Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

Hi Uncle Ben & Others,

Don't know if this was mentioned before (EDIT: Ok, overlooked...), probably country specific (i.e. I cant find any Micro-kote / Spin-out etc. etc. and Ebay links are US):

Kocide Blue Extra Fungicide - 350g/kg copper hydroxide (present as 'cupric' hydroxide, say it with a British accent, its sexier...)

Manufactured by Dupont, also 300g/kg variety available 'Kocide Opti'

Blue Shield Copper Fungicide - Bayer 500g/kg (50% composition as described by UB)

Or, if you are interested in making up small batch (perhaps...very small...), although obviously at higher expense:

Kocide Blue Extra 'Garden Fungicide' as distributed by Multicrop - 30g packet at the same 350g/kg concentration

Anyway, really dig the mix with latex idea, thanks heaps for the dilution factor(s) - makes it all a little more manageable when ready made product(s) not available.

Take it easy all, and thanks for all the awesome info guys!
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Also, in regards to air pruning pots, some might find this info interesting:

Sorry, low res pics, but basically days in 10 day increments, so first circle 90 days, solid line is 1.5L airpot, dotted line 8 litre airpot


And roots:


I will leave the rest of the ponderings up to you, might be interesting info regarding choice of pot size & plant age and or upcanning etc.

Please note, I am not questioning or debating any of the previous comments / advice regarding upcanning etc. as posted by UB and the cohorts of sanity - as far as im concerned that all stands as it is, just thought these stats might make an interesting contribution?

If not, ill start singing this, that'll really piss you all off hahahahha:

All the best everyone, peace, love and good hapPenis stuff

Dillbert Wangupload_2015-3-22_13-48-29.png upload_2015-3-22_13-49-8.png upload_2015-3-22_13-48-29.png upload_2015-3-22_13-49-8.png
also; uncle ben - after spraying the pots, do you simply leave 24 hours for drying before use? i.e. provided the 'paint' has dried its ready to go?

ordered the kocide blue extra 350g/kg - easily available by local agriculture distributor

I let the pots dry in the sun which can be as little 30 minutes.

Also, if the inside of the pot is shiny and slick, rough it up a bit with 00 grade steel wool.
Uncle Ben, Fantastic!

The news is as good as it is sticky (yes, no amount of tissue or towels can deal with this mess!):

got 10kg bag of 500g/kg (different brand than what has previously been listed: HYDROCOP WG - further details can be googled) and got the paint, ready to mix, apply, lift-off.

Thanks so much for the heads up about 'roughing up the shiny and slick finish' - because I won't have spray application, and I think I see the point to this.

Also, for those worried about water quality, pH and blooming nute power P/K^2=E=BUDS XL, THIS IS A MUST SEE:

Hey UB,

Well, everything is absolutely grand on my side, thank you again for all the help/information you have provided RIU wide, despite the horrendously stupid bullshit that one endures during it all - i downloaded all the threads and have since read through them all (i.e. your threads) - and holy shit batman, I thought I was stupid, but dear god, there are plenty of contenders.

Anyway, this has always sparked my interest (oh yes, taste the thick of that pun)

Enjoy, and thanks, and may the dielectric capacitance be with you, lol
Air pruning is fine and is what I'm using in a large greenhouse. It's RootBuilder and the beauty is that you can easily expand the pot by adding panels. I add 5 to end up with a 260 gal. pot.
Taken from PDF released by company who makes spin out found after you google spinout root pruner, one of the mains will be titled- "Update on Copper Root Control" This will open a PDF containing this quote -

"Spin Out has been formulated to adhere to plastic nursery containers and styroblocks and holds the copper hydroxide in place to control root growth only along the container wall. It is easily applied to the inner surfaces of new and used containers using conventional spray paint euipment . It was also formulated to reduce the problems of copper-induced iron chlorosis
associated with home brewed mixtures of latex paint and copper carbonate and the Canadian treated styrofoam blocks. When root tips reach the sides of the container, the Spin Out inhibits root elongation and deflection and stimulates root branching. As the plant produces new roots, they in turn will be pruned, resulting in a very fibrous root system. Spin Out prevents the “cage root” condition where roots are only present on the outside of the root ball. Instead, the roots explore and utilize all the available potting media. An improvement in root distribution can lead to an improvement in the nutrient status and health of the plant
which will support quicker growth when upcanned or transplanted. With the absence of circled and matted roots at transplanting resulting in decreased sites where root diseases can enter the plant. Also, root heat stress associated with black nursery containers is reduced in Spin Out-treated containers. In a typical black nursery pot, 80% of the roots are within one inch of the container wall. Spin Out will cause the system to be distributed more evenly through the soil thereby reducing the mass of roots
which come in contact with the plastic that are subject to temperature extremes. Better root distribution can also increase the nutrient status of roots since the plant is able to utilize all the available soil in the container. An increase in flowering has been demonstrated with lantana grown in Spin Out-treated containers during greenhouse production (Table 1). Spin Out also makes removal of plants from containers easier since the roots do not adhere to the plastic or Styrofoam.

Spin Out treated fabric (Tex-R) can be used between the socket and growing pots of the potin-pot growing system to control rooting-out. This is a problem where roots grow out of the drain holes of the growing pot into the socket pot and then into the surrounding soil, thus preventing the plant from being hand harvested. Spin Out treated fabric provides a physical and chemical barrier to reduce these escaped roots."
Hey Uncle Ben,

Have not posted for a while, but, feel like I should give you another - THANKS SO MUCH!

The copper hydroxide paint mixture works a treat! Well and truly, the level of substrate innervation is AWESOME, and again, your words regarding the airpots and humidity are spot on, and am finding with the combo im getting results far surpassing airpots alone. Previously I asked you some rather convoluted/complicated questions regarding substrate composition etc. etc. - and can see now that this is easily solved by - well - painting the pots! I literally can not water them enough, trays full of water, all gone within 2-4 hours, ferocious joy. :hump:

Also, as far as all your other gardening tweeks and pointers go - thanks man, my growth and flower production beforehand was great, but since paying more and more attention to the little details provided by yourself and other like-minded people on the forum, im now finding myself in a total breeze of ease and joy of growing. :P

So, all that said and done, THANKS AGAIN AND ALL THE BEST!:clap:

Truly, thank you for being a point of sanity in an otherwise insane world.:wall:

One of the best quotes recently from a friend of mine, hahahaha, regarding the nitrogen levels (another snake oil addict):

"But I don't like em that green!" o_O

At which point, in amazement, all I could do was agree with him :shock: (for the sake of my sanity and peace)
while I watched chlorophyll WEEP!:cuss: