Snowden's Travels

Edward has a knack for disappointing. He couldn't even stay in class, instead settling for a GED. Nothing really wrong with that by itself, but it seems to be part of a pattern in his case.

He joined the army on a straight to Green Beret program which sends recruits to infantry basic, followed by jump school, followed by a special operations training unit that grooms these recruits for SF with training courses to prep them for selection and the Q course. Apparently he didn't make it to the JFK spec ops unit in Fort Bragg, instead breaking both of his legs in airborne school.

Now his career as a leaker has taken a turn for the silly. It would seem that travel to Ecuador was Assange's idea more than his own. Raphael Correa would like if Ecuadoreans with proper authority made the call on whether or not to harbor Edward Snowden. While the US plays Carmen Sandiego, I guess I'll join in and posit that he has intended all along to become Chinese. His computer skills, which were apparently sufficient to carry him into the most trusted positions in US intelligence despite his disappointing life, are very valuable in China. He has also studied Mandarin, self identifies as Buddhist, is "deeply interested in martial arts" and can only go to so many places. Hey good for him, China is slightly less fascist than America.
I would counter that it is his job to assume that risk. He wanted the job, twice, and is obligated to do the right things despite that threat. Jmo. cn

True, once you choose to take that seat you either die on your feet of live on your knees. He is only human. The masses also are so ignorant to so much that one person regardless of who they are can't effect the wrong doings of pre-established entities.
Edward has a knack for disappointing. He couldn't even stay in class, instead settling for a GED. Nothing really wrong with that by itself, but it seems to be part of a pattern in his case.

He joined the army on a straight to Green Beret program which sends recruits to infantry basic, followed by jump school, followed by a special operations training unit that grooms these recruits for SF with training courses to prep them for selection and the Q course. Apparently he didn't make it to the JFK spec ops unit in Fort Bragg, instead breaking both of his legs in airborne school.

Now his career as a leaker has taken a turn for the silly. It would seem that travel to Ecuador was Assange's idea more than his own. Raphael Correa would like if Ecuadoreans with proper authority made the call on whether or not to harbor Edward Snowden. While the US plays Carmen Sandiego, I guess I'll join in and posit that he has intended all along to become Chinese. His computer skills, which were apparently sufficient to carry him into the most trusted positions in US intelligence despite his disappointing life, are very valuable in China. He has also studied Mandarin, self identifies as Buddhist, is "deeply interested in martial arts" and can only go to so many places. Hey good for him, China is slightly less fascist than America.

I see nothing wrong with that. I see only his actions of whistle blowing as a insight into govt abuse and privacy entrenchment. His revelations are my only concern. Not his character or his identity. What he chooses to do is his own business. He did shine light on abuse and for that I thank him.
I see nothing wrong with that. I see only his actions of whistle blowing as a insight into govt abuse and privacy entrenchment. His revelations are my only concern. Not his character or his identity. What he chooses to do is his own business. He did shine light on abuse and for that I thank him.

I agree, however, nothing about it surprised me. I have known for years that the US gov't spies on the world. They have been doing so for decades at least and with the 9-11 changes it only seemed that what had been going on extensively already was now ramped up and sanctioned, with Obama really codifying the worst of Dubya's policies. To those claiming that Snowden ripped a big hole in national security, the lady dost protest too much, methinks.
Word is coming out that he might have much more info than what you see in the news - that's why they want him back so badly.

The surveilance state could simply be afraid of his intimate knowledge of the apparatus being available to hackers and to the IT security and intelligence people in the nations that US spies upon such that they can more adequately defend their privacy. They fear his expertise.
I agree, however, nothing about it surprised me. I have known for years that the US gov't spies on the world. They have been doing so for decades at least and with the 9-11 changes it only seemed that what had been going on extensively already was now ramped up and sanctioned, with Obama really codifying the worst of Dubya's policies. To those claiming that Snowden ripped a big hole in national security, the lady dost protest too much, methinks.

I was told in early '90s that the echelon program was in full swing... 1991...
I was told in early '90s that the echelon program was in full swing... 1991...

I think I formed a perception early on that the police state was able to eavesdrop on who ever they decided that they needed to. Mafia movies might be partly responsible for that. I think along with 9-11 came the real preventive forms of law enforcement and acceptance by the public that so long as prosecutors could show afterward that there was a need, that intervention could be based on specious suspicion. Of course Orwell had a huge impact on the English language.
I must admit, it scream to my ears when I hear John Kerry on TV trying to explain why the US "have" to spy on EU, for some reason I got a instant flash back to Sadam`s Army Chief, when he tried to convince the world that they where winning the war

to spy on a EU government organ, is not to look out for home land security

just got one thing to say, well actually quote:

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)
I couldn't agree more. Less snooping and pooping on others, and a little more attention on problems in our own backyard. We can't keep illegals out of the country, but we have the resources to fly drones on our own citizens, and snoop on our so-called "Allies". I thought we were suppose to trust our own and our allies. The government calls us all paranoid, but we obviously have damn good reason to be. Just my opinions. Peace out.

EDIT: "The U.S. government is spying on each and everyone of us, and it's Edward Snowden who is charged with espionage." Julian Assange
yea thats pretty fucked up, just lost even more trust in the world to day :( and some how do fell violated as a European, Im sure I would feel ashamed if I where an American

funny I just saw on our 24/7 news TV station here in Denmark (scandinavia) one of our top politicians come up with a suggestion to offer Snowden political asylam here in Denmark :D
From my understanding he's received a couple of offers now, and has options to chose from. Good for the rest of the world for not letting the whistle blower get bullied by the big corporation. I am ashamed as an American, not for my country, but definitely for my sorry government. They act like they'll give him a fair trial if he comes back, I gotta call B.S. on that one. If I were him I'd be chillin on a beach in Cuba baby! Smokin a blunt out of a Cohiba!:bigjoint: Peace and Love!
lol yea me too :D

"funny" thing here, as I see it, is that this time its not Ecuador or Cuba that offer it to him, there is no big surprise in that, if Denmark do it, it would send a total different signal, we are, even tho we are a small state a very close Allie who share much of the same Democracy and a western country

EDIT: and don't feel sorry for your government, we have the same problems here, bunch of useless self promoting idiots who cant answer a direct questions and for some reason think they are there to tell us whats best for us and not to serve us as they where meant to do to start with
bunch of useless self promoting idiots who cant answer a direct questions and for some reason think they are there to tell us whats best for us and not to serve us as they where meant to do to start with

Couldn't have said it better myself bro. Very like minded on that issue! Peace out.
Snowden must be scared chitless. If I were him I wouldn't touch Equadorian soil.

Being in his position he is a high value bargaining chip, Im not too sure that there would
be many govs that wouldn't use him for their benefit and turn him over in some trade deal.

He is worth more turned over than he is if he remains free.
Snowden must be scared chitless. If I were him I wouldn't touch Equadorian soil.

Being in his position he is a high value bargaining chip, Im not too sure that there would
be many govs that wouldn't use him for their benefit and turn him over in some trade deal.

He is worth more turned over than he is if he remains free.

hmmm .. depend on how you look at it I guess, if you look at it like the US government and I guess most others your probably spot on, but I see a lot of value in keeping him safe, so others in the future might do the same
hmmm .. depend on how you look at it I guess, if you look at it like the US government and I guess most others your probably spot on, but I see a lot of value in keeping him safe, so others in the future might do the same

As a world citizen I see the value in keeping him safe. Unfortunately it is a political
decision that would probably offer more benefit on the return.
Who gives a shit about Sowden? Why does he even matter? why is he a story? why is he the main story? How is this "news"