Well-Known Member
Where is the evidence that science is correct about evolution, or the creation of the universe.... I KNOW religion can not be proven, but science cant explain shit either. the big bang theory? lol seriously? or is that theory now outdated and replaced with a better one that still... doesnt prove shit.
You seem to think science comes up with a conclusion and then goes looking for evidence. Science only attempts to explain evidence which has already been found. Science will make predictions based on that evidence, and then try to falsify that prediction, but the underlying evidence must first be there for a theory to even be formed. Countless papers have been published with evidence of evolution and the big bang. You also seem to to think it's a bad thing for a theory to be replaced if it becomes outdated. Would you rather science stubbornly hold onto old ideas and ignore new evidence? With advancements in technology comes new information, and science often has to change it's conclusions based on the evidence that new information brings.
You could find a bunch of experts to agree cannabis is bad, but it's partly through independent peer review that we know many of the dangers reported on marijuana are myths. You said it yourself, we all know it's bullshit. We, the peers, through independent review, have found that claims of marijuana being dangerous are false. Peer review in action.Also, what is peer evaluation when the majority of the people evaluating the subject already think the same way in the first place?
Hell... I could get 1000 police officers and govt officials who are experts in their field to agree that cannabis is a dangerous substance that supports terrorism. but we all know thats bullshit right.
Once science gets a result, it tries exhaustively to make that result false. Part of this process involves having independent researchers reproduce and interpret your results.
As far as the topic, should we tolerate religion, absolutely! Should we tolerate religion effecting our lives on an intrusive personal level if we don't believe, absolutely not! If you are not part of the club you shouldn't be subjected to the clubs rules.