before feelings,
A plant sprayed with Floromite looks pretty darn healthy. Smoking it is not. We are talking abotu long term effects, of which you are an idiot if you claim to know them. you dont.

Wow. I now see Ben in a new light. Which proves a good point. Dont get enamoured with someone and believe everything they say without question.

WTF is this "feeling" shit? People are bringing up a point, no one has tested this to see what is in it, if it gets absorbed and will it affect your health if absorbed.

NOWHERE have you posted, "FDA or blah blah blah ceritifies this safe" "I had a bud sent to the lab and it is certified 100% ok" or I did a test where we blah blah blah therefore this shows it is not toxic.

LMAO I dont blame u Ben, u grow good weed and I am sure you smoke a lot of it. But the opposite of facts is not "feelings"

I dont have any feelings about it. You arent sure it is safe and you ARE ignoring warning labels that advise you not to use this on something for consumption.

Now, all that being said, I agree THIS MIGHT BE JUST FINE, but I dont know that and neither do you. Thats all I am saying. It is about choice, the facts have been presented. If ppl want to use this and take any "risk" that might be present, cool. If not, thats cool too. You choose to believe it is safe and you use it. For your health and longevity, I hope you are right.

Thats what makes America great.
Now, all that being said, I agree THIS MIGHT BE JUST FINE, but I dont know that and neither do you.

I don't care if you agree or not.

Do not hijack my thread with feelings or spin based on a personal agenda. I have done my research, always do before I venture off into anything. If you want to bring facts to the table, fine, but it is obvious you choose to ignore the facts, instead playing some wacked out nanny game. You have not addressed how the paint works so stop the incoherent bullshit.

I presented the facts so there is no need to troll this thread.

Uncle Ben

I cant find the copper hydroxited paint so I was looking at the smart pots. Seem like it would do the same thing, What is your opinion?

Thanks for your help...:hump:


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