Day 14 flower, buds r swelling really nicely (doubled in size in last 2 days). Got a little "NFTG calcium deficiency" so next watering will be pure HH to bind to the excess nutrients and get em into the plant to clean things up. The clawing is what I am referring to. Classic NFTG cal deficiency.
Shit is rolling now though. Lol @ the hps noobs saying I dont grow, wonder if they get buds to form in 7 days post flipping to flower, which is a HUGE deal. While ALSO using a
completely new organic nutrient line that is extremely different from ANY other nutrient line. Or hell, just using a different nute line PERIOD. Oh what's that? The HPS kiddos can't? because if they could they would be able to use LEDs instead of HPS and manage to adapt to totally new growing techiques. So they can only grow using the HPS bulbs as LEDs apparently have too much of a learning curve for them. So them getting amazing results using a COMPLETELY foreign nute lineup is FAR out of their league. Light = most important factor for yields/quality so if they cant realize why LEDs are superior, there's no fucking way they'd be able to dip their toes into new water.
It's nice too. Last record was buds @ day 9 of flower, and now im at day 7. THat's using :LEDs. Under HPS/MH/Flourecent, I never saw buds earlier than day 12-14. Why are people even using IR to initiate bloom? Just use white LEDs and keep your ladies happy

The quicker it forms buds, the quicker ill be able to harvest and the quicker the plant will be able to mature. If I can shave off 3-7 days of bloom, that's a HUGE deal.
PS: All and every "bloom initiator" product is a bogus scam, and is usually a simple PK booster LOL.
Give me 6 more weeks and you'll see what I can do

Fuck your HPS haha. It's nice having a spectrum I can take pics and work under all day long, plus saving hundreds every year delivering the same # of photons using 330w of LEDs as a 600w+ HPS can deliver.
Stay tuned. This is just getting started.