Senator Sanders, in his own words

we don't know that's true, and you are still benefiting from having an educated populace all around you.

so keep paying what you agreed to pay when you signed on the dotted line, mooch

"an educated populace around me".

Oh Poopypants, you are funny, I'll give you that. Lol. No further argument needed from me. I win (again).
"an educated populace around me".

Oh Poopypants, you are funny, I'll give you that. Lol. No further argument needed from me. I win (again).
all those people around you who know how to read and write and do math have public schools to thank

thank you for voluntarily agreeing to fund those schools roberta
all those people around you who know how to read and write and do math have public schools to thank

thank you for voluntarily agreeing to fund those schools roberta

So writing was invented by the Prussian authoritarian school system in 1850 and prior to that nobody could read or do math ?

You had a choice not to send your children to public school. You did. You still owe.

Why do you find it difficult to answer questions ? How would you fund public schooling, fire/police dept., libraries, lights/sign maintenance, side walks, city parks...etc ALL which use property taxes.

Sometimes I am forced to pay the largest and most powerful grocery because the savings force me :wink: You don't like savings ? You strike me as a coupon cutter

I would not have coercion based ways of funding things. If that were morally permissible (it shouldn't be)
why do we need government again? We could all just steal on our own. (not a good idea) .

I could probably do better cutting out the middleman and put on a magic hat that says "I'm government" and just go steal your stuff myself. Since you obviously think if a person claiming to be government does an action which would be theft if you or I did it can somehow magically make it "not theft" when they do it.

I save money by feeding off dead animals scavenged from the highway. Don't need coupons.
taxes are not theft, you have to agree to pay them for the government to take them

try to learn what words mean, roberta
No he's not.

He's average-to-mediocre.

He mixes and matches words badly too. Look up his description of the meaning for "policitcal correctness" also he "Democratic Party business model" is whatever he wants it to be.

What does Bernie mean when he brings up "the Democratic Business model"? How can this model be used to explain past results as well as future outcomes?
I notice you spend a truly inordinate amount of time here trying to sabotage his reputation.

You must be awfully afraid of him, at least.

So why do you guys bitch, whine and complain about 2016?

There's a lot to bitch about, Russians, Trump, Flynn, Mannafort, Cohen, etc.

But it's the Democrats fault in your eyes.

Fuck that noise. A 20 year set back in judicial appts, climate change ignored, a permanent tax cut for corporations and the rich while it's temporary for us, damage to the ACA, etc.

But it's the Democrats.

That's pretty damn fucked up.
Progressives will make better judicial appointments.

I'm sick of both of America's night and paid for parties.

Inverted totalitarianism is the system we have today, thanks in equal measure to both Democrats and Republicans.

Lip service is paid to democracy and nothing will change until it is illegal to bribe our political system, and those laws have teeth.
why do you guys bitch, whine and complain about 2016?
Because the Democratic primary was unfair. I will "bitch and complain" about that until the day I die, in the same way Martin Luther King "bitched and complained" about equal civil rights until the day he died. Stealing an election is undemocratic.
There's a lot to bitch about, Russians, Trump, Flynn, Mannafort, Cohen, etc.
And Trump and Co. will likely go down for it. Good.
But it's the Democrats fault in your eyes.

Fuck that noise. A 20 year set back in judicial appts, climate change ignored, a permanent tax cut for corporations and the rich while it's temporary for us, damage to the ACA, etc.

But it's the Democrats.

That's pretty damn fucked up.
Democratic politicians have had the chance to pass policy that would benefit the majority of Americans. They haven't because their donors don't want them to

This is a conversation that can't be had on RIU, because half of you deny the legal campaign contributions Democrats accept are uninfluencable, while condemning Republicans for accepting influencing campaign contributions. Republicans do it it's bad.. Democrats do it it's good..

In other words, half of you are playing for a team, you're not working towards a cause. Those of you are just as much an enemy of progress as the Republicans you claim to hate.
Because the Democratic primary was unfair. I will "bitch and complain" about that until the day I die, in the same way Martin Luther King "bitched and complained" about equal civil rights until the day he died. Stealing an election is undemocratic.

And Trump and Co. will likely go down for it. Good.

Democratic politicians have had the chance to pass policy that would benefit the majority of Americans. They haven't because their donors don't want them to

This is a conversation that can't be had on RIU, because half of you deny the legal campaign contributions Democrats accept are uninfluencable, while condemning Republicans for accepting influencing campaign contributions. Republicans do it it's bad.. Democrats do it it's good..

In other words, half of you are playing for a team, you're not working towards a cause. Those of you are just as much an enemy of progress as the Republicans you claim to hate.
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If the only way a person can "own" a home is to be forced to pay a tax to non owners, that person is under duress.

I'm not sure you know what duress is. Did you think duress was that flowery skirt thing your mother used to make you wear?
I never consented to your "purchase" of real estate property. That land is only made "yours" by threat of violence against other natural persons who may happen upon it not to trespass.
How are "legal campaign contributions" any less influencible when it comes to policy if they're being legally contributed to a Democrat over a Republican?

Are you claiming that somehow money magically does not influence people's reasoning if they call themselves a Democrat?

The claim is that special interests influence the outcome of policy. That Democrats have to accept special interest money in order to be competitive against Republicans, But special interest money does not influence policy...

..You must believe the opposition is stupid
How are "legal campaign contributions" any less influencible when it comes to policy if they're being legally contributed to a Democrat over a Republican?

Are you claiming that somehow money magically does not influence people's reasoning if they call themselves a Democrat?

The claim is that special interests influence the outcome of policy. That Democrats have to accept special interest money in order to be competitive against Republicans, But special interest money does not influence policy...

..You must believe the opposition is stupid

You're your own opposition.

Taking money doesn't guarantee a damn thing.