New Member
I just started 2 bubblicious plants about 2 weeks ago and have them in big pots on my back deck. On a sunny day they are getting around 8 hours of direct sunlight on the deck. Once the sun goes away on the back deck it is shining on my front of my house for another 4 hours. Would it be worth it to move the plants most days when I can to the front of the house after the back loses sun light or would the almost daily movement be too much stress and not worth it? I am in Vermont and have gotten some unexpectedly colder weather for the next couple days so I will be bringing them inside anyway for the next couple days when they are not in direct sunlight. I would be able to move the plants to the front for more sun on most days but may not be able to for a day every once in a while, would the possible slight inconsistency make it a bad idea? Thanks