Well-Known Member
I think there's an impetus, the economic/job market problems... I think their "solution" is not entirely well thought out.
You have made many solid points about that.
I also agree that "a lot" of people game the system... sorry if I made it seem like only a little... I meant some not all. But then we should improve the screening process...
And still, I don't think that SSI and other benefits, as a rule, over pay... I mean yeah to those ripping it off... but to those who actually need it? it's pretty low... for the most part it's assistance (I think ood stamp's around $150 a month or something right now? That's not exactly actually paying for someone's foods for a month. The other benefits are equally low, hence section 8 housing (a whole nother bag of mess... truly cheap housing). So, granted that there's a loss there we need to plug... but anyone who's not taking our whole budget into account, including all the money we spend on things that have no transparecy... well, there's a lot of places we can talk about fixing.
Ignoring that is just as bad as the people who think raising the wage is gonna make money magically appear (as opposed to lower the value of the dollar/cause a lot of the problems here described., and the reason we have so many arguments and not a lot of solutions.
People are afraid to compromise (rightly so, since usually means both parties are unhappy and not getting anything they want)... but also to meet in the reasonable middle.
If things the grass is really that toxic on the other side (to flip a metaphor, since here each side thinks the others is full of shit) then why not do the decent thing and split? This country is unwieldy anyway. If States had more power to define how things are run, we could all have a state that caters to out personal proclivities, or at least accepts them.
Maybe, rather than keep new immigrants out we should see if any citizens want to go abroad. At least the people coming in want to be here and most are looking or the "American Dream"... for those already here, it seems it's mostly disillusionment. A lot of those countries are charting higher on education anyway... and we need bright minds. The Nazi scientists were good enough, why not the Irish farmer? (sorry, wrong immigrants everyone wants out... Italians? no no they have been welcomed here too now... um French? Japanese? I forget, who are we trying to keep out now? Or are we back to penning natives? I get so lost sometimes...
It isnt about keeping people out, it is about keeping terrorists and criminals out. The USA allows millions of immigrants per year legally and I dont hear many people arguing that should stop. Illegal immigration should stop. There should be no amesty for people who broke the law yet again... THANKS REGAN!!!
The problems are more related to the government and the anti-business climate that has been created. Less government = less waste and corruption = less taxes = less spending = more take home pay for the average person.