Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

Microkote is pricey ($28 for 8oz).

UB, it's $30 bucks a Quart direct from mfgr.

I did my own cost analysis back in post 213.

For 62 cents/pot/grow it's not worth it to me to try to mix my own. But I'm small time, if I was doing dozens of pots I might mix my own.

PS - Wonder if Bordeau would have any similar effect? Got scads of that stuff in various forms.
UB, it's $30 bucks a Quart direct from mfgr.

I did my own cost analysis back in post 213.

For 62 cents/pot/grow it's not worth it to me to try to mix my own. But I'm small time, if I was doing dozens of pots I might mix my own.

PS - Wonder if Bordeau would have any similar effect? Got scads of that stuff in various forms.

If you're in the US.I live in Europe ;) and i've read your post as well.It WORTHS the money.I've contacted them..let's hope they will do something.I have to pay 102$ for fedex shipping...come on the 32oz costs ~35
People, root tip pruning products were designed for perennials. I wouldn't bother if I were you. Try some root tip pruning pots if you must.
Do the fabric pots also deal with root spinout?
something bad about allowing the extra air in through the bottom of my pots? I put my pots on a preforated floor somewhat like an airhockey table. The air is force up through the pots

I second the question, I know it's said its not for hydro but would this work on a hempy setup?
People, root tip pruning products were designed for perennials. I wouldn't bother if I were you. Try some root tip pruning pots if you must.

You have me totally confused now. Isn't Spinout/Microkote a root tip pruning product? Didn't you do the original write-up with positive vibes about the copper-based products? Maybe it's your dry sense of humor or something, anyway not sure of the gist of this post.
Look, I got 2 cases of Spin Out in 16 oz spray cans free. Yes, it works great on annuals. Never said it didn't. I gave you a recipe to make your own. But some of you guys are struggling to find a cheap source of this product, hence I advised "don't bother". It was developed for perennials. Has nothing to do with my success experimenting on this annual. It's part of a system that is geared for perennials.

Look, I got 2 cases of Spin Out in 16 oz spray cans free. Yes, it works great on annuals. Never said it didn't. I gave you a recipe to make your own. But some of you guys are struggling to find a cheap source of this product, hence I advised "don't bother". It was developed for perennials. Has nothing to do with my success experimenting on this annual. It's part of a system that is geared for perennials.

Got it UB, thanks. I am fine using my plastic pots right now but this drill was really interesting and a good problem -not- to have. I got a gift and a problem for you, posted on the thread for 4 colas and at my signature link. My soluble fertilizer h as a 10-3-7+ micros(not all 16,but i m planning to order dynagrowFP) and it says 5ml per lt in winter,10ml per lt the rest of the year..it is originally made for oranges,lemons etc..no hype included or labeled.i can post what is in it if you want to.i fed half the dose on the autoflower
r and 7ml on my sativa. I can see som yellowing on the shortie and some strange looking leaves on the tall girl. Nothing else tho. They are in soil ofc, with a 5% premix of 3-3-6..nothing wacked. Also they were 100% green a week ago. Let me know if you want any more input. Thanks again for your time..!!
Look, I got 2 cases of Spin Out in 16 oz spray cans free. Yes, it works great on annuals. Never said it didn't. I gave you a recipe to make your own. But some of you guys are struggling to find a cheap source of this product, hence I advised "don't bother". It was developed for perennials. Has nothing to do with my success experimenting on this annual. It's part of a system that is geared for perennials.


OK, gotcha.
Got a product name and label that gives the ingredients?
it's name is Pokon. For oranges,lemoms etc.Dutch soluble fertilizer available at local nurseries. Cheap stuff. I cannot find the chart online so i will post the chart on its back when i get home..!! I have ordered dyna gro today..;) lets see what it does..!! Also i amwaiting for mel franks bible..damn i need it..!!
It contains..:
10% N - 3,9% nitrate,2.8% ammoniac,3,3%urinal
3% P water soluble pentoxide
7% K water soluble dioxide of potassium
micros :

most of them in chilated form
0,01% B
0,002% Cu
0,10% Fe
0,01 Mg
0,002 Mo
0,002 Zn
all it contains
Let me know what you think.They reccomend 5ml per liter during winter,and 10ml per liter during summer..
Really don't know what to think. It has some salts that are foreign to me, excuse the pun. :)
A full dose of 10-3-7 would be 10 ml tho..right ? It is kinda tricky this winter-summer thing.Dyna gro should hurry. :D . I've watered plenty today,with a good runoff and most of this water,was rainwater.Could you check this little fella over here ?DSC_0169.jpgDSC_0170.jpgDSC_0171.jpgDSC_0174.jpg
This auto was getting,3-5ml every 2nd watering.A yellowing in the middle ? I think i should let it develop a little,see what happens ?

and a this lil unknown strain,topped with your tech above the 2nd node :)DSC_0182.jpgDSC_0184.jpg

This girl over here went bushy..i have not read your post then ^^. This green leaf is light bleaching or lack of chlorophyl ? OR - in other words - i would appreciate a lot having your input :D .
I wouldn't worry about it. It's the overall health of the plant that counts. Give a few more weeks and it'll be covered up.
Wow. I just read the original post. Very interesting, very informative, very articulate, and overall very good work. Thanks Uncle Ben.