Schuylaars Sesh - The New Wedge Issue for 2014 Mid-Terms..

$50k(number of franchises)

the object in the game of franchise is multi

and you say your a business owner?

Not only am I a business owner, I have a degree in business.

Please allow me put multiple holes in your little idealistic and ignorant comment.

A federal minimum wage hike to $15 an hour, is a massive wage hike to all franchises, whether the franchisee owns one or multiple franchises, many of the franchisees own one franchise and have leveraged their homes to do so.
Even if a franchisee owns ten franchises, their bottom line remains the same on each franchise, are you frikin serious? LOL

What the hell was your experience in consulting, fragrances?
Where do you even come up with such ludicrous numbers. Cite your source

I'll make you a deal.

If I site a source that you agree with, after you do the math and find out it is impossible for a franchise owner to sustain a $15 hr minimum wage raise, will you admit it?
Not only am I a business owner, I have a degree in business.

Please allow me put multiple holes in your little idealistic and ignorant comment.

A federal minimum wage hike to $15 an hour, is a massive wage hike to all franchises, whether the franchisee owns one or multiple franchises, many of the franchisees own one franchise and have leveraged their homes to do so.
Even if a franchisee owns ten franchises, their bottom line remains the same on each franchise, are you frikin serious? LOL

What the hell was your experience in consulting, fragrances?

perhaps if the right kept up with raising the minimum whilst in office we wouldn't have to make such an increase..but the right has it's own agenda: themselves
perhaps if the right kept up with raising the minimum whilst in office we wouldn't have to make such an increase..but the right has it's own agenda: themselves

Perhaps if the majority of the left had more experience in running a business and realizing that unskilled labor should be compensated as such, they'd start making decisions using their brains instead of their ideals.
WHat are you getting?
Average profit of 916k

Oh those poor mcdonalds franchise owners barely making it

McDonald's is one of the most sought after franchises around the world
today. McDonald's gets about two
thousand applications for franchise owners a year. This business makes
money because it already has a well known name. The franchise fee is
approximately $45,000 and you also have to pay a royalty of 12.5% and 4% for
advertising. The profits for this
franchise may vary, but the average restaurant brings in a little over a
million dollars a year. After all expenses, you are looking at a profit of about
$500,000 to $600,000.

oh dumbshit cheesy I see your showing your colors again.

First of all this article was from 2004, second that 45k is the yearly franchise fee not start cost. McD's requires you to have a quarter of a million in the bank CASH to even talk to them. There many people who have posted on the net what it cost them and its about a million for your first store and 700-900 thousand for each additional.

The best part is all the data your spitting is far outdated and working off best guesses haha. derp derp
Perhaps if the majority of the left had more experience in running a business and realizing that unskilled labor should be compensated as such, they'd start making decisions using their brains instead of their ideals.

i disagree, enter the FLSA..this is why you are not in charge or get to make the decision.
i disagree, enter the FLSA..this is why you are not in charge or get to make the decision.

Schuylarr, the FLSA is only a government act that is enforced by Department of Labor.
It can only enforce existing laws and regulations.
So, what's the existing federal minimum wage?
bahahaha you know your following an idiot right?

One thing I've noticed in the couple of years I've been on this forum.
The lefties on RIU will stand by and support other lefties, whether their right or totally wrong

I'm not saying the right is completely innocent of this, but it is much more prevalent on the left.
One thing I've noticed in the couple of years I've been on this forum.
The lefties on RIU will stand by and support other lefties, whether their right or totally wrong

I'm not saying the right is completely innocent of this, but it is much more prevalent on the left.

In other words
You cannnot cite a source for your numbers, and desperatly searching on the internet yeilds nothing to back up your ludicrous assertion.
There is no dealThe differec
Either cite your source or you are blowhard

I honestly didn't think you would, I just wanted everyone else to see you back peddle off your ignorant argument.
The difference between you and I Chezzy is very simple. You choose a side and frame your arguments around it.
I argue a policy, then choose a side.
I honestly didn't think you would, I just wanted everyone else to see you back peddle off your ignorant argument.
The difference between you and I Chezzy is very simple. You choose a side and frame your arguments around it.
I argue a policy, then choose a side.
No you are just an idiot

Still wont cite your source
Perhaps if the majority of the left had more experience in running a business and realizing that unskilled labor should be compensated as such, they'd start making decisions using their brains instead of their ideals.

Left/Right/Middle who cares (i know you were provoked) but you seem to be one of the few who have their head wrapped around this even if you are a right from NorCal of all places. Right wingers seem to have a better business sense while also being completely out of touch in most other areas. I can't believe a left winger doesn't see the faults in ruining small and large business alike. The agenda of buy local screw Wal-Mart (which I subscribe to) is getting WAY off track here. It's people like these lefties in this forum which made me no longer claim to be a left... I no longer label myself as anything.

This minimum wage increase would no doubt be like the old saying "rob peter to pay paul" in this case peter being businesses and paul minimum wage workers.