High school? I left early after satisfying their silly requirements for a diploma. I left to support myself and pursue an education in Anthropology rather than attend sychophantic pep rallies and be held in a state of perpetual adolescence by minions of the state. Besides college women were more interesting than high school girls and the dope was better too.
Are you saying that something based in coercion (how schools are funded) can become a valid way of doing things if it is repeated often enough ? Is that your point? So if you repeatedly steal and that theft is legally sanctioned, everything is okay? Interesting.
No, I don't hate traffic lights. They serve a purpose and road safety could and should exist no matter how the road is owned or administered. I'm a safe driver but rules of the road and how roads are paid for are two separate things aren't they?
You imply that the way something is done now, is the only way it could be done, which is sort of a slothful way of viewing things.