
Perhaps . maybe the could control them to a degree with small props like a drone. Also if its that high it makes me wonder even more why it wasn’t deep sixed
Ok. Doesn’t matter imo . They also stated that it posed NO risk to us or security? Really ? Then whats the point. A distraction for what?
All those clustered black colored probe,sensor looking things sure as hell aren't whistling Dixie,the Chinese are industrious there IS a reason and purpose behind this,and the one the Canadian's are tracking will be in US airspace via the jet stream soon,this nullifies any potential off course explanation.
All those clustered black colored probe,sensor looking things sure as hell aren't whistling Dixie,the Chinese are industrious there IS a reason and purpose behind this,and the one the Canadian's are tracking will be in US airspace via the jet stream soon,this nullifies any potential off course explanation.
Solar for the cams and such im sure.
Solar for the cams and such im sure.
Good call,slipped my mind,could be other shit on board,China always acts w/purpose,gotta be something deeper here,they KNEW we'd KNOW, this is a means to something brewing. At the least it's a probing of our readiness at the most?????.
My logic says they’re not here for nothing but apparently the pentagon thinks so…..
Think they are duped by the audacity,will be on the spot w/the 2nd balloon when it enters our airspace,could this possibly be a balloon barrage?,if Canada picks up a 3rd balloon when the 2nd one is in US airspace,"Houston we have a problem"