Well-Known Member
I love this ignore link on here... I mean people just POOF, gone... it's awesome.
Just FYI, for those who are curious: Nope, never been a member on here before Friday... haven't spent a lot of time (any?) on forums or chats in years because of things like unclebuck (I say things because people is obviously the wrong word).
I post where I find interesting and sometimes that's on wherever there's more conversation (mostly not politics actually... of the sixty or so threads I've posted into... maybe ten are under the Cafe, maybe 2 in politics and a couple more in toke n Talk... most are under The Grow Room, and mostly sharing my opinions, experience, "advice" pretty much all of which was echoed by more experienced people than I, so, must not be totally crazy)... so yeah someone confused me for someone else they're cyber stalking.
Goodbye... have a short life.
just joined friday and is already butthurt by me to no end after i make one comment to him.
must be a new guy.