New Member
Yes all of what you are saying is relevant BUT you still can't take away peoples' rights to throw their money away just because that is the way you see it, I may see it or anyone else for that matter, sees it.
I am not the least bit religious and believe that religion itself causes more wars in this world than any other reason BUT people have 'free will' to do with their life and their money, as they choose.
iblaze does have an excellent point in that you can't start separating people and judging them for reasons such as religion, race, sex, nationality etc or you are being discriminating against a "certain" 'group' of individuals.
Intolerance just breeds hate. Tolerance doesn't mean 'they' are right and you have to agree with them.
It just means that you are allowing them their free will to choose as they wish and not choose for them.


I am not the least bit religious and believe that religion itself causes more wars in this world than any other reason BUT people have 'free will' to do with their life and their money, as they choose.
iblaze does have an excellent point in that you can't start separating people and judging them for reasons such as religion, race, sex, nationality etc or you are being discriminating against a "certain" 'group' of individuals.
Intolerance just breeds hate. Tolerance doesn't mean 'they' are right and you have to agree with them.

It just means that you are allowing them their free will to choose as they wish and not choose for them.


You think logically in a religious way. It seems that you don't tolerate certain aspects of religion as well.
I think this is what I am trying to get at. I think society should be less tolerant of the more radical aspects of religion.
In my country a certain group of nationwide churches decided to install ATM's in their churches. That to me is daylight robbery. How can people sell religion? I know a person who gives half their salary to their church every month. How can a church do that to people and have a clear conscience.
Oh and the priest in charge drives a BMW. lol.
People like this should not be tolerated. Yet because it's the 'word of god' it's tolerated.