Seattle Minimum Wage not working out...

I say it hasnt really helped and maybe hurt. Your article says it increased peoples pay by a few dollars a week.

The government has yet again dictated, jobs have been lost, some people get a couple of bucks extra a week and you call it a success.

Makes me understand why you constantly call me a failure. You have it opposite.

How much is that minimum wage going to help the guy that is now unemployed???

Your left leaning article spun it up the best they could but the sky was never going to fall, the plan simply was not going to work which has been demonstrated yet again.

Cant wait for 5 years from now when Seattle is in a recession... Lets watch the revenue drop from lost jobs. You cant tax a robot an hourly rate.
Bro you're making forecasts? Dude you're a fucking confirmed failure. What does it take to get to accept your debilitating shortcomings. Fucking A, 4 years ago you were certain Romney was gonna be prez. Today you're talking out of your ass about Seattle. Dude your pic is under the header clueless asshole.
If some people make a couple bucks a week more but some other people get fired or never get hired then we have a disagreement over whether it is helping or hurting.

except seattle's unemployment rate is going nowhere but down. it is one of the most competitive markets in the nation, retard.

Screenshot 2016-08-03 at 2.27.11 PM.png

You are looking strictly at the dollars and not taking into account the added cost of those dollars in lost jobs.

yeah, he's not looking at those imaginary lost jobs. he's ;eavong you to do all the making up of shit that doesn't exist.

you are literally never right about anything, ever.
If some people make a couple bucks a week more but some other people get fired or never get hired then we have a disagreement over whether it is helping or hurting. You are looking strictly at the dollars and not taking into account the added cost of those dollars in lost jobs.

What are you talking about with the pool business? I hurt my back and decided to sell it. I sold it to a guy I have no contact with. It made me a good profit. Now my capacity to make a profit has doubled. If I am in a different business in 5 years it is because I can make more money at that. I never had a partner in any business.

Being successful is going out and making it on your own, not waiting for the government to legislate it for you.
You treat your opinion as if it were a fact.

There is a lot evidence -- facts -- that show your truthy-based opinion to be wrong. For instance, what measurement is better than to track incomes of people who make minimum wage? Overall, it's been a wash -- that's a fact established by researchers who said:

Higher Minimum Wage Has Had Moderate Benefits, UW Report Says

You dispute the words of a report by economics professionals who work for UW with truthy facts. By doing so are showing your ignorance in the face of facts.
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except seattle's unemployment rate is going nowhere but down. it is one of the most competitive markets in the nation, retard.

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yeah, he's not looking at those imaginary lost jobs. he's ;eavong you to do all the making up of shit that doesn't exist.

you are literally never right about anything, ever.
He said we have to wait five more years after he said about a year ago it would be an immediate disaster.
p.s.: from another thread that somehow brought this up:

I have to get ready for work on the damn highway, with a lazy 50 year old, and a hard working 20 year old. Weird, huh?

HAHA, no, that's not at all weird... I shouldn't have implied that there's not a lot of that either, or good workers/bright people in the newest generations... just less.

I was actually just had THAT conversation with someone else... where, when some younger people do try to step up, a lot of the older folks are assholes... demanding they do as much as the more experienced people, or as well, lots of abusive joking around... you know... which sucks... especially in my mind since that's one of the reason the rest are so stupid and useless, no one trying to teach them... and because now you pushed that one away... shame....
I'm sorry, I should've said anyone who's worth a crap, and maybe also anyone who's not an idiot. So yeah, you're right, not you ;-)

i'm pretty sure that within 3 days, you will be disliked by just about everyone on this forum. but only because you are clearly a major douche.
What are you talking about with the pool business? I hurt my back and decided to sell it.

Wow...that has lazy pussy written all over it.

'I hurt my back and can't work hard anymore...'

Walk it a man, not a lazy puss! WTF is wrong with you? Don't lie now and act like you make real money. A little pain and you throw in the towel...and then bitch about the real working men?

Go root for the cops to shoot somebody ya sick fuck...
Wow...that has lazy pussy written all over it.

'I hurt my back and can't work hard anymore...'

Walk it a man, not a lazy puss! WTF is wrong with you? Don't lie now and act like you make real money. A little pain and you throw in the towel...and then bitch about the real working men?

Go root for the cops to shoot somebody ya sick fuck...

he's gonna report you for that. you big meanie.
I love this ignore link on here... I mean people just POOF, gone... it's awesome.

Just FYI, for those who are curious: Nope, never been a member on here before Friday... haven't spent a lot of time (any?) on forums or chats in years because of things like unclebuck (I say things because people is obviously the wrong word).

I post where I find interesting and sometimes that's on wherever there's more conversation (mostly not politics actually... of the sixty or so threads I've posted into... maybe ten are under the Cafe, maybe 2 in politics and a couple more in toke n Talk... most are under The Grow Room, and mostly sharing my opinions, experience, "advice" pretty much all of which was echoed by more experienced people than I, so, must not be totally crazy)... so yeah someone confused me for someone else they're cyber stalking.

Goodbye... have a short life.