Samsung F564B Linear Strip Build

i do use 600w drivers..[on flip panel ]
and if i want 300 w per i can take half of the 600w light and use it over another hydrobucket
wire is cheap

" I'd at a minimum use 6 x 4' double row F series strips."<--thanks


ok 51w 2 ft..102 w 4 it..

my guess is they gotta be underpowered to not need cooling..

the 1510-2221-ND is 168 lm/w..
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thanks..that does make sense ... we have the most expensibe hydro in the country by 57%

as well..isn't running strip panel at 50% one way of not having to use a heat sink which precludes the cost of
getting an extra panel strip underpower it and covering more area?

i appreciate the help with the strips....
as well the "go for LM301"...will look into it
compared to our incomes we have silly expensive power here and a power company 400bn into debt with year on year reducing sales.
Did you compare the output between those two 4ft strips...

one is a 17000lumen strip the other 8000 ish if I remember right.
But heck the prices sure went up, they were just north of $50 when I bought mine.
thanks...i need 2 ft
much appreciated

will see what china factory guy says..he has a few with 301b
the price may be a lot better..i need a bunch
he said he can do lm 301b on "my" 6 x 22"..he wouldn't string me would he?,,lol s real sedation..still ages to go ..i hope this photo helps pay for some of work you guys did..including sethmus
these are grown with some of the few years old china made "561c" 4 ft 70 w bars..paired together
of course i
have no idea if they are real

the cola's are more finished now..and have filled in a lot lately..

wesos ab 3.jpg
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i got a china price for supposed 560 301b on"my" 6 x 22" board..maybe 62usd with shipping X2 =126$ but run very low with no sink

301b maybe..but my old 6 x 22s arestill doing good with supposedb561 b's

i priced the digikeys:thanks to people here

real 301 b..not cheap though..25 $usd X 4 =100 for 560..i may need 8 to do 300w with no sink
i priced wellights new 50/50

>seems about the best right now besides its new n cool..and has reds will need 2 per plant @150w but will need cooling
"hi influx"

thanks i found them and have the prices..

now i have to decide if its hi influx"<--- very expensive per watt..but real 301b
cutter..50/50 higher wattage diodes,,can be run at 150w [basically 25-33%power] for more effacy and less cooling

would take a pile of hi influx even run at 50% to get that wattage


my guy in china lol..who has supposed 301b..and like 560 of em on "my" 6 x 22" board design..for like 60$ usd

i have used many of thr 6 x 22" supposed 561 panels for years and they still work

iam looking for 300w to make 1/2 meter light panels using 25"x 18" baking sheets.which are affordable here...for individual plants in their own hydro tub theymake great frames and if i need more cooling i can use some of the box of 50 muffin fans bought a few years ago
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You need about 10 photons for every carbohydrate the plant makes.
As long as you can afford it, take what throws the most photons in the correct band
IMG_20190502_151640s.jpg lol

My next light is 6 x L09 on HLG-320H-C1400B‎.
Driver and strips come in just under $300, and it should be incrementally more efficient than my F series lights.
One of the F's will go back to the mother room, and the H will take its place.
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Hey Hey everyone,
I currently have a flowering room 5x8 with 32x cxb3070 (not good as 3590 i know), but i have it running for 3 years now, consuming 1600w and i get easily from my setup 1-1.2GPW, im running it on DIY aeroponics, 4 containers, 2x4.
Basically i was planning to upgrade my lights to CXB3590, but i found that F series can distribute better the light.

So my plan is to build a new Flower room on side of my current one, will be using RDWC, space would have 5 x 6,6 (1,5mx2m).
What you think would be the perfect lighting? by what I saw on Takeshy thread and after doing my maths i need 48 x SI-B8V521560WW and 4 x Mean Well HLG-320H-48A
what about the "Thermal switches" where you using those?

I'm planning to buy 96 x SI-B8V521560WW and 8 x Mean Well HLG-320H-48A, that way i can build new room and upgrade leds for the new room . each room will run on 12h difference from each other. Will have 6,7m2 (21.65 SQFT).

My current best lights are 5 4 foot double rows on a 480W driver... Good for about 565W at the wall.
It will make your face hurt.
i did some calculations, for 48 strips and it shows me 21A, isn't that to much from a wallet sock? I have 1600w of cobs (32 cobs at 50w each) i think they use only 7-8A... i don't want to burn the house up, or im not understanding something, can someone please help me? thanks