Samsung F Series LED Strip Build for a 3x3' (links for ALL parts inc.)

DAY 1 of flower ladies and gents



I'm guessing that you expect quite a bit of stretch from this plant?

What size pot and what medium (sorry if you already covered this)?
Yeah, she has been stretching a lot already and has pretty sativa looking structure to me.The plant is in a 7 gallon fabric pot with fox farms ocean forest and nectar for the gods nutrients. Wish I had used a 10-15g pot tho
Day 14 flower, buds r swelling really nicely (doubled in size in last 2 days). Got a little "NFTG calcium deficiency" so next watering will be pure HH to bind to the excess nutrients and get em into the plant to clean things up. The clawing is what I am referring to. Classic NFTG cal deficiency.

Shit is rolling now though. Lol @ the hps noobs saying I dont grow, wonder if they get buds to form in 7 days post flipping to flower, which is a HUGE deal. While ALSO using a completely new organic nutrient line that is extremely different from ANY other nutrient line. Or hell, just using a different nute line PERIOD. Oh what's that? The HPS kiddos can't? because if they could they would be able to use LEDs instead of HPS and manage to adapt to totally new growing techiques. So they can only grow using the HPS bulbs as LEDs apparently have too much of a learning curve for them. So them getting amazing results using a COMPLETELY foreign nute lineup is FAR out of their league. Light = most important factor for yields/quality so if they cant realize why LEDs are superior, there's no fucking way they'd be able to dip their toes into new water.

It's nice too. Last record was buds @ day 9 of flower, and now im at day 7. THat's using :LEDs. Under HPS/MH/Flourecent, I never saw buds earlier than day 12-14. Why are people even using IR to initiate bloom? Just use white LEDs and keep your ladies happy :) The quicker it forms buds, the quicker ill be able to harvest and the quicker the plant will be able to mature. If I can shave off 3-7 days of bloom, that's a HUGE deal.

PS: All and every "bloom initiator" product is a bogus scam, and is usually a simple PK booster LOL.

Give me 6 more weeks and you'll see what I can do ;) PSS: Fuck your HPS haha. It's nice having a spectrum I can take pics and work under all day long, plus saving hundreds every year delivering the same # of photons using 330w of LEDs as a 600w+ HPS can deliver.

Stay tuned. This is just getting started.

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Hey man, nice work...If you don't mind me being so forward, I think you are still missing out on some potential yield and optimal use of your light in a shallower plane.

Thanks for the input. I get what you're saying. My plant is approximately 50% that first pic and 50% the second. I was wanting to drop the scrog net a bit to get the plant more woven in instead of like pic 2 but I didnt as per advice of a few people.

I find if I do ample trimming it doesnt affect yields doing it this way though.

The entire underside is trimmed nude, canopy is plucked well, and every budsite is properly illuminated with enough intensity.

I seriously appreciate any input though. Thank ya!


Yes, bottoms need to be picked clean. But I do stick all leaves under the net as they come out.
Being that branches are forced to stay horizontal, there is a massive number of buds forming when you go up and out rather than fanning.
It isn't black and white though. there is always a certain amount of fanning needed just to get space for all the branches.

I'm still working on my technique, I think for my next scrog I will only grow 3 or four long branches per plant before going under the net.
DAY 22 FLOWER, trying to fix this weird ass clawing, it's def not nitrogen as some leaves on the bottom are yellowing, gonna be bumping up my HH doses a lot more



Did a slurry test yesterday of my soil. PPM was only 107. Def bumping up my nutes a lot. Just fed with 2.5x the doses of hereculean harvest (liquid bone meal) and demeters destiny (liquid calcium) and also more olympus up (liquid lime) to compensate for the lower ph from the additional HH.
Looking good! I'm excited to follow your grow, I just ordered materials to make my own similar grow light and will be using a 3x3 space. Can't wait to get started. Until then I'll drool over pictures of your ladies.
Day 29 of flower. Been doubling my HH and DD doses every feeding. Still seeing clawing from the cal deficiency but im not sure if it will fully go away being it's in flower.


Look really good man, are you happy with how the strips are performing? Going to be doing a similar setup soon so it's good looking at the results of yours. You reckon you'll out perform your blurple setup for g per watt?
Look really good man, are you happy with how the strips are performing? Going to be doing a similar setup soon so it's good looking at the results of yours. You reckon you'll out perform your blurple setup for g per watt?

Loving the strips so far. Every bud is the same size pretty much, i dont expect much if any popcorn/larf bud. Buds are a really good size for this point in flowering and holy shit the frost is next level.

Ill definitely outperform the gram per watt from my bluples. The buds are twice the size under the samsung strips for this time in flower versus under bluples.