Seattle Minimum Wage not working out...

oh okay as long as she was completely disrespecting your rich and storied cultural heritage and not mine (assuming you are FROM the South).

Because you know, that's just perfectly acceptable.

Like white guilt (s'ok)

And Immigrants and against immigration (Keep those fuckers out yeah!)
One of the last companies I worked for brought in one of these.


Then immediately terminated 3 welders.

$100 says the owner of that company is a Republican, who decided to shit can 3 of their workers in favor of a robot.

"We have all seen or heard about leftist protesters demanding a $15 hourly minimum wage and the Democrat-controlled cities and states where they have succeeded in having their demands implemented.

Seattle is one of those cities. It currently mandates an $11 hourly wage, a temporary step on the way toward a $15 minimum within the next couple of years. But before those minimum wage protesters start cheering too loudly, they may want to see what some economists had to say about their “victory.”

According to Truth Revolt, a study found that despite a supposed increase in real wages, there was virtually no effect on average earnings for workers in the city.

This largely seems due to workers receiving fewer hours, having trouble finding a second job, or being fired or replaced by technology, all as business owners cope with higher labor costs while trying to maintain their profit margin.

The Washington Post reported on the study: “Using their preferred method, they calculated that workers’ earnings increased by $5.54 a week on average because of the minimum wage. Using other methods, the researchers found that the minimum wage hike actually caused total weekly earnings to drop — by as much as $5.22 a week.”

All told, workers are taking home enough to buy themselves a value meal at McDonald’s once a week — as long as they don’t supersize anything. And that’s the best case scenario, according to the study. Worst case, they have to give that meal up.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle — there has been no meaningful change to workers’ wages in Seattle.

Sadly, it is the lower-income workers and entry-level employees, particularly young minorities, who suffer the most from the wage hikes that are purported to be for their benefit.

Bear in mind that they are the ones protesting in demand of a wage hike that will grant them fewer working hours and make it more difficult to find a second job to make ends meet, leaving them the same or worse off than they were before.

As an aside, the real winner in all of this are the unions, as the union minimum wage is generally a certain percentage higher than the regular minimum wage. So an increase in that means an increase in union wages across the board. That means more dues paid to the union coffers to be spent for Democrat causes — like demanding an increase in the minimum wage, starting the cycle all over again."

Gee, the people who said that it wouldnt work were right... What a fucking surprise.

I would like to thank all the liberals and Democrats that have made life much harder for low income people in Seattle and other areas by promising them shit for free.

Anecdotes, unsubstantiated claims and fear mongering is what you live for EXLAX1. We get it, you're a bitter person and damnit to hell if all them damn liberals are trying to make life better for everyone, not just for the few. Cool story bruh.
So what you are saying is because it hasnt worked yet we need to give it much more time to work?

Raising the minimum wage has never created the utopia promised and it has been done dozens of times.

Thanks again for making things shittier for people under the guise of good intent.

Raising minimum wage has never been claimed to create a utopia. Stop making things up.

Raising minimum wage has ALWAYS improved the overall wellbeing of those who need it. And for those who didn't they managed to figure out ways to increase wealth in spite of it.

Why are there more wealthy people today than there were 30 years ago? 50 years ago? 100 years ago? Because income inequality and low minimum wages have kept the middle class down, the poor people poor, and the rich, richer.
Guess what? You are wrong, and it is offensive to the rest of us. If your average Joe had some kind of protection, and voice, maybe the fight would be easier? Maybe this is why labor unions are so great? Every year, my wage goes up $1.25, and this increase doesn't bankrupt anyone! $45 an hour total package for most, and companies are EXPANDING!
So when I see your outright lies, I cringe. You know nothing, and you generalize too much.
The people must stand up and demand more. Automatons are here, so? They fuck shit up too. There's a McDonald's in my town that pays 12 to start. Cleanest McDonald's ever, and fast too. Go down to taco bell where they pay 9 an hour, and you have to look before you leave, to make sure you have the right stuff. And the tables aren't ever clean... Why do you think that is? It is because people value being valued.
Well paid employees make the company more money. This is known.
Think about that for a minute. McDonald's started paying more so they got a better level of worker.
What happened to the other workers? Oh they got sent over to the taco bell because they sucked at their job.
So basically, if you start paying McD workers more, you will create competition. That hard ass cement pourer who hates his hard as hell, miserable job, quits and goes to work at McD. Now the "poor me, give me more for less" people are right back out of work.
Funny how that happens.
Automation is the wave of the future -- just ask auto companies!
Cheaper, faster, more precise, never sleep, don't steal, and don't go on strike.
Let robots do the mundane, repetitive tasks. It gives humans more time to be creative (our edge).
Amazon has a shitload of robots and still employs a shitload of humans. It's a win-win.
Think about that for a minute. McDonald's started paying more so they got a better level of worker.
What happened to the other workers? Oh they got sent over to the taco bell because they sucked at their job.
So basically, if you start paying McD workers more, you will create competition. That hard ass cement pourer who hates his hard as hell, miserable job, quits and goes to work at McD. Now the "poor me, give me more for less" people are right back out of work.
Funny how that happens.
There is something wrong about your argument. To begin with, the average hourly rate for cement pourer is $17.91/hr. That it pays this much tells us that it requires skill and physical resilience that employers put a premium above day labor type wages of 16.19/hr. What happens when minimum wage goes up? Those McD workers get a raise to keep them working at McD instead of other places, the day laborer gets a raise to keep him from leaving for McD and the cement pourer gets a raise to keep him from leaving for the day laborer job. That's how raising minimum wage ripples up the wage scale. When minimum wages rise the ripple effect goes up to about the 20th percentile of incomes. This isn't some right wingnut truthy stuff factoid, its well studied and characterized aspect of our capitalist society.

This isn't about "free stuff" either. Lower wage workers bust their asses for that paycheck. Over time, their income has lost ground compared to others and dollar-for-inflation-adjusted-dollar, their wages are lower than they were in 1980. Cement pouring is important work and I'd hope that we can continue to keep good people at that position.