Snowden's Travels

I don't really give a shit about Snowden.

We agree on something.
I just thought we would discuss it since that's what this threads about
First off I think this was old news, I thought everyone knew they were spying on everyone
second I think the fact they spy on everyone is the story- if you were looking for one in this whole thing- the messenger is not the story- the message is
but they put the focus in him
I think it is a Pshy opp this is a way for them to broadcast that yes their spying on everyone and that it's good and no ones going to do shit about it so might as well shut up
it's their way of silencing "conspiracy theroists" and not having to debate or deny the spying program and to make it accepted
So you're suggesting that Snowden is a spy?

where did you get that?
i mean i guess he could be and or i guess you could call him one, but that is not what I said or implied at all.
What I was saying is that he shouldn't be news. the story is old news, maybe he revealed more details but anyone with a brain already knew they were spying on everyone. If you wanted to make this a story then the story is that they are spying on everyone, this guys no story. What i said is I think this is intentionally a story and one with an intention, that being to let everyone know their being spied on and to get then to accept and embrace the idea
where did you get that?
i mean i guess he could be and or i guess you could call him one, but that is not what I said or implied at all.
What I was saying is that he shouldn't be news. the story is old news, maybe he revealed more details but anyone with a brain already knew they were spying on everyone. If you wanted to make this a story then the story is that they are spying on everyone, this guys no story. What i said is I think this is intentionally a story and one with an intention, that being to let everyone know their being spied on and to get then to accept and embrace the idea

So he's a mole?
Well someone has to take the blame for spying on millions of people.
Now you're getting it
and yeah he gets the blame and attention but his blame and attention is for being a traitor and whistle blower etc
and the spying....oh that...yeah,'s for our own good
and this guy jepordised that so now it's not even secret any more - even though everyone already knew anyways-so oh well we will keep doing it for your own good but man look at this guy, he's awful, how could he betray his country and it's people like he did....
So he is a fake leaker then? Kind of like cointelpro disinformation? Kind of like a spy, no that's not what you meant at all? Where did I get that?
So he is a fake leaker then? Kind of like cointelpro disinformation? Kind of like a spy, no that's not what you meant at all? Where did I get that?

Sorry either my writing and communication is really bad or your comprehension of concepts being conveyed is terrible ether way I give up.
Sorry either my writing and communication is really bad or your comprehension of concepts being conveyed is terrible ether way I give up.

everything you suggested was a moronic rewriting of what I said in post #41 except that you think there is a conspiracy to plant a fake leaker and I think the gov't is opportunistic and Snowden is just silly
So he is a fake leaker then? Kind of like cointelpro disinformation? Kind of like a spy, no that's not what you meant at all? Where did I get that?

Again your comprehension fails
where do you get this stuff?

I think what the bearded guy is trying to convey is that they planned this whole charade to desensitize people to the spying.

Much like the conspiracy that Newtown was planned to get tighter gun control.
I think what the bearded guy is trying to convey is that they planned this whole charade to desensitize people to the spying.

Much like the conspiracy that Newtown was planned to get tighter gun control.
I don't know that they planned his leak- first off I think most of the info was already known and if or why they planned the leak, I do not know, It is possible but I doubt the "leak" was planned. I believe the major news story was created and directed after the leak with the intention of placing focus on Sowden and ending the debate on spying. I believe they just took advantage of him and his "leak" but it is possible they had him do it but that is not what I said or what I believe. I think it is a case of "let no tragedy go to waste"

2nd part of that interview, I think this just got released today or yesterday

It's interesting to watch what politicians have to say about this guy. I saw a clip of John Kerry saying because of the leak, more Americans will die as a result.

So the government uses illegal methods to obtain information and spy on the world, gets caught, and the guy who caught them is the terrorist?
Snowden outed the crook corporate elite that owns the mental concept DBA the United States. The United States, U.S., U.S.A., United States of America or whatever fiction they are calling themselves these days are run by outlaws that got busted and Snowden did the busting and the outlaws want him dead. The founders called the United States a necessary evil, well the evil has gotten out of control and broke free of its restraints. Time to end it and get on with peace or the world will do it for us.