
They don’t dude. To be honest it makes more sense that’s it’s an American balloon. If that was really believed to be a spy balloon, story would read “balloon thought to be spy balloon was shot down today”
If you look close it says “Wuhan or bust “Maybe it’s full of the next variant. Pretty sure china can spy from space
I know they dont. Then why is the pentagon considering it possibly one. And wouldn’t they want to make sure?
Why is china looking into it ? No pun intended
Before the American owner is just saying hey no worries we got one outa control we’re on it lol
They don’t dude. To be honest it makes more sense that’s it’s an American balloon. If that was really believed to be a spy balloon, story would read “balloon thought to be spy balloon was shot down today”
Agree now explain to me why we would report it to be and being tracked( hilarious) and not shoot it down?Why wouldn’t we shoot down anything even remotely considered to be spying or ccp over mid America at commercial and pvt altitudes . Especially when its over a remote state like Montana
Maybe there is a boy in that balloon.

Tbh, I have no clue why they don't just shoot it down. I would imagine they could at least send out a helicopter or something and snare it.
It's creepy as a FK,is it a precurser of some future Chinese action?,a Trojan horse of some kind,a distraction,is it harboring some kind of bio agent?. This on the heels of Sec of State Blinken visiting China and meeting w/Mr. Xi complicates his discussions. All I know is I'm surprised we don't capture it,it's violating our airspace. It's in a remote area, satellites can monitor the Air Force bases and ICBM complexes located in the vicinity so this is STRANGE.If we commandeer this "thing" it will be w/full NBC (nuke,bio,chem) protocals,who knows what this thing harbors on board. Just another FKD up event in a world that keeps delivering.One thing is clear if it happened to them they would go ballistic,they are aggressive as a FK in intercepting our navy and airforce near their sovereign territory,hell in 2000 they had a collision w/one of their fighter jets vs, a US Poseidon monitoring aircraft.They kept and reverse engineered it and have a exact replica flying as we speak.
Maybe there is a boy in that balloon.

Tbh, I have no clue why they don't just shoot it down. I would imagine they could at least send out a helicopter or something and snare it.
It's 24k to 37k meters high. What specific craft could go there and do that
Well, guess we can't then lol.

Do we have some sorta missle that shoots out a net?

We should shoot them down.
It has also been stated that this has happened before in prior administrations,REALLY,first time we've heard publicly. I thought the Donald was a take no shit tough guy.Caveat I'm assuming before means the prior administration,my bad if I'm mistaken.