Well-Known Member
Anyone remember McGovern?
Probably not because he's just a footnote now in the history of this country.
Read this all you Sanders supporters and just think about the consequences of your vote now.
I do remember because in 1972 I was 16 & he was the Dem's nominee against Richard Nixon in they're attempt to stop the war in Vietnam & address the social/economic inequality in this Nation.
I wasn't able to vote then but I loved what he said, like get us out of that fucked up war & help the underprivileged in this country.
But, that didn't turn out so well seeing as he lost by a landslide & gave us Nixon (and 2 more years of war) for the next 4 years until Nixon resigned facing impeachment,
I guess my point is that idealism is a wonderful thing, it is needed & actually mandatory, but pragmatic understanding of what can be attained in the circumstances surrounding you is paramount.
If Sanders is selected as the Dem nominee, we ALL lose, because he will NEVER be accepted by a plurality of the American voter.
Four more years of Trump will stack the Supreme Court (goodbye Roe vs Wade) and fucking FOREVER change the direction of this country
So, what too do?
Nominate someone who has not a chance in Hell of becoming POTUS, or bite the bullet & select someone that does?
We shall see
Probably not because he's just a footnote now in the history of this country.
Read this all you Sanders supporters and just think about the consequences of your vote now.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern
The similarities between 2020 and 1972 are too astonishing to ignore. But there’s one big difference.
I do remember because in 1972 I was 16 & he was the Dem's nominee against Richard Nixon in they're attempt to stop the war in Vietnam & address the social/economic inequality in this Nation.
I wasn't able to vote then but I loved what he said, like get us out of that fucked up war & help the underprivileged in this country.
But, that didn't turn out so well seeing as he lost by a landslide & gave us Nixon (and 2 more years of war) for the next 4 years until Nixon resigned facing impeachment,
I guess my point is that idealism is a wonderful thing, it is needed & actually mandatory, but pragmatic understanding of what can be attained in the circumstances surrounding you is paramount.
If Sanders is selected as the Dem nominee, we ALL lose, because he will NEVER be accepted by a plurality of the American voter.
Four more years of Trump will stack the Supreme Court (goodbye Roe vs Wade) and fucking FOREVER change the direction of this country
So, what too do?
Nominate someone who has not a chance in Hell of becoming POTUS, or bite the bullet & select someone that does?
We shall see