Senator Sanders, in his own words

Because the Democratic primary was unfair. I will "bitch and complain" about that until the day I die, in the same way Martin Luther King "bitched and complained" about equal civil rights until the day he died. Stealing an election is undemocratic.

And Trump and Co. will likely go down for it. Good.

Democratic politicians have had the chance to pass policy that would benefit the majority of Americans. They haven't because their donors don't want them to

This is a conversation that can't be had on RIU, because half of you deny the legal campaign contributions Democrats accept are uninfluencable, while condemning Republicans for accepting influencing campaign contributions. Republicans do it it's bad.. Democrats do it it's good..

In other words, half of you are playing for a team, you're not working towards a cause. Those of you are just as much an enemy of progress as the Republicans you claim to hate.


'Playing for a team and not a cause' is exactly how America got into this mess. Those very teams across America are selling out We People left and right.

The only question left is how much worse must it get before Americans deem things to be so intolerable that they'll actually put down their iPads and get involved?
You're your own opposition.

Taking money doesn't guarantee a damn thing.
Taking money absolutely guarantees you will do the bidding of or represent the special interests of the person/organization paying you

How would it not?

This is how you get reelected. Do what I want or go fuck yourself. If you don't do what I want, I'll pay someone else more who will. The people paying these legal bribes understand the scientific data that says 95% of the time, the person who spends more on their campaign wins.

The person who spends more wins. I'll pay you to do/say what I want. If you don't, I'll pay your competitor more and they'll win and I'll get what I want

Don't you think that's a problem?
Taking money absolutely guarantees you will do the bidding of or represent the special interests of the person/organization paying you

How would it not?

This is how you get reelected. Do what I want or go fuck yourself. If you don't do what I want, I'll pay someone else more who will. The people paying these legal bribes understand the scientific data that says 95% of the time, the person who spends more on their campaign wins.

The person who spends more wins. I'll pay you to do/say what I want. If you don't, I'll pay your competitor more and they'll win and I'll get wheat I want.

Don't you think that's a problem?

I think wasting time whining about 2016 is idiotic.

I explained to you before about taking money doesn't guarantee a damn thing.

How many disappointed donors are there?
I think wasting time whining about 2016 is idiotic.

I explained to you before about taking money doesn't guarantee a damn thing.

How many disappointed donors are there?
Probably a lot since Clinton didn't win. Donating money to a political campaign does not guarantee results. Donating money to a political campaign absolutely guarantees attempts. Since Clinton didn't win does not denote the effort to try to get her elected by those who sponsored her campaign. That's a poor argument. Go with Trump's donors; do you think they're disappointed?


Billionaires buy politicians, those politicians do the bidding of said billionaires, if they don't, they won't get paid. Politicians who spend the most get reelected 95% of the time and the cycle continues. You do my bidding, I pay for your reelection campaign.
Funny coming from you. We got along fine until I blasphemed your Saint Bernard. You have become the biggest attacker of everyone here who supports many of the causes you claim to support and it's only because you are such a devoted acolyte to your cult of Bernie.
You're grasping..

You can't even cite a single politician you support while supporting the people who support politicians who you claim to hate..

You're a very confused individual..
Probably a lot since Clinton didn't win. Donating money to a political campaign does not guarantee results. Donating money to a political campaign absolutely guarantees attempts. Since Clinton didn't win does not denote the effort to try to get her elected by those who sponsored her campaign. That's a poor argument. Go with Trump's donors; do you think they're disappointed?


Billionaires buy politicians, those politicians do the bidding of said billionaires, if they don't, they won't get paid. Politicians who spend the most get reelected 95% of the time and the cycle continues. You do my bidding, I pay for your reelection campaign.

My company used to donate to both sides.

I guess they were always behind the eight ball, right?

There is such a thing as good money.

Maybe you just don't like money. Most people do.
Probably a lot since Clinton didn't win. Donating money to a political campaign does not guarantee results. Donating money to a political campaign absolutely guarantees attempts. Since Clinton didn't win does not denote the effort to try to get her elected by those who sponsored her campaign. That's a poor argument. Go with Trump's donors; do you think they're disappointed?


Billionaires buy politicians, those politicians do the bidding of said billionaires, if they don't, they won't get paid. Politicians who spend the most get reelected 95% of the time and the cycle continues. You do my bidding, I pay for your reelection campaign.
I don't understand your strategy to break the control of campaigns by big money.
I don't understand your strategy to break the control of campaigns by big money.
What don't you understand about it?

Big money currently controls 95% of the outcome of elections. The majority of politicians are controlled by special interests. We're trying to fix that, so that the majority of politicians are controlled by their constituents.
supporting the people who support
Are all bernouts this divisive? I can't even be friends with people now? I mean, I'm not friends with you because you say stupid shit, like that time you claimed that more is expected of you at work because you are a white guy. So you want me to stop being friends with people who acknowledge idpol and be friends with you instead?

You're dumb. :lol:
All of the reasons you cite for opposing Sanders can be applied to Clinton. You don't dislike me because of Sanders or the policies he supports. You dislike me because the people you like don't like me because I don't support Clinton.

In other words, you're a hack

I wouldn't accept you as a friend if you and I were the last two people on Earth. Learn to be better.
What don't you understand about it?

Big money currently controls 95% of the outcome of elections. The majority of politicians are controlled by special interests. We're trying to fix that, so that the majority of politicians are controlled by their constituents.

Politicians have always been controlled by their constituents. That's who votes them in and out.

There's a lot of stupid people who believe commercials. Maybe stupidity is a bigger issue.
Politicians have always been controlled by their constituents. That's who votes them in and out.

There's a lot of stupid people who believe commercials. Maybe stupidity is a bigger issue.
Their constituents have always been controlled by big money. Big money determines what ads they see, what information gets aired.

You're saying that people should just be smarter when it comes to the propaganda they see. I'm saying there shouldn't be propaganda at all. The propaganda is the problem, not people's ability to discern what is or isn't propaganda..