Schuylaars Sesh - The New Wedge Issue for 2014 Mid-Terms..

you know this is so much fun but i must get to my personal trainer in 15 BBL:wink:

EDIT: i may be delayed though.. picking up another rx at publix for $5 which gives me great pleasure to know you are paying for me from your royalty checks:mrgreen:

Not really me, dearie, your future children will be paying for it or did you forget you are mortgaging their future with each pill that you take to ease your conscience.

Sorry Winter Woman but I must correct you, you meant Schuylarr'a grandchildren, right?

Paying $5 for hormone treatment, (extremely expensive by the way) is one of the examples of how radical progressives like Schuylarr are parasites on our economy.

There are many other therapies for women going through post menopause, most homeopathic approaches are near free of cost, I just don't agree that my tax dollars should go towards Schuylarr's menopause treatments.
And thanks to Obamacare, I'm sure we'll be footing the bill for her granddaughters contraception as well.

Sorry Winter Woman but I must correct you, you meant Schuylarr'a grandchildren, right?

Paying $5 for hormone treatment, (extremely expensive by the way) is one of the examples of how radical progressives like Schuylarr are parasites on our economy.

There are many other therapies for women going through post menopause, most homeopathic approaches are near free of cost, I just don't agree that my tax dollars should go towards Schuylarr's menopause treatments.
And thanks to Obamacare, I'm sure we'll be footing the bill for her granddaughters contraception as well.

and i don't feel like paying a social worker to strap you into your helmet, wipe your drool away, and prevent you from wandering into traffic, but your alcoholic parents clearly aren't doing the job they need to in order to care for their little retarded child.
I don't understand our labor mentality in this country. If I wanted to pay a high school kid 5 bucks an hour to sweep my shop I should be allowed to. If I have to pay him 15 bucks an hour I'll just sweep it up myself. That's money some kid could of used and a job not created. Repeat this all over the country. It's called the Law of Supply and Demand, not the theory of for a reason.

Min wage goes to 15 an hour there is a cost of living bump, that's a given. This hurts seniors and the disabled who are on fixed incomes because now their check doesn't go as far and they are now poverty level. We'll need to raise taxes to give these people a raise to get them out of poverty, which causes a cost in living bump. Now everyone who was barely making min wage is affected again. AND paying higher taxes. The Fed will print more money to cover the deficits caused devaluing the dollar even more and causing an even greater wealth disparity. We are on a merry-go-round of damaging yet good intentioned policies.

If you can grasp the simple concept that if min wage were a million a year that poverty would be over a million a year you see the logical fallacy that min wage really is. If you would rather argue on emotion and feel good instead of logic, continue on. If your biggest concern is wealth disparity, look to North Korea for how to fix that. They are the shining example in this world for income equality.

"if you really want to stick it to the rich, do a consumption tax" - resident economic expert ginwilly showcasing his fiscal prowess.
the way i see it is..if your business cannot sustain a modest increase to bring minimum to a living wage..perhaps you shouldn't be in business.
the way i see it is..if your business cannot sustain a modest increase to bring minimum to a living wage..perhaps you shouldn't be in business.

So my choices are either give that high school kid a living wage or shut my business down? What if I want to operate a business to take care of MY family, not yours?
"if you really want to stick it to the rich, do a consumption tax" - resident economic expert ginwilly showcasing his fiscal prowess.

Are you too dense to realize you can make a 50% consumption tax on "luxury" items if we so choose? We could have an exemption on food and clothing to a certain cost. We already live under someone else's idea of social engineering as a tax code, but you can't possibly think of a better way?

Are you really that close-minded/ignorant? Just because you don't pay a payroll tax, you are protecting your own ass by not wanting change.
So my choices are either give that high school kid a living wage or shut my business down? What if I want to operate a business to take care of MY family, not yours?

in that case, you are certainly talking part-timer (high school kid) to assist in your day-to-day activities of your one man s-corp or your sole proprietorship?..which, you should be doing all the work for your own company..if you want cheap labor..hire the family..the you think they'd want to work for less than minimum?:lol:
the way i see it is..if your business cannot sustain a modest increase to bring minimum to a living wage..perhaps you shouldn't be in business.

The way I see it is if someone can't find a better paying job with the skills they have; then they need to better themselves. The problem isn't with market, its with individual sense of pride, self worth, and overall lack of work ethics that put these people in their situation. Life isn't fair, get over it!
in that case, you are certainly talking part-timer (high school kid) to assist in your day-to-day activities of your one man s-corp or your sole proprietorship?..which, you should be doing all the work for your own company..if you want cheap labor..hire the family..the you think they'd want to work for less than minimum?:lol:

Seriously, if some neighbor kid agreed to sweep my garage for 5 bucks an hour why can't he? Would you really rather my wife do it for free than me giving some kid some movie/bowling money?

Or are you sticking with that kid needs to be able support his family sweeping my garage?

Min wage at 15 an hr sounds and feels good but realistically is a misnomer. Shortly after passage those making 15/hr will be below poverty level, that's how market forces work. Anyone on a fixed income will be severely screwed.
The way I see it is if someone can't find a better paying job with the skills they have; then they need to better themselves. The problem isn't with market, its with individual sense of pride, self worth, and overall lack of work ethics that put these people in their situation. Life isn't fair, get over it!

fail socko the puppet..

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3. I am more liberal and more progressive than you are.
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4. I am right and you are wrong.
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5. You are trying to quash rational discussion on a topic I would like to discuss.
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6. You are actively subverting discussion of the most important current topic here.
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10. Are you following me?
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fail socko the puppet..

Are you a sockpuppet? Take this simple test!
1. I disagree with you about an important political topic discussed at RIU.
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2. I disagree with the premise of this test.
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3. I am more liberal and more progressive than you are.
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4. I am right and you are wrong.
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5. You are trying to quash rational discussion on a topic I would like to discuss.
o NO

6. You are actively subverting discussion of the most important current topic here.
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7. You are a paid shill.
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8. You are part of a government plot.
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10. Are you following me?
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So why are you ignoring my points I've made regarding your statement and resort to attacking someone? If you disagree with me, then that is fine. Since everyone has their own reason why they think what they do. But please enlighten me sir as to why my statement is wrong?
So why are you ignoring my points I've made regarding your statement and resort to attacking someone? If you disagree with me, then that is fine. Since everyone has their own reason why they think what they do. But please enlighten me sir as to why my statement is wrong?

i'm a girl.
So are you going to keep dodging my post?


we have what is called the "fair labor and standards act" because business owners cannot be trusted to do the right thing for their the past they have exploited women and children in sweat shop paying only pennies while demanding exhaustive hours.

i believe that addresses your comments.
the way i see it is..if your business cannot sustain a modest increase to bring minimum to a living wage..perhaps you shouldn't be in business.

Modest? A 30% raise is not modest in anyone's mind.

Edit: Sorry my bad in Florida it would be a 51.93% increase.
So my choices are either give that high school kid a living wage or shut my business down? What if I want to operate a business to take care of MY family, not yours?

name one time a business ever went down due to a minimum wage increase.