Well-Known Member
The 95% of religions you speak of maybe cover 5% of the worlds population. Also all religions have faults. As does just about everything on earth. It's natural to have faults.
I am glad that you are open to ideas and that you can respect other's opinions. Just by being 'swiss' tells me that you don't tolerate aspects of your religion. You at some point in your life asked questions, passed judgement and progressed. There have been a good few people who got angry about my opinions. I see that as being hypocritical.
Certain religious aspects have negative influence on peoples lives. This is a very broad spectrum.
Whether you like it or not, society has been becoming less tolerant of religion for a long time now. Most of Europe's countries had laws based on religion. Not the case any more. Why is that? It was illegal for gay people to get married in most parts of the world because of religion. This is changing. Why is that? Women were regarded lesser than man. This has changed, but still happens all over the world.
Do you tolerate the abuse of women? If not, then how can you tolerate a religion that does?
It would be stupid to tell people what they have to believe and even more stupid to allow someone to suffer because of anothers selfish beliefs.
To all those who have gotten angry with my comments, I am merely exposing my opinions to the scrutiny of others so that I might learn something. One of the things I have learnt here is that quite a few people are grossly intolerant of other peoples opinions without trying to understand them first. However, it is encouraging to see that there are actually quite a few people out there who are also continuously asking questions.
Inevitably the more questions people ask the more they progress in life.
If you don't understand this then why not at least try?
Well to be blunt and to bring up my personal beliefs no my religion sees everyone equally, men and women, women are not below men nor the opposite. I try to be nuetral as far as my opinion goes pertaining to the question not to my personal belief however. Now referencing back to my original point yes it is absolutely ridiculous and of no ones right to take away the free will and free belief and thought of another but yes at the same time I also said that religion is used basically as a tool for some people and some radical groups for there own selfish wants and benefits again I stated this should not be tolerated, but religion its self the basic beliefs of something should not be taken away from someone, in my opinion if your "religion" is one that harms another person or may cause damage to someone else then this is not a true religion this is some off the wall radicalist that believe they are above others and man set laws, like I said before is not the basis of most religions. buddism, christianity, judaism and even muslims ect... (these are just common ones I can think of) all have basic principles of the golden rule and have good moral principals. I haev had the opportunity to study religion abroad and have found that even though these religions (mentioned above) all have those good basic moral principals you still come across those radicalist and self benefitign self proclaimed religious freaks, that may not be politically correct but that is what it is. Now with that being said, I am not saying religion is perfect as youmust remember it is another person interpretation of what they believe has been God ordane (god being a general reference to the higher being in any religion) but what i see again as the main issue with religion is the Exploitation of it by the wrong people ( meaning those radicals or self benfiting) lets take the great reveren jackson he exploits beyond belief or you can also look at the radical muslims that are really just terrorist usign the muslim religion as an escape goat to condon their inhumane actions. or howabout the jahova witnesses that knock on your door at 6am on sunday to hand out pamphlets ok so there are people in all walks of life and religion that give their religion a bad name from the most extreme to the minute. The point being that no matter what issue we are discussing, religion, racism ect.. there will always be issues/tension and it comes from with in the poeple involved. When you have soemthing so monumental as religion that is captivaty to a majority then you will always have those people out there who are looking to make a quick buck or use it for their own agenda. With that said I think we should not take a belief away from someone rather try to weed out the garbage. But those who will not tolerate it are just as bad as the radicals and self benefiting as they are feeding fuel to the fire.
and here I thought this was just a ganja forum