Should We Tolerate Religion?

Yes and the main point is that it is YOUR mind only and thankfully you are the minority.

Sorry but...
It doesn't matter how deap seated a man's bullshit is. It's still bullshit.
I believe there should be less tolerance for peoples bullshit.

Rational and logical thinking is the way forward in my mind. :peace:
It doesn't matter how deap seated a man's bullshit is. It's still bullshit.
I believe there should be less tolerance for peoples bullshit.

Rational and logical thinking is the way forward in my mind. :peace:

The arrogance of "rational" people will always astound me to no end.


And no one knows what happens after we die. It is a choice of faith. Whether you choose "logic" or no, it is all a matter of faith.

I take it you believe in science, correct? How about this: all science is a metaphor. Just because something falls, and Newton gave it a name, doesn't mean it was "gravity"'s fault. It could be a cold and faceless force, just as easily as the hand of some deity. Just because we observe dust and particles compressing into planets, doesn't mean we possess the hindsight to know how OUR planet was created. For all we know, it was shaped by the hands of Chronos. You're doing the same thing that religion does: connecting the dots.

Do not misunderstand, I will be the first to point out the follies of zealots, but just because they have chosen a personal idol (I do not use that in a derogatory way), doesn't make you any better.

YOU are a follower of the 1st Church of "Logic", an infant religion that was almost throttled in the crib, but now is back with pretentious vengeance. And essentially you are spouting the same rhetoric as other misguided religious followers: My beliefs are better than yours.

I am not a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Rastafarian, etc. I have a personal faith constructed through years of seeing with my own eyes and feeling with my own heart.

To be honest, I appreciated undertherice's statements a LOT more than yours, simply because he did not say them in such a zero-minded, HOLIER-THAN-THOU manner. So you'll just have to excuse me if this reply sounded a bit harsh, my friend. I look forward to your input on other threads, because you do seem very affluent.
isn't that the point of organized religion, to maintain the status quo? the very nature of religion precludes change. the word of god must be unchanging or god will be proved to have been mistaken and gods cannot make mistakes. any change in dogma takes decades because those changes must be cloaked in layer upon layer of misdirection or the faithful may catch on that their sacred texts are nothing more than the words of man.

don't be too concerned. only the powerful could ever even attempt to tear down what has taken centuries to erect and religion is far too useful a tool to be discarded without something equally insidious to take its place.

false hope and the illusion of comfort, these are the greatest tools ever developed to enslave the minds of men. while the masses toil, hoping to attain some otherworldly paradise, the powerful reap the rewards of their labor and laugh heartily at the gullibility of their unwitting slaves. while their children go cold and hungry, the faithful tithe willingly and warm themselves in the camaraderie of poverty and despair. such are the gifts of the god myth and its attendants.

1. You misunderstand my point. Yes, ORGANIZED religion has become warped and, in many cases, corrupt. You also betray the fact that you are only saying you understand the difference, because your words constantly stick them in the same boat. But religion itself carries across messages that cannot be ignored. You seem to only be pointing the finger at the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God. Yes, the Bible and Torah contain many passages that are hate-filled snotrags, but in this day and age people have truly started to pick and choose what they follow. I have met homosexual Christians, just as I have seen gay-bashing ones. You cannot hold the masses accountable for the actions of others. And no, dogma isn't meant to be broken. But when it opens the window for people like the afformentioned ex-boyfriend, I can't say it isn't a good thing. It seems these days that many religions are changing quite a bit.

2. I'm not concerned, because the day that it happens, it will signal the 4th Reich's return. Only this time they will be holding calculators and telescopes, not rifles. I cannot think of a more frightening image than a world dominated by the religion of unqualified "logic".

3. Again, your stigma to the Judeo-Christian-Islamic figure shows. You also misunderstand that organized religion commits such heinous crimes, not religion. Simply because "logic" and "science" have not had blood spilled in their name YET, doesn't mean that it is not soon on the horizon. Logic is a varying thing, and Albert Einstein even recognized that science and religion fell from the same tree.
I also don't think it is up to you to delegate what is and what isn't "false hope", my friend. You do not know what awaits us. It could be the fires of Hell, Nirvana, or a dirt bed.

I will not respond further, simply because when it comes to a god, the afterlife or creation: our arguments will always be flawed by the shadow of not knowing.

So fellas, why don't we simply roll a joint of Cannabis, and have a good time?:blsmoke:
Should we be tolerating religion when it is the cause of war and ignorance?

Religions dont tolerate each other or anyone outside them.

Why should we tolerate religion?

i posit a libertarian streak runs thru most people who accept the golden rule. if we dont want people to silence our veiwpoints (not to mention make them for us) then we must tolerate other's.

tolerate does not mean agree or like something. it means we accept its right to exist. just as we would like others to accept our smoking rights to exist.

of course, if we accept and tolerate religion, it doesn't mean we have to honor it by asking the deep questions like 'who we are' and 'why we are here'. there is no proof that anyone has those answers 'just' because they are religious. actually the opposite is more likely because religion only makes your world smaller.
Show me a person who doesn't believe in God, I'll show you a person who hasn't experienced enough pain.

That is an awesome quote!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:

I am not the least bit religious but I have experienced GOD in a way that cannot be descibed in words. Nor would I ever want to decribe the experience that brought me there. :? So please don't anyone start trippin' on me.

Tolerance is part of love. Intolerance breeds war and there are so many wars going on because of intolerance to anothers' religion.:peace:
Show me a person who doesn't believe in God, I'll show you a person who hasn't experienced enough pain.

Ok ok I don't want to upset anyone. It's just a question. When I asked it, I was thinking back to the 9/11 attacks. Bush went on international tv and used the word "crusade". That was a blatent verbal attack on another religion. Not only a religion, but millions of people. I see what he believed to his core as serious bullshit. I dont think we should tolerate that sort of religious behaviour. Sometimes it can be complete bullshit. What he said made no sense. Terrorist's believe to their core that what they are doing is right. It's their religion. People don't tolerate that. They act against it.
Obviously we can't ban people from believing in something.
If you want to be religious, then be religious. Half my family is religious and I love them to pieces.

When someone is as powerful as bush, they should at least be able to think before they speak. It's disturbing.

Instead of preaching or trying to change the world, why can't people lead by example rather. Jesus did.

I hope I have clarified my point a little better this time.

I haven't attacked anyone on a personal level here except bush, yet I have been called "zero minded and arrogant". It's a debate people.

Religion shouldnt be tolerated but abolished.Religion and the beliefs of a god or higher being is the rule to all the worlds evil. Wars and murder are started on behalf of religion. Religion is for those who cant handle everyday life and need more to hold onto so they seem to have a purpose in life.If people would have faith in themselfs and do the simple things they think they do because of rreligion we would have such a great world.But the issue is a lot of people nee that imaginary belief to give them some hope they cant have for themselves as they lack that self motivation and enthusiam of life..Its a shame but maybe some day we can rid the world of all religion and the need for imaginary hopes.
Oh and the quote on showing someone who doesnt believe in god and Ill show you someone who hasnt expirenced pain is complete garbage.If there was a god he would be the cause of the pain.I ve felt pain all my life physical and mental but it was me who made myself pickup and continue on.There was no merciful god who saved thse innocent lives taken and forced the pain of lose upon those persons loved ones.He didnt stop those stray bullets maybe he pulled the trigger??
Religion shouldnt be tolerated but abolished.Religion and the beliefs of a god or higher being is the rule to all the worlds evil. Wars and murder are started on behalf of religion. Religion is for those who cant handle everyday life and need more to hold onto so they seem to have a purpose in life.If people would have faith in themselfs and do the simple things they think they do because of rreligion we would have such a great world.But the issue is a lot of people nee that imaginary belief to give them some hope they cant have for themselves as they lack that self motivation and enthusiam of life..Its a shame but maybe some day we can rid the world of all religion and the need for imaginary hopes.
Whackjob^^^ How do you propose abolishing religion. Lock up all religious ppl or just execute them...70% of the world's population believes in God. I bet you don't talk like that in the real world:-?
Hey Blazeeeeeee man!!!!! How's it going???
Long time no see. I missed ya. :hug:

And Fletch. I'm sorry man BUT I am totally with blaze on this one. You're Way out to lunch here.:?
Whackjob^^^ How do you propose abolishing religion. Lock up all religious ppl or just execute them...70% of the world's population believes in God. I bet you don't talk like that in the real world:-?
Yes I am feeling a LOT better thanks Blaze.
I'm off those strong meds and back moving around again. I had my right arm in a sling for about a week but now I'm good to go.

Hey i'm getting a 1000 watt MH light tomorrow.

Waaahooooooooooooooo! I'm a tad excited about it.:blsmoke::peace:
Hey, Lacy.:hug:....I know, it's been too long. Glad to see ya back, tho:mrgreen:. Hope your feeling OK and all.:neutral:
I personally cant abolish religion but do hope it dies off or people start to realise its evil base.Id like to see it get lost in history I know it ll be hard but thats what I believe and iblaze that exactly how I am in public.Ima proud atheist and tell it to the world.Someone will say something about religion and god and Ill tell them how there isnt a god and how religion is evil.I dont need to believe in a methical being to make the best of life and to be able to live with myself some people do so they go to church and they take thier kids to church to be moletsed by gods coveyor of the word.Not me I prefer my kinds unmolested thank you
Yes I am feeling a LOT better thanks Blaze.
I'm off those strong meds and back moving around again. I had my right arm in a sling for about a week but now I'm good to go.

Hey i'm getting a 1000 watt MH light tomorrow.

Waaahooooooooooooooo! I'm a tad excited about it.:blsmoke::peace:
Awesome!!! I'm excited for you! Getting a new light or strain of seeds is like opening a present on Christmas morning. It's a wonderful feeling...Talk to ya, later. I'm off to bed now:peace:
I personally cant abolish religion but do hope it dies off or people start to realise its evil base.Id like to see it get lost in history I know it ll be hard but thats what I believe and iblaze that exactly how I am in public.Ima proud atheist and tell it to the world.Someone will say something about religion and god and Ill tell them how there isnt a god and how religion is evil.I dont need to believe in a methical being to make the best of life and to be able to live with myself some people do so they go to church and they take thier kids to church to be moletsed by gods coveyor of the word.Not me I prefer my kinds unmolested thank you
I can agree with you that religion can be evil, at times. But, honestly there would still be just as many wars, deaths and evil in the world without religion. That is just one of the many things people use to separate themselves from another group. If it wasn't religion it would be race, nationality, sexuality, etc...Until we realize that we are all God's children( We are all the same. We are all one people. We are one race, the human race. Every person on this earth is an equal) there will never be peace on earth.
We are all human and earth beings tha should be enough.Im to the point where if we drop religion and start thinning the population or inbreds and stupid people we can make a difference.Some people are just to stupid to be on the dumb shits who see the large flashing toll sign for Ipass and yet pull into it with cash then think they can back out with 30000 cars behind them..waste of space human
I can agree with you that religion can be evil, at times. But, honestly there would still be just as many wars, deaths and evil in the world without religion. That is just one of the many things people use to separate themselves from another group. If it wasn't religion it would be race, nationality, sexuality, etc...Until we realize that we are all God's children( We are all the same. We are all one people. We are one race, the human race. Every person on this earth is an equal) there will never be peace on earth.

You think logically in a religious way. It seems that you don't tolerate certain aspects of religion as well.

I think this is what I am trying to get at. I think society should be less tolerant of the more radical aspects of religion.
In my country a certain group of nationwide churches decided to install ATM's in their churches. That to me is daylight robbery. How can people sell religion? I know a person who gives half their salary to their church every month. How can a church do that to people and have a clear conscience.
Oh and the priest in charge drives a BMW. lol.

People like this should not be tolerated. Yet because it's the 'word of god' it's tolerated.